2,530 Topics

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I wrote a slider that fades... but how do i get it to display randomly... but still fades :) Thanks Will post my code if needed!!!

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

I have a simple html/css page (attached) that uses a jquery function to enlarge images on hover. However, no matter how I try and manipulate the z-index of each html element, the enlarged image is always behind all other html elements. I have trid to change the css class .image …

Member Avatar for KaletonMedia
Member Avatar for klemme

I dont have the best knowledge to js ot Jquery, so here goes: I have some links, that returns false when clicked on. But still i want to add a class to the element being clicked, because it is kind of a tab thingie in a div, so for usability.. …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for programmer12

Hi, I am trying to create a jquery fadeIn from an external file. I am using AJAX and PHP (see below) 1st snippet is the notify.php file. 2nd snippet is the external file called random.php My question is: Where and How should I add in the Jquery to perform this …

Member Avatar for hallianonline

Hello, I want to set the default backgournd color to transparent but getting white color when i set it to transparent please check the line 26 ( **defaultBgColor: '#e5e5e5**') and 143 ( **backgroundColor: settings.defaultBgColor** ) of my code and please fix it for me please thanksss (function($) { var methods …

Member Avatar for hallianonline
Member Avatar for ajay.motah

hi, i am new to jquery though im learning,together with ajax. I have the following script that displays a modal login form after cliking on login_link. But for my web page, i used the .load to load content in the main content div, so whenever this code is placed the …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for kevindougans

Can anyone help me with jquery ui selectable please? My html is: [CODE] <input style="" id="input_4" name="input_4" value="" /> <ol id="selectable"> <li class="ui-widget-content">Reservations </li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Information and Enquiries</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Mambo Tours &amp; Events</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Press, Marketing &amp; PR</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Business Development &amp; Franchise</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Mambo TV &amp; Livestreaming</li> <li class="ui-widget-content">Mambo …

Member Avatar for abtraju
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi all, I am animating the bg color of some links. But I have changed the bg color of each link, so they have unique bg colors. When I use the jq function i normally use, It doesnt work properly because I can only animate back to one specific color, …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for kaosjon

Hi, i have this part of my code that is put through a while loop, in other words it basically displays a lot of different products for an online shop, what i want is that when the add button on one of the products is clicked, it takes the quantity …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for pawan768

I use 4 radio button with the same name , and with same className, When Ever I try to get the value by using JavaScript it gave an value "Undefind" ,How to over come this???? alert(document.getElementsByName(m1).value); this is used by me to get the value of m1 name radio button …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I want to get started on learning jQuery Framework.I got the basics of the JavaScript at this stage. But now, I don't know where to start with jQuery. Other than the jQuery.com website. Would you suggest easy-to-follow introductions to jQuery? Is there a big difference between jQuery and …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for extjac

Hello, what would be the best way to prvent people to run a php script/file that is on ajax.post(URL) $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'http://www.mydomain.com/ajax/somefile.php?action=insert', data: data, success: success, dataType: dataType }); if you see code above...let's say that an advanced user or hacker go to: http://www.mydomain.com/ajax/somefile.php?action=insert i would like to …

Member Avatar for extjac
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

I am trying to check for the background of an element, here is my code. But it doesn't work: I tried two ways, here is the first: function changeColor(field) { if(field.css('background-color','#ffb100')) { field.css('background-color','white'); } else { field.css('background-color','ffb100'); } } here is the second: function changeColor(field) { if(field.css('background-color') === '#ffb100') { …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for wasim kazi

Hello, I have one CMS with fixed layout. In that I have make few changes depends on my current URL. If I am on my home page so This class given below is **div.layout-column.column-main.with-column-1.with-column-2 = width:790;** And If I am of some other page so this same class look like …

Member Avatar for wasim kazi
Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi, Can't find what I am looking for anywhere and it's driving me crazy. I have a page on which I have 10 spots for images. Each spot needs to fade in/out about 5 images each, in a continuous loop. I can fade in/out on multiple images in a loop …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

How can I execute a function that will run while the client is waiting for the server response? Here is my code. I looked up and found a .load() function, but how does that fit into this? Any help would be great! Thanks $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "mail.php", data: {name: …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for vishalonne

My code is working in IE 8 but not working properly in FireFox and Google Chrome. Actually by JQuery I am loading html page in div in same page this working properly in IE but in FF and in GC page opens but not in div it open like target_self …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for karthikprs

Hi friends, I'm trying to do a online test software in which i would like to provide the user an option to calculate the answer in case of math questions. please give me ur valuable ideas. My reqt: On click of calculate(a button) the windows calculator should be invoked.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for arctushar

<script type="text/javascript"> $("div #search_ayat_div").click(function(){ var link1='?verse='; var link2=$(this).html(); link=link1.concat(link2); link=link.replace(":","/"); window.location.replace(link); }); $("div #bookmark").click(function(){ var messageid = $(this).parent().children("#search_ayat_div").html(); var div_id=$(this).attr('id'); $.post("command.php",{ command:'bookmark', verse:messageid },function(result){ if(result=='yes'){ $(this).css({ "border":"medium solid #FF0000" }); alert("Successfully Bookmarked"); } if(result=='no'){ alert("Already Bookmarked"); } }); }); </script> Here at line 17 $(this) is not working. Remember there …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jellej

I have a jQuery tabs slider that auto rotates and depending on the slide it will adjust the background of the `<div>` element it is in. Auto rotate goes fine, the correct background is loaded, but when I manually click the tabs, it doesn't take the correct values. It's almost …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for zoreli

Hi After learning jquery for about a month, I make an attempt to make username & password authentication form. Howver, i get stuck 2 days now, and i will soon start bumping my head against the wall. What I am trying to do is if user enter the wrong username …

Member Avatar for zoreli
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

How can i make a jquery timer that each 3 seconds triggers a php action?

Member Avatar for Sanchixx
Member Avatar for VenusCrystal

Hi, Other than ajax(), load(), get() and post(), is there way to load part of page content dynamically from another file using jquery? thanks, VC

Member Avatar for VenusCrystal
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I Love daniweb for web solution. I want to make a website using jquery. I want to use jquer POST method for my site. My sample code is $.post("search.php",{word:"good"},function(result){ $("#content").html(result); Here the word 'good' will be search in a database using search.php by POST method. I already did that …

Member Avatar for hr.Ziggurat
Member Avatar for thak123

I tried $('#page18').bind("load",function() { alert("total Type") ; }); and also i tried doing this $('#page18').ready( function() { alert("total Type") I want to call a function on Load of a Html5 Jquery Mobile page. I have various Div with <data-role="page"> Each of them has Id.Now with navigation when I reach on …

Member Avatar for Sogo7
Member Avatar for klemme

I have a loop in php which echo out these divs: <div class="nyhed"> <p class="nyheds_dato_p" style="color:#900;">'.$pub_date[1].'/'.$pub_date[2].'/'.$pub_date[0].'</p> <p class="nyhed_p">'.substr($teaser, 0, 55).'..</p> <a href="'.$url.'" class="nyheds_link">'.$link_navn.'</a> </div>'; When ever a link is hovered, i am adding an animation to change the background color of the div class="nyhed". As it is now, all the …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for vetle.haugen

Hi, Just before I jump from the roof :-) Need some help here - autosuggest jQuery: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var timer; $("#txt1").on('keyup', function(e) { var self=this; clearTimeout(timer); if (self.value.length===0) { $("txtHint").text(''); }else{ timer = setTimeout(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "gethint.asp?q="+self.value, }).done(function( hint …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ibakir

Hi Guys I have this page http://beuniquegroup.com/ the slideshow working, now i copied the code to other page http://beuniquegroup.com/our-values but unfortunitly it gives me no image, so I think this slideshow is not connected to my post yet! Please help! Thanks

Member Avatar for ibakir
Member Avatar for persianprez

Right now I'm trying to get multiple callbacks from a single feed, however I keep getting "val parameter is undefined" Here is the code: var m,i=100,s=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],b=["#","@","http","www","tweet","twit","Twit","TWIT","tweep","blog","text","follower","Follower","Text","Twee","txt",".ly","follow",".com",".COM",".net","yahoo",".org"," DM"," RT","RT:"]; var count = 0; var rand; u=function() { if (i--<1) { location.reload(); return false; } document.getElementById('w').innerHTML = "<h2><font color =\"red\">Error :(</font></h2>" ; …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for godzab

As the title said, how would I get text from a input tag and show it dynamicly. So whenever i press a, it shows up in a p tag. How would I do this in jQuery? EDIT: Here is what I have but its not working: <html> <head> <title>update text …

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.