15,113 Topics

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Member Avatar for Annuscha

Hi, I have a textarea counter which has a limit of 160 characters. What I want to do is when the checkbox is ticked the character limit would charge to 140 characters. I have the following code: Html: <input type="checkbox" name="change" value="1" /> <textarea name="sms_text" id="sms_text" rows="8" cols="60" onKeyDown="limitText(this.form.sms_text,this.form.countdown,160);" onKeyUp="limitText(this.form.sms_text,this.form.countdown,160);"></textarea> …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for caltech

I have this: http://jsfiddle.net/calyne/DwV4z/3/ I want to make it like this: https://github.com/jakiestfu/Youtube-TV which is great, beautiful, just that it doesn't work for all channels, mysteriously. The one I'm trying to implement it for in particular happens to be among those unfortunate channels. So I've turned to the former script, except …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for xmangkan0rx

Good Day! :) I created a chained select using php and jQuery like on this page (http://www.yourinspirationweb.com/en/how-to-create-chained-select-with-php-and-jquery/) and I created a javascript to add and delete select tags I get it somewhere on the internet but what happening is when I choose a category on the first row everything on …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for anandatheerthan

Experts, Please forgive me if this is a dumb question. 1)I am developing an application that needs data to be displayed in a grid format. 2)I need the ability to edit multiple records inline 3) I need the ability to use custom validations on rows being edited. 4)I am not …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for shanaka895

I recently found some softwares for auto blogging like [wp real bot](http://www.wprealbot.com) Is it possible to write blog posts automatically?

Member Avatar for Nmalik1
Member Avatar for GeekPlease

Good day folks, I saw this site http://www.adhamdannaway.com/ and wondering how did he do the hovering thing in the home page. The one with his picture. Can someone help me to figure this out. Thanks.

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for asif49

Hi I've tried html5 to access the laptop camera like demoed in this article http://davidwalsh.name/browser-camera The problem is, it asks everytime I visit a website which uses a camera to either approve or deny access to my camera. The app I'd like to develop would not work like this, and …

Member Avatar for asif49
Member Avatar for innocentgee

Hi Guys, Newbie here... Am looking forward to populate a list from a dropdown list into a multiselect list. Any idea now how am gonna get it done? Thanks...

Member Avatar for innocentgee
Member Avatar for prnjn

I am making a ticket booking system. I have a databse with a clumn "booking status" I am thinking to use a map of seats ( with pictures controllers as seats) What i want is when the value in booking status is "booked" then the pictures shown as seats should …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for corestaples

Hello, How would I be able to do an onClick to take a value from a link and put that into a form field in another form located in a different browser window with a different url? For example: window 1 /browser A <a href="#" onClick="takeThisValue();">thisIsTheValueIwantToUse</a> window 2 /browser B …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

Hi before adding `<!DOCTYPE html >` to my html, my javascript code is working fine. But by adding this to my html, the below part of the code is not working div.style.left=x; div.style.top=y; i am not able to set left and top values to an element. What could be the …

Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural
Member Avatar for SUNDARESAN.R

Hi, I am new to daniweb. I have some clarifications, please give your suggestions. I need a floating image in my website. When the user scrolls down the image should come down. If the user scrolls up, the image should go up. Pls let me know how to do this …

Member Avatar for SUNDARESAN.R
Member Avatar for ehpratah

Good Day everyone I have 3 forms index.html , parent.html and popup.html just wondering how can i close parent.html and redirect it to index.html when the popup.html submit button is click? i already tried searching on google but i cant get any clear solution on how to achieved it. i …

Member Avatar for ehpratah
Member Avatar for rcdeck

Good afternoon, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to force a page that always wants to open in a new window to open in an iframe? I have several links on the same page with an iframe to the side, and i would like it for the …

Member Avatar for kishancg
Member Avatar for sanket044

Hello everyone, I want to get list of opened pages in browser of same domain so when user loggs out i can automatically log out him from everypage. Can anyone tell me how can i do that ?? Regards, Sanket Mehta.

Member Avatar for ZER09
Member Avatar for patk570

Hello everyone, I am looking for a jquery code that will filter my table based on 4 different critera that I have set from the database. The 4 critera is: 1. Complete 2. Pending 3. Waiting for customer response 4. Waiting for parts The table is sortable using tablesorter jquery …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for patk570

Hello, I have one input field that is collecting some information like this: <label>Tax Rate</label><br><input type="text" class="input" name="taxrate" id="taxrate" onblur=" return getTaxrate()" value="<? echo $row['taxrate'] ?>"> what I am wanting to do is onblur convert from say 7.63 to .0763 for the tax rate. I am only using one input …

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Member Avatar for Mallika_P

Jquery resizable handles does not working correctly after rotating the div, i changed the handles after the rotation of div into correct position., but when resizing the div it resize opposite direction, for eg we move handle se means the position nw want be fixed but it moves away. Please …

Member Avatar for Mallika_P
Member Avatar for designershiv

Hi All, Some of my webpages in ie showing scripts erros at the bottom left. How to deal with that Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for designershiv
Member Avatar for designershiv

Here my var = var path = 'http://www.google.com/test/'; how to remvoe the last forward slash or test/ Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for tibormarias

Hello Everybody, I have a problem with including a .php file into a javascript code. This is a calendar, and I want the calendar to use my database data. So here is my code of the javascript: <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { var date = new Date(); var d = date.getDate(); …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Ribamar23

hi i have a site runnig php pro bid solution. when a user uploads a img with more that 2000 or 2500 pixels more or less, it retrieves a error box saying just "undefined". how can i solve this?? cheers

Member Avatar for sanzhar.ismailov.7
Member Avatar for ZER09

with a little research a come up with my script in creating a canvas that would look like this. ![54d736fd19df9f8ac8a05733938b3e59](/attachments/small/2/54d736fd19df9f8ac8a05733938b3e59.png "align-right") it has a multiple link one link per circle. function binTree(aData, source, baseLink){ var canvas = document.getElementById(source), c = canvas.getContext("2d"); c.translate(0.5,0.5); c.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; c.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); c.strokeStyle …

Member Avatar for ZER09
Member Avatar for Indians

i want if user select one value in combo box that value should store in db and then display what they are selected. for example if user select CONFIRM option that value stored in db after that it display CONFIRM instead of that combo box form and button. Here i …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for grafic.web

Hi there, my simple page in asp.net with ajax does not work... and i don't understand why... I have a button where i applied an ConfirmButtonExtender I have a textbox where i applied an calendarextender but if i run the page this simple ajax does not work... I guess i …

Member Avatar for BMXDad
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

By the following code i got image as the responce. if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { ver image=http.responseText; } actually when i gave a call to server using ajax the server responded with an image. so now i have stored the image in a variable "image". I …

Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural
Member Avatar for mutago

This chat sound notification script works on Internet Explorer, Safari and google chrome. But does not work on mozila firefox. can someone help me to fix that or an alternative that can work in all browsers <html><head></head> <script type="text/javascript"> var soundObject = null; function PlaySound() { if (soundObject != null) …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for karen.frias0316

Hi! my first time here. i'm new to programming. I have a code which checks if a .txt and .jpg file exist in the same folder.(*this part is working well*) after checking it needs to display the value of .txt file and the .jpg file inside a modal popup. (*in …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for sania khan
Member Avatar for giovannitao_1

I'm working to script that show smartphone spec list. Now I need to filter result using a sidebar with different checkbox: ex. Brand, Camera, OS, ecc. Users using this checkboxes can show best smartphone that have this spec. I have an xml like this: <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <item> <marca>Samsung</marca> <modello>Galaxy …

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The End.