15,127 Topics
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never programmed in JavaScript before, so I ask your assistance to display the expiry date when user chooses start and end date from the calendar. After selecting the end date from the calendar, the expiry date should display added two months to the end date. For example: The user chooses … | |
Hi , In my website , using jquery I animated my banner . I downloaded bumpbox 2.0 from http://www.artviper.net/website-tools/bumpbox-lightbox.php and integrated in website to generate pdf file lightbox . Light box is working but my banner jquery is not working . I mean banner is not animating.Banner animation jquery is … | |
Hi guys i got a problem, I have a page requesting rows from the other page via ajax the data that will be return includes a field for date, then use datepicker, my problem is the return data doest read datepicker from jquery cause it is retrieved via ajax heres … | |
Hey guys, I'm a noob in javascript and want to know what I'm doing wrong. What I'm trying to do basically is hava a select menu determine where my strings are to be stored. Here is what I'm doing: The code: <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="push.php"> <select name="ga" id="ga" onchange="gameApp(this);"> … | |
I need some help getting the included ajax script's xmlhttp.open() to target a php code within the same page --something like $_SERVER[PHP_SELF] here is the script: [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function showResult3(strss) { if (strss.length==0) { document.getElementById("livesearch3").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("livesearch3").style.border="0px"; return; } if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new … | |
hi there, I just have a few questions about HTML5 and one of its features that is geolocation. My group members and I are thinking to develop a social-networking IOS application that lets you check-in only if you're using a mobile phone. The core idea is that if you're at … | |
Hi, Just looking for a quick hand in a question. I am using jquery validator for a form and some dynamic fields I am trying to have some fields required only if 2 conditions have been might, a select box selected and a radio button checked... Here is the code … | |
So I'm having some problems with my code here. and I'm not sure whats wrong. Im following a textbook on how to do it and this is basically the same format that they have for a random number function. Any feedback is appreciated. <html> <head> <title> Grades </title> <script type="text/javscript"> … | |
I want to working with login system jQuery ajax and json. I'm facing no problem with success function. I dn't know how to through custom errors like "incorrect login". Here is my code, Please help me. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#login").click(function(){ if($("#defaultEmail").val() == ""){ $("#defaultEmail").addClass("field-err"); $("#defaultEmail").focus(); }else if($("#defaultPassword").val() == ""){ $("#defaultEmail").removeClass("field-err"); $("#defaultPassword").addClass("field-err"); … | |
Hello Guys how are you all? I have a text box for searching, when i write L all the data that starts from the L should display in a list aplabetically. My data is stored in multidimension array. Now tell me how i can perfrom the above task. i use … | |
hey..can someone help me?? i have a html/php file with a command button and when i clicked it, it will run the exe file of a vb6 application. how can i do this?can i have sample code?? thanks in advance. | |
I want to make a like this example. Cliking at any question it shows the whole, and clicking for the second time it hides. I want this effect. http://mentor.templates.pixelentity.com/faq.html Is there any code snippets for that. I need the code. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS EFFECT? Help! Jahur | |
I want to make a button in my page "click here" when i click the page should fade and show some text.then u can close the text box. thanks please keep it simple i am 14 years old <URL SNIPPED> | |
How to upload file and form data using jQuery? <input type="text" name="Name" id="name" /> <input type="text" name="Email" id="email" /> <input type="file" name="attachment" id="attachment" accept="application/msword/pdf" /> $target = "uploads/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['attachment']['name']) ; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $target); | |
Hi all! I have a problem - surprise. I want to swap the content of my <div> (with the ID "content"), when the user press a bottom. I have tried using these, but with no result: document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "<script src=\"js/demo.js\" language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"; $("<script src=\"js/demo.js\" language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>").appendTo('#content'); I can insert <p> … | |
I'm trying to get random images to display onto four different cells with their corresponding links in place. All that's happenning is one random image is chosen and displayed throughout. Is there a way to pull 4 images from the given list and display them randomly instead? **Thanks a bunch … | |
Use document.forms[0].submit(); (0 refers to the index of the form – if you have more than one form in a page, then the first one has the index 0, second has index 1 and so on). | |
Hai everybody. what is the problem onclick javascript function not working anybody plz help me. function getColor(block) { var s_url=block.href; var pColor=s_url.substr(s_url.indexOf("#")); document.getElementById("colorText").style.backgroundColor=pColor; document.getElementById("colorText").innerHTML=pColor; } <img src="/images/palette.gif" usemap="#color_palette" /> <map name="color_pallete" id="color_pallete" > <area shape="rect" coords="7,7,31,30" href="#003300" onclick="getcolor(this);return false" /> <area shape="rect" coords="35,7,59,30" href="#003366" onclick="getColor(this);" /> <area shape="rect" coords="63,7,87,31" href="#000080" … | |
Hi all, I have a problem with the date in javascript.I have a date which is in string format Like this: 10/5/2012 6:00 PM and what i need to do is at 5:00 PM on date 10/5/2012, i need to add a class to the td. <table width="100%" border="0" id="datetime"> … | |
Hi i'm having problem to display image using easeljs. Can someone help? the code below is not displaying anything. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/easeljs-0.5.0.min.js"></script> <script> var stage; var canvas; var img; function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas); img = new Image(); img.src="images/test.png"; stage.addChild(img); stage.update(); … | |
Hello guys, I have a doubt in setting a third party cookies on browsers, Firefox and chrome allows third party cookies by default IE if we use p3policy it works fine *Likewise is there any way to allow third party on safari even if privacy setting set to block third … | |
Hey I want to do something like this: <script language="javascript"> function calculatesha() { var name = document.getElementById("firstname").value; var last = document.getElementById("lastname").value; var complete = name+last; var hash = <?php echo(sha1(?>complete<?php));?>; } </script> I hope the code is understood even if it is wrong. Thanks. | |
Tablesorter (currently v2.0.5) includes an "update" method. This method keeps a Tablesorter object up to date with dynamic changes made to its table(s). Like other Tablesorter methods "update" is implemented in the form of a custom event. A typical method call would be $table.trigger("update"); , where $table is a jQuery … | |
<script> function get_input(id) { var value_id = id.split('_',2); var index = value_id[1]; var input_id = 'input_'+value_id[1]; var value = document.getElementById(id); var input = document.getElementById(input_id); var num = <?php echo $_SESSION['max_num']; ?>; var i= 0; while( i< num) { if(i==index) { // alert(index); //alert(i); // alert(input_id); $("#"+input_id).css({"display":"block" , "width":"106px" , "height":"20px"}); … | |
The turotials online all say to access elements in javascript with document.getElementById(id). But I found I could negate this step and just type in id.attribute. I wanted to know why I didn't actually have to document.getElementById(id) my HTML attributes. Any ideas? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p id="p1">Hello World!</p> <p id="p2">Hello … | |
Ok I have a program that uses HTML to get some values from a user using a form and then it is passed into a javascript function that does some calculations with these numbers and creates a new variable name. What I need help with is that I want to … | |
Hello all, I have a small problem with javascript and php what am trying to do is re-code the following script so that the items array uses a php script and a loop to gets information from a database but i dont know how to go about it can anyone … | |
Hi, I have made a small program that enables a user to upload an image and gets it sent back to the users email with a watermark on it. The place where the user uploads the image is in an ajax colorbox and in order for it to send the … | |
Hi all , I want to display characterwise display of word in a textbox. I think it is possible in ajax. Like if I enter "A" will show in text box "AMERICA" ,"AFGANISTHAN","AUSTRALIA","AFRICA","AGONY","AMNESTY" etc. again if I enter "M" after "A" will filter only "AMERICA" and "AMNESTY" because only matching … | |
I am using flot graphs for jquery in mvc3 razor web app. I'm loading partial view containing a plot graph to a div. I have a pop up window coming from another event. After popup window closes following error gives. *This only happens in IE* Following is the error: "Microsoft … |
The End.