15,688 Topics
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i am new to ajax and not sure why this isnt working. when user click on link in index.php than ajax should run. in ajax it will open a cart_del_item.php file where the main code will run. this way the page wont reload every time user hit the link in … | |
Hello, I have an html5 form, I want to validate it and when clicking on submit, it calls the function register. The way i done it below is not working. Can you please help me? I think i should do it with javascript but i dont know exactly. <!DOCTYPE html> … | |
Hi, I have this login form <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Admin login</title> <link href="../css/submit.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../css/template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <body> <img alt="full screen background image" src="../images/background.jpg" id="full-screen-background-image" /> <a href='../php/index.php'><span class="adminlinks">Home</span></a> <form class="form" action="login.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="login_form" id="login_form" style="margin-bottom:0px;"> <h1 style="margin-bottom: 0px">Admin Login</h1> … | |
<!-- See http:kinghorsemedia.ca/bna/ Click on Trailer Configurator, pick a model and click on Accessories This is html that is loaded when tab_3 is clicked --> <div id="tab_3"> <h3><?php htmlout($model_name); ?> – Accessories</h3> <h4>Select Optional Accessories by clicking the boxes. </h4> <p>Click on underlined text to view image.</p> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="acc_form" … | |
Hi, im am having a smal issue whereby i am using a highchart api based on jquery to display stats. but the stats are stored statically in a table in html and throught which the graph are shown. Nnow i implemented php/mysql to get the data directly from db. So … | |
I need a code snippet that causes the browser to zoom in on webpage content when a link within the webpage is clicked. Is there even a single, standard way to do this with all browsers? I've tried looking around for the code but haven't been able to find it. … | |
hi all , I want to display partner list from database which is done.Now I want to display it's customers list by clicking on each parter using ajax. here is ajax code : <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function getXMLHTTP() { //fuction to return the xml http object var xmlhttp=false; try{ xmlhttp=new … | |
This script is supposed to show an alert if the text is longer than eight characters, what is wrong with it? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <input id="input"><button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button> <script> function myFunction() { var x=document.getElementById("input").value if (x = > 8) { alert("Text must be lower than 8 letters") return false; … | |
Hi Sorry I am not sure if this a correctly formulated question, but I wonder if it is possible to put instances of an object (like myFather here) in a separate function. The code I show is not working, it is an example from w3schools, but it demonstrates the best … | |
Hello Ive created a button dynamically using Javascript and now I want to automatically click on it. The code I create (actually modify) the button is something similar to: $j(idtext, window.parent.document).html('I am a button<input type="hidden" id="imagenv" name="imagenv" value="'+imgstr+'"/>'); Now I want to automatically click on it. Ive tried .live() (I … | |
I just need some quick help on this, hopefully it should be simple. window.open().document.write("Hello world!"); This function opens a new tab with the text "Hello world!" in it, which is what I want. However, in Google Chrome, the address bar displays "about:blank" and Safari displays a blank address bar. In … | |
The code below is responsible to iterate the eachFilter array and then process the values in the array. Code: var eachFilter = ['stk_product In List 1002,1004','stk_status In List W,N']; for(var i = 0; i < eachFilter.length ; i++){ var stk = ['stk_product','stk_status']; var len1=0, len2=0, len3=0; var re1 = new … | |
Hi, I am generating a random number. Then i click start. How can i see random value of q1 in html row after i click on start button? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!--hide function newtext() { var q1=Math.floor(Math.random()*11) document.myform.mytext.value=q1; setTimeout("moretext()",4000); } function moretext() { document.myform.mytext.disabled = true; } … | |
This is a complete js script I wrote while teaching myself js: /* The Extremely Long Compliance Quiz (TELCOQ) copyright (c) 2013 by Miki Kocic. All * rights reserved except that his program is being released under the GNU Public * Licence version 2 or later, with the version later … | |
Hi, Everything is working fine except the start time. Once I click start, i want to see start time is ticking but start time does not change. I want future time static and start time dynamic. Please advise. <html> <?PHP $From = date("H:i:s"); echo "From $From "; $Minutes = 1; … ![]() | |
I was wondering how we can introduce different languages to this site like Processing.js wich is a JavaScript port of Processing. Processing is built off of Java, but provides programmers and non-programmers alike the instant gratification of instant visual results, with shorts amount of simple code. Processing.js uses JavaScript to … ![]() | |
My site is [seoitc.com](http://www.seoitc.com), we are using joomla for this site, but have 1 problem when i try auto redirect to anypage that show error: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (). I tried change redirect to use js but cant use same status(302,303...) same as … ![]() | |
Hi there, I am facing some problems in fetching the tags entered into an input field that uses the the jQuery tagManager. <input type="text" name="tags" placeholder="Tags" class="tagManager"/> normally i just have to echo $_POST['tags'] in the PHP form handling part and it gives me the tags but, with class tagmanager … ![]() | |
The following js script receives the variable "datum" from an external source and evaluates what type of data it is. Please, PLEASE tell me there's a more elegant way to write that particular code: // declare global variable var datumEval // is-datum-a-string function var stringCheck = new function() { if … ![]() | |
Good Evening earth.... I have a question here, can someone guide me with my question Here it goes. I have a html form, which calls the function in javascript and prompts the user whether to delete a specific user.The dialog box prompts but it is not sending the value that … | |
Hi. I'm trying to get my hover-effect to work , but the php seems to destroy the hoverfunction. My javascript works fine if I remove all php-code. What have I done wrong? <?php $host="*********"; // Host name $username="**********"; // Mysql username $password="geronimo"; // Mysql password $db_name="***********"; // Database name $tbl_name="****"; … | |
I don't have much experience with jQuery, so need a small help to build up one navigation menu bar where hover image will float/animate from previous(.current) location. Example: If the hover image remaining under 'HOME' as current page and if i hover/mouseover to 'CONTACT' menu then the 'hover_img' will float(animate) … ![]() | |
My site is www.jeremyspence.net78.net. As you scroll down I want to make the main menu dissapear(the one menu you see now) and another smaller menu (kinda like the apple menu from apple.com) appear on the top that is fixed, I was thinking about making a sticky menu, but I want … | |
As an exercise to help learn JS, I wrote a short bit of code that defines an array of random integers and then randomly logs one of them. Here's the code: var turkey = true var crud = [] for (i=0;i<10;i++) { j = abs(Math.random()* 10); crud.push[j]; } while (turkey) … | |
Hi again everyone.. Happy New Year. Hope yours was as good as mine. Would anyone know if Javascript can be used to create complex search queries. I see that you can bring up a Java Console in web browsers such as Chrome and Firefix and I was thinking that with … | |
i have made three drop downs month year day{1,2,3...} i want only valid day gets displayed in the drop down. i.e if jan is selected 31 is the upper limit if feb is selected 28 or 29 depending upon the year (leap or not) var monthselected,yearselected,mtype=0,visited=0; function reassembleDate(){ if(monthselected==4||monthselected==6||monthselected==9||monthselected==11) {mtype=30;} … | |
Have a look at this snippet: var changeNumber = function(number) { return number + 5; }; var newNumber = 4; changeNumber(newNumber); alert(newNumber); I've been taught that the function should reassign whatever value it returns to the global variable NewNumber, so that newNumber should change from 4 to 9. This doesn't, … | |
hello i want to write the given css code in javascript but it is not working i have the div with id one. below is the css code that is working fine ` <style> #one { width:96px; height:0px; left:204px; top:65px; z-index:2; position:absolute; background-color:#FFF; animation:myfirst 2s; -moz-animation:myfirst 2s; /* Firefox */ … | |
Hi, I have ajax call in my script which calls php file. I need to extract its response in two parts to add it on my page to different components each. For example, say I have these two echo statements in my php: echo "<option> add to list1 </option>"; echo … ![]() | |
I have some functions that I frequently use in a file called customLib.js. When I want to use one of the functions I copy its definition to the script where I want to use it. Could I upload it somewhere, like dropbox, and use a dropbox url as the src … |
The End.