15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for edDev

First a little background. I have a client (in-house) who insists that our training pages (launched from within iframes on a parent page) be able to load .wmv files with variables for the width and height parameters so we don't have to recode when videos are switched. Flash videos are …

Member Avatar for edDev
Member Avatar for Graphix

I'm having a problem with IE, while it works in FF: the var doesn't save any \n aka enter. I have the following code: [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function addu() { var message = window.prompt("Enter the text that needs to be underlined below"); if (message != "" && message != "null") …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for hajjo

I have, <input type=text> inside a table.. The table is static... how can i in a javscript function, retrieve number of rows.. which will also be number of textboxes..

Member Avatar for Traevel
Member Avatar for Ariel_medel

I have this code to open a new window and pass a div's content into a div in the new window: [code] <script type="text/javascript"> var changeIt, print_div; changeIt = function() { print_div = document.getElementById("sec_content").innerHTML; newwindow=window.open( 'targetpage.html', target="_blank" ); setTimeout('newwindow.document.getElementById("print_content").innerHTML=print_div',100) }; </script> [/code] but for some reason it's not working online …

Member Avatar for Ariel_medel
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

[URL="http://www.webtoolkit.info/ajax-file-upload.html"]http://www.webtoolkit.info/ajax-file-upload.html[/URL] i see the javascript but i see nothing about the actual upload process. is there a place to add it in or what im confused

Member Avatar for j_limboo

New to javascript I was looking for a help I have a web application where it does not accept double quotes, If the user inputs " (double quotes) it should prompt that double quotes are invalid and instead use ' single quotes Any advice would be helpful

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for MDanz

e.g. i have 4 images... i'm trying to do onclick i swap id's(mysql) with the next onclick(image).. basically just swap id's but its activated by javascript onclick. the javascript part is what i'm having trouble with because you can't write mysql statements in a function.. any help

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I have a set of radio buttons each with an onclick event that has a numeric value. When the button is clicked an input box called "Total" is updated with the new value. The problem I'm having is that if a radio button is checked and one clicks …

Member Avatar for aw2xcd
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi I need an onHover effect for a blog. I would like it to look similar in design to daniwebs. (where you roll your mouse over the title and the box appears with the first few lines of text from the topic) Could anyone suggest some code for this ? …

Member Avatar for pmcd9
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hello, I have one question again if i dont disturb you thank you very much you helped me with your help i created one table again and in this table i added some another options for ex at the previous table there were only one problem sum of the dynamically …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Altairzq

Hello... I can't see why this form is not working, when I generate if from a php script through Ajax. I made a test with the same code written directly in an html document and it works ok. Would appreciate any help. This is the code that generates the html …

Member Avatar for Altairzq
Member Avatar for cmills83

Hi not sure if its technically a timeout but I am building a sliding jquery nav, the sliding is fine. theres 4 buttons you can click whatever one and they will slide into place even if they are in the middle of sliding, cool. BUT they each also open a …

Member Avatar for cmills83
Member Avatar for drabsch

I Need a script that will change the name of a file when it is getting downloaded. for example: the file getting downloaded has a name "File.mp4" and when the user downloads it i need it to be "Title.mp4"

Member Avatar for Altairzq

Hello. I'm using AJAX for all the updates to the web site I'm building and it works very well. But now I face the need to: 1) Upload a file (an image or video) to a folder in the server. 2) Insert a row in MySQL with the name of …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for kanjigirl

I'm using a Javascript gallery (runs on Prototype library) that populates a caption field if the user has entered a caption for an image. I need a little bit of code to hide the caption's div entirely if the user hasn't entered a caption for a particular image (var 'caption' …

Member Avatar for nauticalmac
Member Avatar for nazarahmat

hi fellas.. my problem is i dont know how to get and read html file using javascript. my html file is in file://C:/Documents and Settings/USER/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/ksx3y6oy.default/bookmarks.html. i dont know how to access the html file.

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Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi all, I saw a image opening effect that I like so much. And I would like to ask if anyone knows how can I do this. The page I have seen the effect is : w w w .hypersys.gr Thanks a lot

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Member Avatar for cguan_77

hi guys, how to make an image/text to scroll as the user scroll the page also? for example if the user scrolls down image/text also scrolls down and when the user scrolls up image/text also scrolls up.. any ideas on how to get started? thanks in advance.. :)

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Below I have code that contains ajax on a JSP. The JSP runs the Servlet which gets a parameter from the JSP and returns the exact same input field's value. For some reason, it is returning a null though. Can someone please assist? Servlet: [CODE] package Web; import java.io.IOException; …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for r1990

here is the code i am using, [code=html]<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function University() { var mylist=document.getElementById("myList"); document.getElementById("favorite").value=mylist.options[mylist.selectedIndex].text; } </script> </head> <body> <form> Select your University: <select id="myList" onchange="University()"> <option>Brunel</option> <option>Kingston</option> <option>Kent</option> </select> <div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; left:368px; top:175px; width:257px; height:100px; z-index:1">Your University: <input type="text" id="favorite" size="20"></div> </form> </body>[/code] i want the …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for smvec

hi.. im trying to validate a registeration form using javascript.. i successfully validated all the textbox individually by using onblur event... but when i click submit button, without entering text, or without even touching the textbox, the Form gets Submitted.. hw can i stop this... plz tell me a solution...

Member Avatar for smvec
Member Avatar for mvchandoo

Hi, The form consists captcha and it is validating well. After validation the form is not submitting. do any one help me. as it was a urgent task.thank you in advance. [code=html]<form name="contact_us" id="contact_us" method="post" action="feedform_mail.php" onSubmit="check(); return false;" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="recipient" VALUE="formmail@bodyrotic.com.au"> <input type="hidden" name="missing_fields_redirect" value="http://www.bodyrotic.com.au/pages/feedback/feederror.htm"> <input TYPE="hidden" …

Member Avatar for MDanz

i'm trying to do onclick row(result 1) swap with onclick row(result 2) in mysql.. here's what i have so far [code=php]<div class=\"rollover\"><a onclick=\"Swap($number)\"></a></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function Swap(number){ } </script>[/code] the variable $number determines the row.. How do i switch two rows in with javascript? I'm thinking after clicking twice... they …

Member Avatar for vkennedy

Ok, this question probably has been asked quite a number of times, but I am fairly new to this technology and am not sure of what I should search for. So, if someone could either point me to a link where it has already been answered or provide the answer …

Member Avatar for vkennedy
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm starting to learn Ajax after playing around with JSP and Javascript, I felt the need for interaction without reloading the page. I've searched everywhere for a simple java servlet/ajax example that I can play around with but just found a lot of asp and complex java examples. Could …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for chicago1985

I am trying to create a page where it will look the same if the screen is resolution 1024 x 768 or if the screen is resolution 800 x 600. The below finds the resolution but the page looks different depending on the resolution. Please advise how I can make …

Member Avatar for ITGuys!
Member Avatar for loudstil

Hi to all I would like to create a dynamic button which adding new rows to my table and then sending it to PHP, I manage to create the JS function but after the rows have been added its not apearing the HTML code and by that I can't send …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for stbtwitter

I have this code which basically if you uncheck the parent checkbox and if any of the other checkboxes are checked, they will also uncheck. [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> function c_uncheck() { var field1 = document.myform.lista; var field2 = document.myform.listb; var field3 = document.myform.listc; var field4 = document.myform.listd; for (a = 0; …

Member Avatar for Thirusha
Member Avatar for practice

Hi, I want a script that would automatically load the content of my web page for preview when the user hovers on the link; and hence load and display it fully when he/she clicks it. I need something similar to the news component of [url]www.yahoo.com[/url] home page. Can anyone give …

Member Avatar for chandru7
Member Avatar for Originative

Hi, i making an webapp for my uni project that send an POST request using AJAX to the server and server returns an wav file in return... i want to know how do i get the [B]name[/B] of the returned file (using javascript) and also when the file is returned …

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The End.