15,128 Topics
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Hi! I want to create something similar to [url]www.welcometothewall.com[/url], and im looking into the possibility to do this in Ajax. What i neet to have is a large background image that is bigger than the browserwindow, that will move when the mouse moves to the edges of the browser window. … | |
I want to integrate the Google Picasa web album into my website. I am currently trying to do it through an iframe which is failing because I want to cut off certain parts of the frame like the top which also cuts off the scrolling bar. So if anybody knows … | |
Hello, I found a lot of so called ajax (jquery) solutions to protect mailto's, but i found them still quite tricky. They used [mailto]test[at]domain[dot]com and then jquery to convert it to mailto:test@domain.com. But i don't think it's that safe. Now, what i want to do is to call a javascript … | |
Hello, I am currently trying to figure out some event stuff with Javascript. I have the page capturing all [I]onkeypress[/I] events by calling my function [I]keyPress[/I], and passing the event as an argument. The key presses get passed to a text field that I have on the page (even if … | |
I have several fields being updated for a parking structure... The client inputs the number of cars and can immediately see the percentage before updating the database.... The field names always change so I need the JavaScript to be able to pick up the unique field names calculate and place … | |
Hi to all, hope you all will be fine, I use a script to detect IE and Mozilla but the problem is when i run it in the firefox it won't work then i find out the name of navigator and it shows Netscape. How i detect Mozilla here is … | |
Hi I need to set the border width of a link when it is clicked. The link calls a javascript and so I need a way to identify which link has been clicked, hence the outline... i tried [code] this.style.borderWidth = 'thin'; [/code] but to no avail...?! I have already … | |
I did this site before Explorer 8 came out and I tested it on the latest version of all browser at that time and it worked... [url]http://watershot.com/[/url] but now on IE8 the menu are not appearing right, can anyone tell me whats the problem? | |
I have an anchor with a class name. When I click the anchor I want the class to change. When I click it again, I want it to change back. Simple, but I don't know JS. Thanks | |
hi, I am currently using an IFrame (in my jsp) to bring up a third party web content(ex.a payment page from [url]www.hsbc.com)[/url]. i want the external site to handle all the user actions (within the iframe). In this case I am unable to capture the errors or exception that the … | |
Hi everyone, hope someone can help. I'm very much a beginner in Javascript and 'ok' in html but just cannot get a new (picture) window to open in Firefox without the title and address bars (or anything else, just the image). IE shows just the title bar, with or without … | |
The bad guys of the IT business are always looking for the most effective ways to infect the innocent Internet user, and increasingly that means turning to commonly used web browser plug-ins such as Flash or PDF readers. A couple of years ago we were [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1537.html"]reporting critical vulnerabilities[/URL] for all … | |
In another interesting development showing that open source truly has a place in corporate computing, Microsoft announced on Sunday that it will be adding the JQuery JavaScript library to ASP.NET. The move came after many ASP.NET developers requested similar features to those that JQuery provides. According to Scott Guthrie of … | |
If you’re a Ruby or Python developer building AJAX applications, you’ve got to learn JavaScript. Even if you’re converting Ruby code to client-side JavaScript with a tool like [URL= http://www.scribd.com/doc/220397/RJShow-it-works] RJS[/URL], it can still be helpful to know the AJAX component for adding features and debugging. Now Microsoft is promoting … | |
I am not an easily shockable person. Anyone who knows me, anyone who has seen me, will understand this. Indeed, other than the usual trio of sexual or racial abuse and mindless violence it takes a lot to drop my jaw in shame and despair while browsing the web. However, … | |
I would be prepared to bet alot of money (if there was somewhere to bet this) that 60%+ have got there homepage set as one of the Google sites. I also bet that 60%+ of them have got the google toolbar. So why do they? To be honest I can't … | |
It’s that time of the year again, and the Microsoft Tech.Ed Developers Conference 2006 Europe has hit the beautiful city of Barcelona, capital city of Catalonia in Spain. Hot off the press news for today is the keynote speech by Eric Rudder, senior vice president of technical strategy with Microsoft. … | |
How much money does Microsoft need? As much as possible would appear to be the answer, considering that it has announced a $1.50 fee to download the Office 2007 Beta as from August 2nd. Claiming a requirement to cover server costs as a result of the 3 million people that … | |
Good question, but the answer may not be as straightforward as the announcement this week by Microsoft, and the ongoing online media coverage, suggests. The impression given is that Microsoft is supporting the Open Document Format in Office 2007 by sponsoring an open source based translator. This will take documents … | |
Reports of the death of PDF support within Office 2007 and Vista are not only presumptuous but wrong. Despite the high profile publicity given to a spat between Adobe and Microsoft over the ‘Save as PDF’ function seen in the [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/beta/getthebeta.mspx?showIntro=n"]Office 2007 Beta[/URL], there is no doubting that users will … | |
Most people have had experience of, or currently use Microsoft Office, either at work or home, but I would think most people would find it hard to spot the differences between Office 2000, XP, and 2003. Apart from updated aesthetics on the latter, not much has changed through the generations, … | |
1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document --> [ICODE]<HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function ViewImage(ifile,ix,iy,ititle) { var win; var sWidth; … | |
This script will lists all available methods, properties, values, and types, supported inside your browser. This is useful when you are creating script and you want to see a full reference lists of methods supported on the browser that you are working on - then you can simply run the … | |
This is a javascript code to fix any element in any browser. Simply add "fixed" to the classes of the desired element. Examples: [icode] <div class="fixed">FIXED</div> <div class="someClass fixed">FIXED</div> [/icode] Though it's a little rough when scrolling I hope it will do the job. The way it works: - By … | |
A simple tool that provides easy navigation in your site using a Combo box. It lets you jump to different location on the Web and also included with text display, which provides short details about the site. If you have comments, suggestions or request — don't hesitate to post back … | |
[B]INTRODUCTION[/B] The W3C's [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/Window]Window Object 1.0[/URL] specification (Working Draft dated 07 April 2006 at the time of writing) defines in it's [URL=http://www.w3.org/TR/Window/#location-attributes]Location Interface[/URL] section a set of attributes (or fragments) by which a Location object may be addressed. Despite the draft status of this document, many implementations of javascript have … | |
This script simply preload's images inside (x)HTML document. [b]<<<INSTRUCTION>>>[/b] — Simply attached these preloader.js in your document, were you want your images to be preloaded. — You can simply referenced it using [icode]<script type="text/javascript" src="path/preloader.js"></script>[/icode] block. — if you have any suggestions, comments or request, please feel free to post … | |
This script is capable of handling multiple iframes inside your page. Which allow you to specify [b]fixed[/b] [color=red]Width[/color]/[color=red]Height[/color] with your iframes' to ensure layout stability in your page and also it comes with an auto-fit feature. [b]<<<INSTRUCTION>>>[/b] — [color=green]The[/color] iframeFixer.js [color=green]must be included in your[/color] iframe page [color=green]including all pages … | |
Make regex creation easier! Enter regex, test string, select from various function to run, then see the output. | |
This version is more precise and accurate compared to my first posted version of this script. |
The End.