15,128 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kurupt4

Hello Everyone, I have a form (it is for a web based poll) it collects 4 pieces of information: 1) the poll question 2) the amoutn of choices 3) the start date of poll 4) the end date for poll Now when this form is submitted(same script $php_self) it takes …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for sabyasachib

<html> <head> <title>Registration Page</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function a() { document.f1.s2.remove(0); } function add(x) { var boxLength; var selectedItem; var selectedText; var selectedValue; var i; var thisitem; var isNew = true; if ( x == 0) { boxLength = document.f1.s2.length; selectedItem = document.f1.s1.selectedIndex; selectedText = document.f1.s1.options[selectedItem].text; selectedValue = document.f1.s1.options[selectedItem].value; } if …

Member Avatar for Troy
Member Avatar for bufhal

Hello; I hope an experienced person can help me. Our site: [URL=http://www.attotech.com]attotech.com[/URL] has a top menu that currently works in Internet Explorer but does not in Firefox. I have used HTML Tidy for my index page and now it looks ok in Firefox but not IE. I have reverted back …

Member Avatar for chan karan

Can anyone help me to solve the problem, i want to pass the parameters between the javascript and asp. [html]<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function startWord(par_1) { var oShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application"); var commandtoRun="C:\\Karan\\Automation.exe"; oShell.ShellExecute(commandtoRun, commandParms, "", "open", "1"); } //--> </script> </head> <body> <form> <input type="text" name="par_1" value="123"> <input type="button" …

Member Avatar for chan karan
Member Avatar for martinkorner

Would it be possible to display only a message e.g. "Page Loading..." until the page has fully loaded, then display the fully loaded page? I don't know if this can be done with Javascript, css or html. Would it also be possible to show what percent of the page has …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Aperson

Im after a way to code the following login script in javascript. The login menu is a dropdown offering "log in for"~ select "x"minutes, hours, forever etc. not sure if its possible in javascript?

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for javafan

Hi Please see [url]http://www.proxyslash.com/BuyPixelScript.com.htm[/url] For some reason when I go to the bottom, hovering is not working Source can be viewed using "View source" Please tell me what to do Also, I wanted to ask how to debug in such cases as when I wrote document.write("something here"), the moment it …

Member Avatar for xempth
Member Avatar for martinkorner

How do I make a button that will bring up the download box for something on my website, without the user having to right-click and select "Save Target as..." :?: Thanks :lol: Martin :lol:

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for jo22

Hi, i am writing a questionnaire in javascript to which I want to create questions that are dependent upon each other, and so are only displayed according to how a user answers a particular question. question 1 reads like this... <div class="start" id="main"> <form name="eBayform"> <h3>1) Do you have a …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for Aperson

can somebody please help me with some javascript please. I want an active users online code that will display the active users inside a marquee so it scrolls the names. any help with drafting such a code would be greatly appreciated. thanks :)

Member Avatar for aparnesh

Does anyone know any good javascript forum (something like this forum) where I can search for answers to my problems and post any problems that I face ?

Member Avatar for aparnesh
Member Avatar for Swapna Nair

Hi, This is my first question to the forum. I am developing a table which gives/lists all the configured items of a network element. Some of the column data are too large i.e, more than 60 characters. I am exploring on making all the columns in the table resizable( i.e. …

Member Avatar for Swapna Nair
Member Avatar for montysden

Hi My name is Phil and I live in Lincolnshire.UK. I've been designing websites mainly as a hobby for 2-3 years mainly using Frontpage 2003. I'm very interested in getting to grips with Javascript and have just bought a few second hand books to study and put into practice. The …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ArtChess

Hello Ladies and Gents, I hope everyone is doing well as they receive this message. If anyone knows some basic html language and can assist, it would be much appreciated. I will take them out to dinner at their choice of restaurant. Basically there is a file that we house …

Member Avatar for DaveSW
Member Avatar for JanetBruten

Hi, I'm having problems with IE6 compatibility for a website I am building. I have a simple script that opens a new window. It works fine in Firefox, and with Netscape if the appropriate tab settings are made. But not with IE6. I assume it is something to do with …

Member Avatar for Naters_uk

Sessions DO NOT end when a user closes their browser. There is no communication with the server when a browser is closed so there is no way the server can know to end the session. The same is true when you leave the site for another. Again no communication takes …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for MrScruff

Hello! I'm trying to place a google search bar on the right hand side of my header. So my logo is on the left and search is on the right. So I've got a table with two columns, logo in one and search in the other. But for some reason …

Member Avatar for MrScruff
Member Avatar for sevan

Hi...new here. Found this site while searching for an answer. While a novice mainly, I am as good as it gets for my workplace, a not-for-profit in central Indiana. Anyway, a few eeks ago I stumbled across a code snippet that could be inserted in email that, when opened, the …

Member Avatar for s1phrx
Member Avatar for GR Web FX

Hey people I currently have some rollover buttons.....very simple....text turns from grey to red when the mouse moves over the button. I did this through dreamweavers rollover option. But i what i want to achieve in addition to this is, when the mouse rolls over the button and turns the …

Member Avatar for greghuston
Member Avatar for stupidfly

I want to be able to open a new window with simple html, like this: [INLINECODE]<a href="file.htm" target="_blank">click here</a>[/INLINECODE] I want to then put javascript in the header of that new file that takes off attributes such as toolbars or scrollbars. This has to be possible. Thanks.

Member Avatar for stupidfly
Member Avatar for Samir

I'm using the following function to modify tags used for mouseover text:[code]function delHoverX() { re = /(\bdsc00001\b)/i; imgTags = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i=0; i<imgTags.length; i++) { if (re.test(imgTags[i].title)) { origTitle = imgTags[i].title; origAlt = imgTags[i].alt; imgTags[i].title.replace(re, "$1"); imgTags[i].alt.replace(re, "$1"); if (origTitle == imgTags[i].title && origAlt == imgTags[i].alt) { imgTags[i].title = "same"; …

Member Avatar for f1 fan
Member Avatar for jeepj27

Hi All - I am currently using a Javascript for a pop up window that enlarges a thumbnail picture. I wish the POP UP window image to be LINKABLE - that is on mouseover of IT, goto a new window URL - Any help would be extremely appreciated!!! My Current …

Member Avatar for f1 fan
Member Avatar for ramamoorthy

I've created checkbox and added events to it through js file which is included in the jsp. It works fine in IE but not in Mozilla Firefox 1.5. This is the code fragments. displayCheckbox.name = "Add_" +productid; displayCheckbox.id ="Add_"+productid; displayCheckbox.onclick = EventProducer.registerEventHandler(this, 'toggleSelected', [displayCheckbox, displayLI]); displaySpan.onclick = EventProducer.registerEventHandler(this, 'clickCheckbox', [displayCheckbox]); …

Member Avatar for Drew
Member Avatar for SynReaper

I have been searching for what seems to be forever now for an all-inclusive resource site that can provide information on embedded video controls using javascript. I have seen many sites that use javascript to control such video functions as play, stop, subtitling, and first-frame image. Can anyone possibly direct …

Member Avatar for plazmo
Member Avatar for martinkorner

I want to put a form on my website which will work on any browser and preferably doesn't make the user have to see the e-mail and have to click send. If this isn't possible I would just like a form for my website which will work in internet explorer …

Member Avatar for martinkorner
Member Avatar for abhinaynagpal

<html> <head> <title>frame and button</title> <script language="Javascript"> function sho(form) { document.writeln("click click boom!"); alert("clicked!); form.tex1.value="abc"; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="cosine"> <input name="tex1" type="text" value=" "><br><br> <input name="button1" type="button" value="click" onClick="sho(this.form)"> <input name="reset1" type="reset" value="clear"> </form> </body> </html>

Member Avatar for plazmo
Member Avatar for plazmo

below is my external javascript code and testing page. for this im just using settimeout to loop increment and write out a value. on the first loop everything works corrrectly. on the second loop everything gets erased and only displays the text i wrote. i can run other scripts fine …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for aish

In my asp.net c# web app. I have 10 text feilds. I want to avoid duplicate same value in this text feilds. how I can do this using javascripts. :cry:

Member Avatar for aish
Member Avatar for Phaelax

I have the following code which changes the background image of table cells when mouse over. It only seems to work in IE. I don't think it worked in Safari either. [CODE] function menuRollOver(tID) { tID.background="images/menu_highlight.gif"; } function menuRollOut(tID) { tID.background="images/menu_normal.gif"; } [/CODE] Some html for my table cell: [code] …

Member Avatar for f1 fan
Member Avatar for H2ofield

Hello, I'm attempting to create a page on my company website that lists products in my inventory. I've created a[URL=http://www.thepiezoexchange.com/mercury_inventory.htm]simple page[/URL], but need to create the scripting to make it do the following: 1. When the customer enters a quantity in the form field next to the part number(s), the …

Member Avatar for tgreer

The End.