15,127 Topics
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please help me to convert php multi dimension array to JavaScript multi dimension array[code]Array ( [nonveg] => Array ( [0] => mutton [1] => Chicken ) [veg] => Array ( [2] => sambar [3] => rasam ) ) [/code]this is my array value i pass it to JavaScript function i … | |
Hi, all I am completely new to webprogramming and I am trying to make a table with expand and collapse feature. When clicking on each row from table, the row should expand and display other information below. I already got partially working, but this only works for the only the … | |
Hi , i have one issue in javascript image changing functionality,when the user clicks the next button the image changed to show another one image and same as rewind process also.when the person clicks the previous image can be showed. they are working fine. but my problem is, i have … | |
Does someone have or can they direct me to a javascript which will display an alert message when a date is not entered correctly. MM/DD/YYYY. I do not need an alert message if they clear the field - validate only if there are characters in the field. After is there … | |
I have been searching for days looking for a good way to solve my code problem. I have a PHP page that is dynamically creating a form with textboxes and checkboxes. The textbox has a quantity to order of an item and the checkbox is add item to order. The … | |
I have a javascript function for calculating sum of values in row and colom of a table. It is using get element by id table name. So is table specific. I am calling that function every time a value changes in the table by [CODE]<td><input type="text" value="0" size = "2" … | |
Hi all, here' the code [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ $("ul li ul").hide(); $("li:has(ul)").click(function(){ $this = $(this); if ($this.siblings().find('ul:visible').size()!=0) { $this.siblings().find('ul:visible').slideUp(1000, function(){ $this.find('ul:hidden').slideDown(500); }); } else { $this.find('ul:hidden').slideDown(500); } }); $("li:has(ul:hidden)").mousedown(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#869094"); }).mouseup(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#7793ae"); }); $("li > ul > li").mousedown(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#a5ccef"); }).mouseup(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#d9ebf1"); }); }); [/CODE] The problem is the li:has(ul:hidden) part - … | |
Hi, I have a sidebar application, I am using an IM functionality inside this sidebar. When a user is logging in, the connection with chat server will generate on this sidebar.The sidebar itself acts as a parent window. When a user click on the IM icon inside the sidebar, a … | |
hi I was wondering if any one could help me create this "tool" I want a table, with two colums, one for topics, and the other one for explanations hide the explanations and when user clicks on 'topic 2' show 'explanation 2' when user clicks on 'topic 3' hide explanation … | |
Hello everyone, I'm learning JavaScript programming and I have a test to do. Will it be possible for someone to check what I've already written and let me know if I'm on the right track? In green are the questions asked and in red are my answers. I also put … | |
I'm using jQuery Cycle plugin for a slideshow of images and also potentially swf files. I've written a script to pull images and movies out of the page content (which is part of a CMS - so i never know what image/swf content will be there, the slideshow has to … | |
Here's a script I worked up to convert binary code into ASCII. Didn't work out an ASCII to binary conversion yet. | |
I need a java script code tat changes the mouse pointer to an image of my choice when a button or an image is clicked .. Please help me out regards jai.. | |
I written a code to create a image viewer using javascript. But the script only works in IE but not in firefox. Please help. The code is below...... [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> function changeImage(filename) { mainimage.src = filename; } </script> <center> <img src="images/bg.jpg" name="mainimage" width="419" height="282"> <marquee width="90%" scrollamount="5" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();"> … | |
I am very interested in developing RIAs. So I just wanted to know you opinions of each of them. I have a good foundation of XHTML and CSS, so is AJAX better? -How compatible are they? -How well do they handle images and animations? -How flexible and versatile are they? … | |
Displays the html tags without rendering on a webpage. | |
New to javascript please help me create a link after we click on submit button What is happening is when we click on submit button, it directly does the action on query to google But instead need this to create a link I mean when we hit search the javascript … | |
I have both firebug and venkman debuggers installed. Both seem to function yet neither works. I use firefox3.5.3., windows xp. Any suggestion?? Thanks | |
[code]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php echo $arr = explode(',',$_POST['technology_id']); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { echo $value; echo '<br>'; } ?> <script> function select_tech() { var frm = document.frm; var id = ''; … | |
I have a question I am have been googling all day with no examples I can use and need to come up with something. I want to have a Javascript session timeout which does it's own internal countdown ie: 5 mins left before your session expires etc I then would … | |
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i tried this but the background of the textarea turns white and not to image.. [code] <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function ChgText(number) { var newtext = document.getElementById(number).innerHTML document.getElementById('reply').style.backgroundImage = "url(newtext)"; } </script>[/code] [B] var newtext = document.getElementById(number).innerHTML [/B] this is the hyperlink of the image [B]'reply'[/B] is the value of the … | |
Hi Folks Can I do the following please: In have a form for entering payments of invoices. If they pay the whole ammount that is ok BUT if they only pay a part payment i wanna do the following. On the form i have radion buttons (partpay yes & no) … | |
When I execute my functions the first one works fine and the second is called because I get my alert box but the second function does not execute. Any ideas why? Any input is appreciated. function changeFont() { <!--alert("changeFont function");--> document.getElementById("q4").style.fontStyle ="italic"; } function changeFontBack() { alert("changeFontBack function"); document.getElementById("q4").style.fontStyle="normal"; } … | |
Hello, I thought the programming gurus in this forum could lend me a hand understanding recursion in Javascript. I'm following an online Javascript tutorial ("Eloquent Javascript", I recommend it to anyone) and chapter 3 shows this function: [CODE]function power(base, exponent) { if (exponent == 0) return 1; else return base … | |
hi . im trying to figure out what the best possible way would be for me to zoom into a selected img/div. i have multiple divs with images in them and when a user clicks on one of them i would want the selected image to fill the whole screen. … | |
Hi, I'm trying to create a Youtube video inserter script for my site. Long story short, I need to be able to prototype an HTML element and add a string into the element's innerHTML, like this: [ICODE]myObj.insertVid(5sw2OvIgoO8);[/ICODE] I'm using jQuery to getElementsByClass("sip"). [CODE]Object.prototype.insertVid = function(id) { if (id.length > 0) … | |
Hi, I am currently writing a chatprogram, and it works fine in FF but it doesnt refresh as it should every 1500ms (set with setInterval("retrieve_messages()",1500) in body tag) in IE. The object ajax is made in previous code. I wrote the following code: [code] function retrieve_messages() { // Checks wether … | |
Hi frnds... I am new to AJAX....now i m trying to learn Prototype AJAX... here i have a doubt, plz check this one.... [CODE] new Ajax.Request("submit.php", { method: 'post', [B]postBody: 'name='+ $F('name') 'mobile='+ $F('mobile') 'email='+ $F('email') 'address='+ $F('address'),[/B] onComplete: showResponse });[/CODE] here how can i send more number of variables....(bold … | |
Hi, I want to access a textbox in content page (contentplaceholder1) from a .JS file. From inline javascript i am to do so using [ICODE]document.getElementById('<%=TextBox1.ClientID%>')[/ICODE] But from .JS file this throws an error. Although here following does work.. [ICODE]document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_TextBox1') [/ICODE] Is there anyway to make this dynamic so as to … |
The End.