15,117 Topics

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Member Avatar for napsternapster

Morning people, I'm trying to embid php in javascript function and pass the information php read to a separate javascript page using js function [CODE]<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function alerting() { //var getinformation = new Array(40); var information += <?php $sql = $conn->query("select valgroup_id,valgroup_desc from validating_group LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0) …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Cheeki

Hey guys, Im having the weirdest problems with my ajax. Now first off i have horrible coding convention!! I have one Ajax.js file which handles all my ajax requests and one ajax.php file which handles retrieving data from a database. The problem I am having is when ever I call …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for genesistr

[CODE]File.prototype.OpenAudioFile = function(dPath) { var rem = document.createElement("div") rem.name = "divv"; rem.id = "divId"; rem.innerHTML = '<embed src="' + dPath + '" autostart="false" name="' + dPath + '"></embed>'; document.body.appendChild(rem); } [/CODE] I'm using the way above to solve my sound problem but when i attach div object to document sound …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

How to get full path from a file input field , i am getting only the image name using this code please help me [CODE]<body> <script type = "text/Javascript" > function show_filename() { var filename = document.getElementById('eve').value; alert(filename); } </script> <form> <p> <input name="text1" type = "file" id = "eve" …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for kingundkong

hi I am searching for a long time now for an extension where I can have a big image only showed a ceratain part of that image and you are able move (drag) the image (handcursor) to see the rest of that images. hope anyone understands what i am looking …

Member Avatar for kingundkong
Member Avatar for Arabic-SEO

Hello, is it possible to limit the number of visible items in a dropdown list using javascript or any other way? Thanks,

Member Avatar for Arabic-SEO
Member Avatar for Neo7

Hi everybody, What should I do in order to add an [COLOR="red"]onkeyup="foo();"[/COLOR] to an input box but without writing the [COLOR="red"]onkeyup="foo();"[/COLOR] inside the input field declaration? Usually you do: [CODE]<input type="text" name="hello" value="" class="input-tags" onkeyup="foo();"/>[/CODE] But I want to do something like this: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementsByName("hello").item(0).addEventListener('keyup',foo(),true); </script>[/CODE] and leave the …

Member Avatar for Neo7
Member Avatar for laura_ci

Hey guys, I know there is LOTS on the web with regards to learning resources and tutorials on javascript but I was wondering if you nice people could point me in the direction of a few websites that teach you the 'right' way of doing things? I'm a total noob …

Member Avatar for laura_ci
Member Avatar for mstrlouis

The Script below generates a sudoku (9 by 9) table and displays the table on screen. what I am trying to do is to get a string of numbers entered into the text field labeled "enter values" on the page below the table, into each cell box of the sudoku …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for franko75

Hi, I've posted once or twice before on a similar issue and couldn't ever get it resolved, but I have narrowed it down a bit and set up a demo which will hopefully help someone spot what is going on. To recreate the problem, go to [URL="http://maguiresonline.co.uk/development/dropdown_issue/"]http://maguiresonline.co.uk/development/dropdown_issue/[/URL], select Client3 from …

Member Avatar for valonesal

Ive been fighting with this for a few hours now and cant seem to grab an answer. I hope one of you guys can help. I would like to add a delay on the mouseout so when they move away it has a pause before it disappears. Here is the …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for greeny_1984

hi, iam using the following javascript a page opener.location.reload( true ); but every time the page reloads iam a getting alert message. How can i reload a page with out a alert message

Member Avatar for ejazmohammed
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I have dropdown & Gridview on FrmSatelliteMain,In dropdown DataValueField uid is there,Now i want that as the user selects the value in dropdown ,on basis of uid i will fetch the records fromm DB & bind to Gridview using AJAX. Plz frnds dont tell me dat,dat do it using AJAX …

Member Avatar for zerogee2

ok, i wrote a label for statement that on row 1 has "*" and nine spaces. row 2 has 2 "*" and 8 spaces and so on...... till my tenth row has ten "8" now i need to do the opposite; row 1; 9 spaces and 1 * row 2; …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for koyel555

I need quick help, its urgent for my job, pls help me. I need to change the font color, font size & font face of some text assigned in a div. To do so I have a form select option menu at the top, adn below the menu three's 3/4 …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for MarrkoR

Hi, i use jquery and this function: var news = setInterval(function() { $('#news).load(news2.php?id='+ Math.random()); }, 5000); But this function re-enter div. I want to add a div, that old data remains.

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for eligmatic

Using write instead of createElement/createDocFragment? Hello all, I've made a version of a script: [url]http://pastebin.com/m795e1a9a[/url] found here: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=212732[/url] It's great (all credits go to the original author(s)), but I would like the results in a pop-window and I seem to have met a mental-block. I would be grateful for any …

Member Avatar for beanboy

[CODE] <%! String[] selElts=new String[100]; %> <a href="myPage.jsp" onclick="selElts = tree2.getAllChecked()">Get list of checked</a> [/CODE] the values are returned from a javascript function. now, how could the print the array values in the same jsp page?

Member Avatar for ashwani2711

I have an existing JSP website which I would like to painlessly add CMS functionality to. The site is a intranet portal and is backed by a database etc. however some pages like News and Events etc. I would like the user to be able to edit using a simple …

Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I'm no noob 2 ajax and have used it many times before. But for some reason this script doesn't want to work on any browser except Internet Explorer. Can anybody see what I have done wrong in this code as I have searched and searched for hours and …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for beanboy

hi, JAVASCRIT the actual program reads and prints values from a checkbox tree and this piece of code does it. [CODE] dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllChecked=function(){ return this._getAllChecked("","",1); } dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getAllCheckedBranches=function(){ return this._getAllChecked("","",0); } dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._getAllChecked=function(htmlNode,list,mode){ if(!htmlNode)htmlNode=this.htmlNode; if(((mode)&&(htmlNode.checkstate==1))||((!mode)&&(htmlNode.checkstate>0))){if(list)list+=","+htmlNode.id;else list=htmlNode.id;} var j=htmlNode.childsCount; for(var i=0;i<j;i++) { list=this._getAllChecked(htmlNode.childNodes[i],list,mode); }; if(list)return list;else return ""; }; [/CODE] the values are returned …

Member Avatar for cooterbrown

Hi, I posted this on the web development forum and did get headed in the right direction, but it looks like it should be here as another member suggested.... I have a calculating order form, which is at [url]http://www.bcdcoatings.com/orderform.htm[/url] which I partially inherited. The problem is that the second drop …

Member Avatar for vairvixen

I'm really new at JavaScript, but I thought an image map with rollover images would be a relatively basic feat... I have a large map with hotspots over individual states. I want the user to hover over a hotspot and for the main image to change, displaying information for that …

Member Avatar for vairvixen
Member Avatar for Potato.Head

How can I capture the maximize and minimize of a browser? It is possible to capture this events? I'm searching the web and I didn't found any results. I want to be know if the user maximize/minimize the browser ? Is this Possible? Thanks for the help

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for ritu verma

I know how to fetch the records from DB,But i want to ask u just small thing. SQL TABLE [code] roll name marks 1 Ritu 10 2 Sneha 20 3 Ruchi 30 [/code] CODE BEHIND PAGE Default.aspx [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmbRoll.Items.Add("--Select--"); cmbRoll.Items.Add("1"); cmbRoll.Items.Add("2"); cmbRoll.Items.Add("3"); cmbRoll.Attributes.Add("onChange", …

Member Avatar for lkofman

[code=html]<html> <head> <title>Ajax demo</title> </head> <body > <script type= "text/javascript" > var req; function validateUser() { alert("validate catched") if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ req=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { req=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else{ alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!"); } alert("request catched") var idField=document.getElementById("userid"); var url="localhost:1234/a/validate?id=" ; url+=idField.value; req.open("GET",url,true); req.send(null); } </script> <H1>Ajax …

Member Avatar for lkofman
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi I hope this is an easy one... Im a bit of a noob when it comes to mootoools, but have created a menu which hides itself and slides in from the left... I'd like to have it start hidden first though... can anyone tell me what i need to …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for stvrich

I am just wondering if someone can tell me what this message means, even roughly. The following is the error message box that pops up when I try to access/open a yahoo email account. The error (in english) is followed with some script referred to. I am very "curious" what …

Member Avatar for stvrich
Member Avatar for beanboy

[CODE] <html> <body> <input type="text" value=""> <input type="reset" value="reset"/> </body> </html> [/CODE] why is my reset button not resetting the text box?

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I would like to assign the substring of particular text to a javascript variable so that I can use the variable in an if statement. Can anyone help me here? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Airshow

The End.