15,116 Topics

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Member Avatar for amathias

I am trying to access a SQL database and run a query. I am brand new with ASP and simply need the syntax to login and the for SQL queries in ASP. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks! Andrew

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for eltommyo

ok, i am having a problem, i have a player at [url]www.ghostlypets.com[/url] , i found the script at a friends site, copied it, and modified it, when i try to play a song it takes about 3 minutes to buffer, it is [I]not[/I] my computer, also sometimes it doesnt work …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for 100%

Hey everyone, Okay, i've got a pretty okay understanding of HTML and CSS. Parts of HTML I havnt learnt yet are Forms/Tables and Frames, After I have a basic understanding of that I want to move on to javascript, but I want to do it quickly, so if someone can …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for riot

Hi All, Can anyone help with a problem I have? I'm using a Random Image javascript code with images that include links. I link to pages on my site (not opening in a new window), which I've managed OK. But I also want to link to new (or blank) pages …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for runaway

hello,i have a nice-looking dhtml menu written by javascript,the javascript code is in a separate .js file,and when i use it in html page,i just insert <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="stmenu.js"></script>in <head></head>tag and it works fine now i want to use this menu in .aspx page ,is it possible ?and how? …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25

After realising the importance of "validating" my XHTML document, I'm going through the validation process by trying to validate each of my HTML page. Couple of problems that was beyond me includes: [CODE] # Error Line 11 column 8: there is no attribute "name". <a name="top"><img src="about.gif" alt=""/></a> You have …

Member Avatar for j4mes_bond25
Member Avatar for alphabravo

I am trying to write a page that uses Javascript to post a variable to [I]another[/I] page so that it does not appear in the address bar. There are pages out there that almost do what I would like them to do, but are confusing... part of the reason for …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for web developer

[CENTER][B]Hi all, I am want to know if i can create files and work in streams by javascript . if that is available please send to me the idea and the code if available. Thanx.[/B][/CENTER]

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for damiokuneye

Hi guys, i want to create a database application to reside on a cd. My challenge is what application should I use to develop the front end. The client wil prefer if it is auto-run and not requiring installation which I'm not sure is possible. Someone said the options are …

Member Avatar for damiokuneye
Member Avatar for cancer10

ok here it goes: I ahve 2 textbox within a form on my HTML page I want to display the text "SHOUVIK" (without quotes) on the second textbox as soon as I click on the first textbox Is this possible? Kindy help

Member Avatar for cancer10
Member Avatar for jubberly

Greetings, I'm totally inexperienced in website design but a keen learner:mrgreen: What do I need to do in order to allow visitors to my website to submit photo's on a submit form? Thanks!

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for AhmedHan

[CODE]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"> <title>JavaScript</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffffff" vlink="#99FF33" link="#FF99FF"> <script language="javascript"> function ShowValue() { document.TextBox.value = "You clicked the button."; //Error on this line } </script> <input type="text" name="TextBox" width="128"><br> <input type="button" name="Show" value="Show" onClick="ShowValue();"> </body> </html>[/CODE] Text control doesn't show the text. Why doesn't it?

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for rbunge

I would like to use aherf and link to a web site and auto bring up the javascript:alert(document.lastModified) for that site without any user input. Just link to the site and get the last modified date. I have a links section on my website and want users to be able …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for sqlchopper

I tried several things. i get invalid char or no object. can one change fore color or setup a mask. the text box contains numbers and if the number is negitive i need it to show in red, black if not. var oRed = '#ff0000' var oBlack = '#000000' if …

Member Avatar for sqlchopper
Member Avatar for jiruiz78

Hello there, I need my page to randomly select a CSS document. I don't want the user to select it, but instead to do it when the page loads. This is the script I have so far: [INLINECODE]<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var ranNum= Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1); document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' href='hd"+ranNum+".css' type='text/css'>"); </script>[/INLINECODE] This function …

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Member Avatar for Spycat

Ok, as usual, Internet Explorer is playing games with me in rendering code. I need a fresh set of eyes to look things over, cuz apparently I am missing it. Anyway, in the center of the page there should be some black text that says "Heading" a few lines of …

Member Avatar for Spycat
Member Avatar for techkar

hi all, here I'm having a problem, When u type a letter on the textbox it shoud display the remaining or matched name from the database, on or below the text box.It is named as [B](autocomplete)[/B].I searched on popular search engines but coul'd find the solution. If any of you …

Member Avatar for cpweb
Member Avatar for rongladd

Regarding my website at: [url]http://www.artmakers.com[/url] The below javascript, which rotates a .gif image logo, works fine on my website with Internet Explorer, but when Viewed with Firefox it will not move the image. The error message in the Firefox Javascript Console is: Error: circleLayer is not defined Source File: index.html …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for manish Kishore

Hi All, I am generating the Rows Dynamically in the table. Problem is that for the first row calendar pop up window is coming and for the other window it is not coming. I am pasting the code.... plese let me know where is the error. [HTML] <html> <head> <title>RFF …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for manish Kishore

Hi All, I am creating a html file where rows are being Genereated Dyanmically. Now I want to pass the values of Input box to the perl File. I am not able to send the values of row to the server side. Can U please let me know Where I …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for AdamW

I have a Javascript that I want to access from several different web pages. I want to locate the .js file in the web root (httpdocs) folder and access it from different webpages in sub folders. I've tried setting the src attribute to the URL of the web root but …

Member Avatar for AdamW
Member Avatar for sqlchopper

I have created the foloowing javascript and placed it in a file called common.js. it gets called on a onChange event. it works up till it gets to setting the value (i think). Being my first script i'm really at a loss why it errors out. I tried .value() = …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for rixius

How would I make a timed event that javascript would do when the page is loaded? eg.. when blah.html is loaded, javascript submits a form

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Mikecool509

Hello. I have been trying to trouble shoot my brother's computer for some time now. One day, the javascript on his computer disabled or deleted itself. He can't open new web page links, or anything with javascript, his search is disabled because the javascript is not working, and programs like …

Member Avatar for Mikecool509
Member Avatar for Dani

When using a third party ad server, do you use the IFRAME or JavaScript method? Usually the JS method is more robust and offers more features, but it can slow down page rendering times. Currently struggling with this battle right now.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for freespace

Hello all, I've recently started learning html and have started looking at javascript. I have read javascript examples online and these download run with-out trouble. My problem is that when i put this code into a page i wrote and then try to open it with explorer, explorer blocks any …

Member Avatar for Walfort d'Ax

Dear all I have this xml file datechanged.xml: [COLOR=Red]-[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]<[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]changedate[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]<[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]date[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR][B][COLOR=Black]04/02/2006[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Blue]</[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]date[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]</[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed]changedate[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]>[/COLOR] In a Javascript file I have folowing code: [INDENT][COLOR=Black]var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ; xmlDoc.async="false" ; xmlDoc.load("datechanged.xml") ; xmlObj=xmlDoc.documentElement ; sDate = xmlObj.childNodes(0).firstChild.text; var chDate=new Date(sDate) ;[/COLOR][/INDENT] I alwas get this error: [INDENT][B][B]xmlObj is null or is not …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for Walfort d'Ax

Dear All, In my "Javascripts\english" folder I have language related javascript files. In one of these files there is a function I want it to get the return value of a function getChangedDate() from a general Javascript file called changes.js in my "Javascripts" folder. I also want to use the …

Member Avatar for Walfort d'Ax
Member Avatar for Socram

Please help me on how i can enable or disable the buttons of the internet explorer window, or with any browser using javascript. Thanks.

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for nataliemac

I have a script that I want to write, but I'm not sure how to start, so I'm hoping for someone to point me in the right direction. I'm dealing with a very large form full of very large <select> boxes. (Some select boxes have as many as 30,000 options.) …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar

The End.