15,688 Topics
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![]() | Could somebody please help me to add a function to this script in which the image to test if the server is up has a timeout, so it shows an error message to the user instead of just loading forever. The current function of the code is: Attempt to load … |
Hi pals , I am really stuck in parsing a JSON string and take it's values. I got the json string as {"user":{"id":"1","firstname":"Freelogin","created":"0000-00-00 00:00:00","lastname":"Administrator","email":"fred@websecurify.com", "usergroup_id":"1","status":"1","ip_enable":"N","priv":"0","expire":""},"data":{ "1":{"5":{"last_update":"2010-12-13 16:16:16","status":"0"},"3":{"last_update":"2010-12-13 16:41:48","status":"1"}},"2":{"6":{"last_update":"2010-12-13 16:41:48","status":"1"}}},"server_array":[{"id":"1","name":"anes.yyy.net"},{ "id":"2","name":"neseema.xxx.net"}],"service_array":[{"id":"5","name":"POP3"}, {"id":"6","name":"Cpanel"},{"id":"3","name":"SMTP"}],"sort_by":"servername", "sort_order":"ASC","pagelinks":"","totrows":"2","offset":"0","limitvalue":"10", "rows_monitor":2,"current":"monitor","uri":false} Friends How to Parse this and take the Results for further processing in javascript.... I am waiting … | |
Inside client control I generate a button, with script to run. I want to call object's Print() method when this button is clicked, the result value must be passed to Print() as well. How can I do that? This is my object: [CODE] Type.registerNamespace("CustomControls"); CustomControls.FirstObj = function(element) { CustomControls.FirstObj.initializeBase(this, [element]); … | |
Hi want to add facebook like chat script in my web site. Can anybody help me. Actually I want to know how it work. | |
see the piece of code [CODE] <tr> <td> Start Date of Conference</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="txt_startDays" runat="server" onchange="checkdate(this);" ></asp:TextBox> <a href="javascript:calendar_window=window.open('calendar.aspx?form1=form1.txt_startDays','calendar_window','width=554,height=488');calendar_window.focus()"> <img alt="" src="images/calendar.png" /> </a> </td> </tr>[/CODE] [CODE]<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="calendar.aspx.vb" Inherits="gfln1.calendar_aspx" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <title></title> <script runat="server"> … | |
I would like to have two dropdown list search for my posting in my blog. Example: First dropdown list : Select Cuisine Second dropdown list : Select Location Then Search button. I can't figure out the javescripts. Please help. Thank you so much! | |
I had this in another board but after takin a second look I think this is where it belongs, in any case. ------- How can I preceed the ticker with ND News: using hex color #FF0000 ? Everything I have tried, as far as placing the text goes doesnt work, … | |
I'm trying to display an image in a canvas element. After computing the required width and height of the canvas, I'm calling the drawImage() method on the canvas context. Here is the javascript code: (c is the id of the canvas, ctx is the context) [CODE] $("#c").width(aw); $("#c").height(ah); ctx = … | |
Hi Everyone, I have a very simple js function to toggle div visibility, here's the working version: [CODE] function Toggle(obj) { var state = document.getElementById(obj); if (state.style.display === 'block') { state.style.display = 'none'; } else { state.style.display = 'block'; } } [/CODE] Now, as I have multiple divs, I want … | |
Hi all, I'm relatively new to JS and I have an issue which I can't seem to get my head around... I have a perl script which iterates through an array and populates a table with its values. Within the created table I have a link in each row which … | |
Hello! I have a table with cells, and each cell contains the following code: [CODE] <td align='center' bgcolor='#C45651' width='80' height='60' nowrap='yes' id='$' onClick='callPicture(this);'><p dir='ltr'><img border='0' src='X.jpg' width='80' height='60'></td> [/CODE] The javascript function [CODE]function callPicture(ID){[/CODE] gets the cell's ID and uses it. (This table is being written cell be cell dynamically … | |
Hello, I want to give alert on click of button my codes is [CODE] Protected Sub BTN_SAVE_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTN_SAVE.Click Response.Write("<script>alert('hello')</script>") End Sub [/CODE] But after clicking it is giving alert message. why? Alok Shrivastava | |
In my form there are two anchor tags [B]Add[/B] and [B]Clear[/B] having same class called button. What I am trying is submit the form data to another page(post) using ajax & clear is for clearing the data using javascript.The problem is that as both buttons having the class the same … | |
Hey guys - I'm working on a new website template. It works great, except for a little bug with the Contact panel. It should slide into the screen from the right side into the center, but fails to do so. I believe it is because of the CSS property "display" … | |
Hi, My script works perfectly but when I put in in the wordpress post the below variable is changed from [CODE] var initialData="\{\"0name\":\"Secret\",\"0brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"1name\":\"OldSpice\",\"1brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"2name\":\"Degree\",\"2brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"3name\":\"Dove\",\"3brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"4name\":\"Axe\",\"4brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"5name\":\"Maxim\",\"5brandStatus\": \"checked\",\"6name\":\"Nivea\",\"6brandStatus\": \"checked\",\}" ; [/CODE] [B]to[/B] [CODE] var initialData="{"0name":"Secret","0brandStatus": "checked","1name":"OldSpice","1brandStatus": "checked","2name":"Degree","2brandStatus": "checked","3name":"Dove","3brandStatus": "checked","4name":"Axe","4brandStatus": "checked","5name":"Maxim","5brandStatus": "checked","6name":"Nivea","6brandStatus": "checked",}"; [/CODE] [B]How do I make sure the … | |
Recently I came across this website [URL="http://www.willebois.nl/photo/"]http://www.willebois.nl/photo/[/URL].I would like to know if we can acheive the same effect using something other than javascript.I am a novice programmer an really dont understand the logic behind the website. please help | |
The above code will get the user information from page "getuser.php". The output of getuser.php has some numericals populated in 5 rows. The 6th row i.e., the table footer has the sum of all numericals populated in the above 5 rows. The numericals in the first 5 rows are populated … | |
Hello, I'm looking to learn Javascript. My knowledge of it is currently very limited, so I would like to learn it properly.. from scratch. Could anyone recommend me Javascript resources? ![]() | |
![]() | I was just wondering if it was possible to upload an image using XHR rather than a hidden iframe? If so, do all modern browsers support it? |
Hi I'm tryng to make two boxes on my page always the same hight, no matter how much text is inside one of them. So the boxes will always be the hight of the box with the most text. you can see what I meen here: [url]http://wearecrunch.dk/test-globeaid/[/url] I would wan't … | |
How to align three divs to the right part of the page. We can do this [CODE] div1 { padding-left: (xyz) px; float:left; } div1 { float:left; } div1 { float:left; } [/CODE] but my question is what if these three divs are not of constant width (e.g if they … | |
There are lots of websites , which are using ajax. But, there are some who just made ajax most popular thing nowadays . Here are some examples. Google Twitter Facebook Linkedin Orkut Myspace Google maps Wordpress Knol | |
Hello, thanks for reading my thread. I'm still new to web development so I appreciate your help in advance. Here is the issue I am having: In my project, I have a index.php page with a sidebar menu and a div id called “content”.The user can select different menu items … | |
Hello. What I need is very simple in concept, although I am the worst in the world (not really) at JavaScript. I basically want to make a displayed image change, no special effects, every set amount of seconds. I also want to have a forward and backward image button to … | |
Hello. Im not very good with javascript. My knowledge is very limited. I need your help. See, this code is going to check if a user has inputted an empty field or not. As of now, Im testing it on 'first name' text field. If the user didn't input anything … | |
I need to get the values of all textboxes that I've generated through dropdown list using AJAX. I've been getting only the last value of the textbox, I can' seem to loop it. Anyway, here's my code: [CODE] <? include('connect.php'); $tag = $_REQUEST['tag']; $ProjectName = $_REQUEST['ProjectName']; $Description = $_REQUEST['Description']; $textboxes … | |
Hi there! I recently attempted making a code that would strip certain characters: [CODE]function writeColum () { var x = document.getElementById("wc").value; document.getElementById("passValue").innerHTML=x.replace(/(\<.+>|<\/|<|>)/ig, "[censored]"); }[/CODE] It works fine when showing it in 'live preview', but how can I make the clean value be used in a <form> be used instead of … | |
I am trying to code a form that has multiple textbox without refershing page using ajax, then after each textbox threre will be link called add which POST call the other php called addnew.php. In addnew.php data will we added to database(postgres). But I am geting problem while getting the … ![]() | |
Hi Guys! I'm currently trying to refresh a DIV on my page that is linked to MYSQL (changes if database has 1 or more rows) without refreshing the entire page, I've tried using javascript although it didn't seem to work and so Im back to the drawing board, Im not … | |
Doing a upgrade most likely next year on my website, but need to figure out how much to budget for it. I like the look of the following sites and was wondering: 1) mint.com 2) benzinga.com Can you tell if they are: a) wordpress customization jobs? or another cms tool? … |
The End.