15,127 Topics
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please help me with this program...badly needed.... | |
Hi All, For perhaps perverse and masochistic reasons, I have been trying the embed the Javascript V3 maps API call within a joomla article. Please see the unsuccessful attempt by viewing source at [url]http://www.hellokitties.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=2&Itemid=3[/url] There must be some javascript timing/interaction that I do not under stand?? Any help would be … | |
Hello, i have eleven drop down lists, one of them is main, and from the ten other lists only one should be visible. What i am doing is when i choose one option from the main select box, one of the ten other boxes becomes visible depending on which i … | |
hi there i have a problem with scrolling swf banner. for ex: i have 3 banners (banner1.swf, banner2.swf, banner3.swf) and i would like after one finishes let it swicthes to another one sourse. Thanks in advance for attention | |
hi all, i am having problem with javascript validation..My problem is i am having two radio buttons 1.Single 2.Married By default single is checked.Now when we select married i will get displayed spouse name below.Now if the person check married and didnt enter spouse name then i should get an … | |
I'm alowing a user to save their "configuration" from a form to the database> I also want the user to be able to load that configuration back onto the form from the database. Now tbh I've got no idea how to do it. I'd like this to be done without … | |
Hi to all, I get the following problem Opera Browser doesn't fired the Unload Event. I try to found a solution on the Web, but seems that I'm not the only one with this problem, Opera Developers claims that the unload event is not fired when refreshing the page, click … | |
Hi all, While trying to close parent window after loading the child is not working in Firefox but in IE. i am using the following code.. theChild=window.open('two.php','Page2','toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,width=400,height=200'); if(navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') { this.focus(); self.opener = this; self.close(); } else window.open('','_parent',''); theChild.close(); } thanks in advance... rejisha | |
Hi, I am trying to get some xml data using a jquery .post request, but it's not outputting anything. The client-side code looks like this [CODE] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function cstarter() { window.einterval = setInterval("cst()", 5000); window.big = "hi"; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function cst() { … | |
| Hi all. I am trying to workout how to show the default value of a text box when you click off it. I have already got the code for the onclick but I would appreciate some help with the offclick. Thanks in advance. Cameron |
We would like to serve javascript from our database. We assumed it would be like serving html but its not working. What we have is a small news ticker and we would like to use a call to our database via php to serve this ticker, so we put the … | |
Hi All, Really appreciate your help!!! am using jquery and ajax to load the content from server. but my issue is when i get the response back to the parent jsp, the whole child jsp is loading in parentJsp div element. Instead i want to load only desired childJsp div … | |
Hey i am a newbie to web development and i want to learn JS so i can contribute to Firefox and many other Open Source projects. Can any one point me the right direction to start learning JS ? Perhaps a book or an online tutorial ? Thanks | |
Any idea how this is done? [url]http://www.lensway.fi/products?productType=FRAME&glasses=Miehille[/url] I mean by clicking on the right hand side flash box (with 'zoom in' cursor) it gets bigger, moves in the center of the screen and dims the background. Just like any typical image gallery done with jQuery. I've tried jQuery like prettyPhoto … | |
i am new one javascript and html developer i want to play video in html page and also creating its playist using java script and player.swf please can any one help me | |
hello members, i have wriiten a form in my php page and i did call an ajax function on onsubmit, based on my ajax response my form have to be submit...but i am not getting ajax response text some times. But some times i got it correctly..i have used post … | |
this code makes a slideshow(a very long fast slide show, video), it plays audio and can adjust its frame size. i have 4 streams(4 diferent groups of jpegs from 4-50kB @720x480), and can switch between them. audio is nearly automatically in sync and both it and the "video loops". using … | |
I wrote some jquery code for my websites navigation bar that displays a drop down menu by fading it in. It works in chrome, and firefox, but, like usual, not in Internet Explorer. I am using the fadeIn and fadeOut effects and everything seems in order. I even added the … | |
Hi! I am trying to manipulate the value of an input box based on whether a checkbox is checked or not. example checked input = 1600 and enabled unchecked input = 0 and disabled I am having 2 problems: 1) When the page is loaded I get unchecked and input … | |
I am currently developing a website. The website is centered on the users posting info and then it is stored in a database and results of the database are then put in list form. I know it sounds like every other so called "dynamic" site. I have spent lots of … | |
Greetings everyone, I am new to this site and I am just a end user so I do not have the expertise that you all have. I have read the threads in which relate to my error message but this is the senario: When I am on Joyce Meyers website … | |
hi friends i am using radscheduler and i am fixing appointments too but i want to change the color of the appointment depending on the type of appointment i have created how to change the colors by selecting the type of appointment please give me clear code | |
Hi There! I have a Ajax Function copied from W3Shools I have modified them as my Requirement but it won able to send the xmlHTTP request to my PHP page for result here the function [CODE] function showUser(str,txtId,mth,url) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } … | |
Good Day: I'm working with an image changing javascript that allows you to click on an image to open a URL. The problem I'm having is that when I click on the image, it opens the said URL in a new window. I want it to open in the parent … | |
Hello, I am somewhat new to JavaScript, 2 weeks ago I started. I have learnt the basics such as [CODE]alert('example') [/CODE]and[CODE] confirm('example')[/CODE]also,[CODE] prompt('example','')[/CODE] But, in the end, playing around with [CODE] <HEAD> <SCRIPT TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> alert('HELLO') </SCRIPT> </HEAD> [/CODE] Gets boring, along with the others, even asking you to type your … | |
Hi I posted previously regarding the use of scripaculous. I managed to resolve the problem I was having but have found a new one when producing droppables within table cells. I create a table in using dom elements in javascript and append it to the document body in a div … | |
Hi all, How to preview an image when uploading it without page refreshing. I got some scripting but it will not work on all browsers. I had used a script in which getAsDataURL() method is used. Which works in IE6 and Firefox 3. I tested it with IE8 but is … | |
Hi there, I'm making a script that gets a form's elements, and writes them to an XMLHttpRequest. It works perfectly with inputs, but when it switches to text areas, it returns "undefined" :\ Could you help me find the error? :D [CODE=js]function sendForm(target, form) { var item; var string=""; var … | |
Hi there I am new here and wanted to ask question I have this simple code to put elements into an array [CODE]<html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var numb =2; var tempstr="-26.18101|-26.161011|"; var latstr=new Array(tempstr.split("|")); document.write((latstr[0]) + "<br />"); document.write((latstr[1]) + "<br />"); document.write((latstr[2]) + "<br />"); </script> </body> </html> [/CODE] … | |
hi..let's say I have 3 textfields, texfield A must be filled first, then textfield B and textfield C can be filled either one. If textfield B is filled, then for example (textfield A * textfield B), the answer will be shown at textfield C or vice versa. Below is part … |
The End.