2,530 Topics

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Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic

[CODE=javascript]clock(); function clock(){ var d=new Date(); var hour = d.getHours(); var minute = d.getMinutes(); $('#hr1').css('text-indent', '-'+hour.charAt(hour.length-2)*50+'px'); $('#hr2').css('text-indent', '-'+hour.charAt(hour.length-1)*50+'px'); $('#min1').css('text-indent', '-'+minute.charAt(minute.length-2)*50+'px'); $('#min2').css('text-indent', '-'+minute.charAt(minute.length-1)*50+'px'); clock(); }[/CODE] I need help updating my jQuery clock. setInterval and looping the function doesn't seem to work. The variables are updating well but the css properties are …

Member Avatar for Agent Cosmic
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi Developers Most of the time I'm free, I off the internet. I would like to learn Ajax and JQuery offline. Can someone point me good offline tutorial/free legal book for download? I have googled a lot and downloaded many PDF which are confusing to the beginner at best, and …

Member Avatar for shishtawitch

if i have [ if statement ] in my php code than with jquery it is not working...........!! e.g if i have --------------------------- [CODE]<?php if(myquery){ }else{ do jquery here } ?>[/CODE] ------------------------------ but jquery in else area is gone disable how can i fix that.........!!

Member Avatar for gamingdrunk
Member Avatar for jino

Hi all, I have a dropdown and when the value of that drop down changes corresponding pages are displayed using jquery ajax. My problem is that when i refresh the page standing in the page generated by the ajax , the home page containing the dropdown is displaying instead of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for darjana
Member Avatar for calina

Hi guys I was wondering whether someone could help me with a slight issue I have. I'm trying to set up a quick poll using AJAX which all works fine when using Firefox but running into issues via IE. [CODE] $(function() { $('.error').hide(); $(".button").click(function() { var userid = $("input#userid").val(); var …

Member Avatar for Practicality
Member Avatar for twomers

Hi all. First off this is my first interaction with jquery (and I hope this is the correct forum to put questions about this in, if not might a mod take the liberity of moving it to the correct forum?), so apologies if I'm overlooking an entire room made of …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for sam023

[url]http://www.d-scribe.de/webtools/jquery-pagination/demo/demo_options.htm[/url] these type of jquery pagination are riable for large data...??? where query doesnt need 'limit' in it..!!! thanks

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Neona

I will start out by saying that I have no experience with PHP at all.. sorry. However, since I do some asp.net etc I thought I would throw myself into it.. I have come across a problem though. I've found a mail form using jQuery. What it's supposed to do …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for OnIIcE

Hi im messing around with some jQuery and want to disable a link whilst it performs a ajax post (its adding/fetching somthing from a database) and i want to disable the link so it cant be multiclickd. [CODE]<a href=\"#\" id=\"seepages\">See Page</a>[/CODE] ive tried using [CODE]$("#seepages").unbind('click');[/CODE] but that dosnt work! =( …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

i have a form in another form............ <form1> <form2> </for> </form> the form2 is submited automatically, and has only one field of fileupload, and is auto processing file upload with jquery ajax...!! it works fine for me but when i pass the response filename of form2 to form1 <input> field …

Member Avatar for shishtawitch
Member Avatar for yhoo

Hi, I'm new on ajax/jquery. I will try to explain what is my problem. I'm building a page in which have three div separating (top, left, right) I'm using dynamic ajax content in which on the left side have some href which change the right side of the page like …

Member Avatar for baltazar

Hello, I am having a problem with the jQuery Cycle plugin. I am trying to create a slideshow of images that change(fade) when an element in the pager nav is hovered on. (This is supposed to be possible as per the jQuery Cycle Plugin docs <http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/pager2.html>) My setup: I have …

Member Avatar for baltazar
Member Avatar for udayangaS

hi, in my case i want to add a new menu item(actually a div tag) to my existing menu when an event or method calling occurs. i want to append a div tag dynamically to my existing menu with all css and effects. so if you guys have a better …

Member Avatar for udayangaS
Member Avatar for yonghan

Hi all,suppose i got two rows like this picture [url]http://i575.photobucket.com/albums/ss197/yonghan79/ask-1.jpg[/url] I'm trying to change the modified column value to current datetime without refreshing the page when i click the update button..The first row worked,the second doesn't work..Here is my codes views/order_home [code] <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for jaimca

Hi i am generating dynamically a list of books. Each book should be draggable to a certain place in a page. I gave the same id for all the books by keepin each book reference inside a div element. But only the first element is draggable . Please help me …

Member Avatar for prince23

hi, "INSERT MODE" i have check box in one "tr". and another dropdown control in another "tr" intially dropdown control will be invisiable intially . but once the user checks the check box. the dropdown control should be visiable and he can select the value. but again the user unchecks …

Member Avatar for eantz

Hi, I want create a page which has animation at the bottom of that page. I use jQuery to do that.. this is the way I do it [code=html] <a href="#" class="animation">Animate this</a> [/code] and this is the jquery [code=javascript] $(document).ready(function() { $('a.animation').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //animation goes here; }); }); …

Member Avatar for eantz
Member Avatar for ablitz

Hi guys, I spent the whole day (thats 8 hours straight) trying to get a simple jQuery function to work but failed miserably!!! I very very new to the jQ scene and I know I have a lot of catching up to do! Could somebody get this to work for …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for filch

Hi, I am in a real need to get this going quickly and have run into a bit of a stumbling block. Here is what I am trying to do. I am creating a Paypal Add to Cart page for several products. I have this working for a single button …

Member Avatar for cmills83

Hi not sure if its technically a timeout but I am building a sliding jquery nav, the sliding is fine. theres 4 buttons you can click whatever one and they will slide into place even if they are in the middle of sliding, cool. BUT they each also open a …

Member Avatar for cmills83
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i looked a little and came up with a bunch or crap. so was wondering how i might beable to make a special area where people can start with a blank canvas and then import a picture already on the server to the canvas. then rotate, position it, …

Member Avatar for Hangfire

Hi all, here' the code [CODE] $(document).ready(function(){ $("ul li ul").hide(); $("li:has(ul)").click(function(){ $this = $(this); if ($this.siblings().find('ul:visible').size()!=0) { $this.siblings().find('ul:visible').slideUp(1000, function(){ $this.find('ul:hidden').slideDown(500); }); } else { $this.find('ul:hidden').slideDown(500); } }); $("li:has(ul:hidden)").mousedown(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#869094"); }).mouseup(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#7793ae"); }); $("li > ul > li").mousedown(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#a5ccef"); }).mouseup(function(){ $(this).css("background-color","#d9ebf1"); }); }); [/CODE] The problem is the li:has(ul:hidden) part - …

Member Avatar for Hangfire
Member Avatar for franko75

I'm using jQuery Cycle plugin for a slideshow of images and also potentially swf files. I've written a script to pull images and movies out of the page content (which is part of a CMS - so i never know what image/swf content will be there, the slideshow has to …

Member Avatar for click here

Overview this is a fast way to delete Records from your mysql datebase without loading the page . this jquery code can Delete a Record with animation fade-out effect using jQuery and Ajax. <FAKE SIGNATURE>

Member Avatar for matthewl

When I looked at Get started tutorial at Jquery.com I thought that it took more code in the Get started tutorial then it would just writing it myself. I really did not see any pros so I am asking this question. What are some advantages Jquery has? I just want …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for PetrQ

Hello, please help me with following jQuery code. I'm javascript user only and I donĀ“t understand it :( I use jQuery validate from [URL="http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/"]http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/[/URL] Following part of code is modified for array form. It works great for array in format: example[] . But I need use array: example[$i][quantity]. [CODE] //modified …

Member Avatar for click here

my comments table <div id="1"><p>the comment</p> <a class="edit" id="1">edit</a> </div> i want when click on edit the textarea appear and save and calcel boton appear too and edit it

Member Avatar for baburk

Help me to show the jquery confirm box. If I move the tags out of content panel it works well. http://www.clientsideasp.net/2009/06/16/showing-beautiful-message-boxes-in-aspnet-web-forms-using-jquery-impromptu/ By using the above site I wrote the code. But I use Ajax. Protected Sub babubabu_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles babubabu.Click 'If IsValid Then 'The …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

Hi, i am having Cakephp code like [CODE]<?php foreach ($viewfields as $r): if($r['Attribute']['type']=='radio') { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#"+<?=$r['Attribute']['id'];?>).each(function() { type= "<?=$r['Attribute']['type'];?>"; attribute_id="<?=$r['Attribute']['id'];?>"; if(type=="radio") { var ht = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "http://localhost/FormBuilder/index.php/forms/viewChoices/"+attribute_id, async: false }).responseText; var myObject = eval('(' + ht + ')'); var data = myObject;var j=0; …


The End.