2,530 Topics

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Member Avatar for technical_amit

Hi guys, I am developing an invoice project. I am calculating amount of each section and assigning in grand total. For multiple invoice body section, I am adding dynamic html code using jquery append function. I am successfully added section and removed. When I added new invoice body on click …

Member Avatar for technical_amit
Member Avatar for freiheit

Does anyone know? I dont have experience in jquery , and as far i know by default all panels inherit the height of the 1st panel ,depending of the quantity of the content inside it. In the content of each panel will be dynamic content, of different size thats why …

Member Avatar for freiheit
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I am working on a search function on RoR that basically just has a cool visual effect when a user clicks the search button. Here is the code in my view for search.rhtml [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Tutor</title> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> </head> <body> <h1></h1> <%= form_remote_tag :url =>{ :action => :search_results …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hello, I need to load JQuery UI tabs ajax call. I have made tabs and works well with my projects. I have problem in using ajax to reload one of the tabs using ajax call. When user select another thing in Drop down menu I have no way to reload …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for papanyquiL

Hi, I have a navigation bar with images as the buttons with no text on them. I'm trying to make a simple slide down menu on hover so people know which pages those images will direct them to: eg 'home', 'about', etc... However, I can't seem to get it to …

Member Avatar for reececropley

Title doesn't really give this thread justice ... I have a content div with an image and text included into it. This same div class is being used multiple times. What I want is to be able to click the image, and have the <p> in that div toggle to …

Member Avatar for reececropley
Member Avatar for JameB

I have a javascript function to toggle a specific id sent to the function [code=javascript] <script type="text/javascript"> function toggle(id) { var localId = document.getElementById(id) if (localId.style.display == 'none') { localId.style.display = 'block' } else { localId.style.display = 'none' } } </script> [/code] I want to do the same in jQuery, …

Member Avatar for JJenZz
Member Avatar for jrock2004

Ok so I am trying to setup on my site to have 6 of my recent tweets. I am trying to use the .getJSON method and it is just not working. [CODE] $.getJSON("http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/jrock2004.json", function(data) { $.each(data, function(){ $('<div></div>') .hide() .append('<span>' + this.text + '</span>') .appendTo('#tweets') .fadeIn(); }); }); [/CODE] Any …

Member Avatar for JJenZz
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I am looking for something that creates the similar effect that this website does. Does anybody have any ideas? Anybody seen any tutorials or plug ins for it in jquery? Thanks

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hi, I'm trying to make a link that changes my web page into a printable format and back: [code=HTML]<a id="print" href="#" title="Print map">Printable version</a>[/code] The switch to printable format works fine: [code=JavaScript] $('#print').click(function() { $('img').attr('src', newsrc); $(this).html('Screen version'); $(this).attr('id', 'screen'); return false; }); [/code] But going back, it doesn't work …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, i'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as the 4 bottom tabs of this page : [url]http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/[/url] Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for thom22

Hi, i have been struggling for a while now trying to finish this, i am new to a lot of this and although i have had some tips i think i am getting myself more lost. So i have stripped the code to a point where it almost works. DEMO …

Member Avatar for yesiamchamp

Hi, I want to implement the layout, which have been implemented by a developer on myspace. You can have a look at the panel by visiting this link -> [URL="http://profile.myspace.com/Modules/Applications/Pages/Canvas.aspx?appId=158486"]Myspace[/URL] I want to implement it in jquery and one more thing, the panel should load after the page has been …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, i'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as the 4 bottom tabs of this page : [url]http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/[/url] Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the …

Member Avatar for Jayavardhan
Member Avatar for _mike_

Hi, i'm trying to achieve the exact same effect as the 4 bottom tabs of this page : [url]http://uk.virginmoney.com/virgin/[/url] Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Charles1718

[CODE]if(response==="success"){ $('<p></p>&nbsp;|').appendTo('form textarea').html(''+file); } else{ $(''); }[/CODE] Hi!, I'm trying and playing arround with the .appendTo, to specify only on one text area, rather than .appendTo to every text area, is there any way to do that? or it is not possible? i try with the "div" and "id" "p" …

Member Avatar for Jayavardhan
Member Avatar for apollokid

Hi all, Not that great with javascript and need some help so thanks to whoever helps me out. Well I have run into a problem and cannot figure it out at all. I have a lightwindow inside a <p> tag inside a jquery slideout which is being called with both …

Member Avatar for apollokid
Member Avatar for swi2

hi pl z suggest me some best j-query calender plug-in which can restricted the year like i want to see only years between 2000-2010 then it will not display me the year2011 calender

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for emilyhedgecock

Hi I am creating a drop down menu and i want to be able to select the elements that will be in the drop down list (the nested parts of my html <ul> list). I want to do this so that when the user hovers over the visible part of …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

Hey all, I'm having a problem with my WordPress contact form. It is a script I edited from a tutorial I found, and it should be working right. I have a jQuery script that is supposed to help validate it and process it without page refresh. The problem is that …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey, I got a little problem with the jQuery AJAX thing, the function(data) part doesn't seem to get called I don't have idea why I've been trying to solve this, but with not luck.. Here is my checklogin function [code] function checkLogin() { var username = $('#name').attr('value'); var password = …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for arsenal01

Hi, Hope every one will be fine, i am facing problem with JQuery Scrollable menu, i am trying to placing 2 scrollable panels on a single asp.net page. When there is one panel every thing works fine but when i copy and paste the code so my web page contains …

Member Avatar for newtonpage
Member Avatar for elneco

Hello Forums, I am using zRSS reader on my site: [url]http://www.zazar.net/developers/zrssfeed/[/url] Simple enough to use but was wondering how i can shorten the blog description for each entry? and even the title?? any ideas perhaps someone here can help me figure this out! Thanks, Jaime

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for jrock2004

Ok I have a page that has a list of teachers on it that has their email address. What I want to do is when the teacher's email link is clicked a lightbox type form comes up. So would it best to code what my form is in a separate …

Member Avatar for jrock2004
Member Avatar for bhavik_thegame

Hello guys, I have implemented the jquery validation in one of my projects. I have a <div> which has all the billing details & another <div> below it which has the shipping details. There is a checkbox in between these <div>'s which says "Same as Billing Address". It is used …

Member Avatar for kainil
Member Avatar for canterorist

If i submit using <input:text>, i can see the result but if i use <input:file>. i cannot upload. jquery code; [CODE]// JavaScript Document $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myformcom").submit(function(){ var str=$(this).serialize(); //var result; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "uploadfiles.php", data: str, success:function(msg) { $("#error").ajaxComplete(function(event,request,settings) { if(msg=='Successfully Submitted') { $(this).html(msg); } else{ $(this).html(msg); } return true; …

Member Avatar for pwinfrey
Member Avatar for benhowdle89

[CODE] <script> $(document).ready(function() { var refreshId = setInterval(function() { if ($('#recent td') > '200') {.css("background-color", "#1eff00")}; },1000); }); </script> [/CODE] The above is what i'm trying to achieve but its definitely not working! I have a table being outputted by PHP from a MySQL Db but i need to highlight …

Member Avatar for benhowdle89
Member Avatar for canterorist

how can i get the value of the type=hidden when i click the <tr class='click'>? i only get the value of first hidden and when i click the other <tr> the same value from first hidden. jquery code [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ $('tr[class='click']').click(function(){ var a= $('tr[class='click'] input:hidden').val(); alert("a"); }); }); [/CODE] html …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, For some reason my light box is not working within my "tab content" for my jquery based tabs? Is there a reason why it is not working? It shows the link and when you click it brings the photo up in a new window? Do I have to …

Member Avatar for julzk

Hi, In a previous JSON feed, I am passing through a market id on click to the below function. I then run another JSON feed within the below function, but I am trying to place the getmarketid var within one of the appending .html JSON div tags below to pull …


The End.