210 Topics

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Member Avatar for Deep Modi

I am trying to add the History page in my application which will work like as i shown below: 1st Column: (Date); 2nd column: (Login Time); 3rd Column: (Logout Time) I added the following code: Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for CitySlickaMr

If i type "Hello" in my edittext in activity 1 it will add "Hello" to the listview in activity 2 as the first entry ( which has no error ). Also, if I type "Apple" as my second entry I will change the first entry of "Hello" to "Apple" and …

Member Avatar for CitySlickaMr
Member Avatar for razree

Hi all, I really need your help on this one. I have a MSSQL db table with two columns-ID and name. Each row in this two columns contains an unique ID and a name. Now I have a query that imports just a name in the listview (I don't want …

Member Avatar for razree
Member Avatar for Shodow

hi i have a code here that export my listview items to excel but i want to customize each cell size and i want to format the date and landscape environment Try Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application Dim bkWorkBook As Workbook Dim shWorkSheet As Worksheet Dim i As Integer Dim …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Hello, How can I search for specific proccesses example "abc.exe" and add it to a listView and read values in it like an specific labels to add the processes on a specific group in the listView. Any articles would be nice.

Member Avatar for iFrolox
Member Avatar for DyO1

I added a ListView object, added few Columns, but the problem is there that I can't add no text to the other columns by making new Items Any help?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for DyO1

I would like to make a Export / Import buttons that will save/open files that contain listView data (ListView Items) Can someone tell me is there a way to do this?

Member Avatar for DyO1
Member Avatar for anJelo.towT

can someone help me ? whenever i start this program its always says that " compile error type-declaration characters does not match declared data type. then the rs.Fields! will go hightlight. can someone help me ? Dim rs As Recordset Private Sub Form_Load() Dim list As ListItem ListView1.ListItems.Clear Set rs …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for mayback230

I have this array in a page and i want to call it into a listview or textview in another page...how do i do that? [CODE]public class Screen2 extends Activity { public static EditText txt1; public static String player; public static ArrayList<String> playerList = new ArrayList<String>(); /** Called when the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for olegb

HELP !! THis is driving me insane, I already spent 2 hours on this and can't seem to resolve it. Here is the problem: I have a backgroundimage for my listview in vb.net I programmatically (see below) add items to the list. All items have a white or other solid …

Member Avatar for olegb
Member Avatar for camillemimi

this code runs at my other sample prog. but when I try to use it to my actual prog., it wont work. (variables changed, connection's ok) . . . cant show data at listview [CODE] Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Form1 Public sconnection As New MySqlConnection Private Sub Form1_Load() If sconnection.State …

Member Avatar for Alvin_1
Member Avatar for ImZick

hi.. how can i create a listview or Gridview which display all my data in my sql?? also with a next and previous button.. and find.. I'm been searching it for whole day but no luck.. i find a few but it required me to buy it from them?.. Can …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for zbzHenry

hello, i am trying to save data in my listview item to access database.. i am new to programming and i am currently working on a project i need to submit very soon, this is really urgent and i will be much happy if i could get assisted as soon …

Member Avatar for Dili1234
Member Avatar for Sturdy

Hi all, I'm make a program to read text file. I can read the text file but don't know how to write it to listview. This my code to read into arrays: Function ReadFileText(ByVal filename As String) As String Dim handle As Integer ' ensure that the file exists If …

Member Avatar for Sturdy
Member Avatar for Lethugs

Hi, Im trying to load animated GIF's from a folder to my listview, I'm able to load it but not moving One more problem is, a lot of GIF are inside that folder,but the display in listview show the same image how can i fix it, is there better way …

Member Avatar for Lethugs
Member Avatar for macphill

how do add the total of items in listview column and display the result in a text box

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hi group, I've been playing with a ListView and I'm struggling to get it to populated with info in a database. I'm hoping you may see something in my code that is creating the error. Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand Dim rdr As SqlDataReader = …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for Nomorewine

Hello guys. I have yet another problem. I have a simple app that has "endless" scroll(simple example would be 9gag, except 9gag is a web page), the point is when user scrolls to bottom new items/articles are loaded. I have managed to do the endless scrolling, the problem is when …

Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi all, I was having a huge problem,i mean i spent days trying to fix it but i get the same exception everytime when i run the app. here's the thing i have a record that is loaded from the database using the listview.it works perfect for the insertion part.but …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for keedier

hi there, im new in coding on visual basic, well, im new at coding at anything :) i have a problem on my telephone directory program that i created about listview, i was wondering if i can click the item on a listview and show the result on a new …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for grgrl

I would like to know how to take selected information from a listview and add them to a .dat file This is what i got so far but it is to save into a text file Sorry for any mistakes i am a noob Private _filepath2 As String = Application.StartupPath …

Member Avatar for grgrl
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi how can i sort using Month i have January, February.... December i want to sort it out so the user will see it from January - December my column name is "Months" and it is in subitems(0) Thank you in a advanced

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for dfn77

Hi, I am using Kendo Web UI and am trying to filter a listView using multiple rangeSliders. I've seen a few examples of filtering, but never with a listview using range sliders. Pretty much all of the examples I've seen involve filtering a grid with a dropdown. I am curious …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for khair.ullah

hi all. I want to fill the Listview from a mssql database in vb.net but it not show all the data in Listview. I have the followning code. Dim sSQL As String Dim lvwItem As New ListViewItem() sSQL = "SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM tablenam e " sSQL = sSQL …

Member Avatar for evadehawkeye07
Member Avatar for dschuett

I am looking for a way to impliment an onScroll listener into my listview. I have read a lot about using: notifyDataSetChanged(); But, I honestly can't figure out how to impliment it into my working code. Currently, I pull a bunch of records into the listview from a MySQL database …

Member Avatar for kaizen202

I have my own ListView class, inheriting from Forms.ListView. When double clicking on the column divider, the columns resize to show the column items in full size. However, for me this doesnt work properly - some words are partially hidden because I am using large font size to draw items. …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hello its me again... sorry to keep on posting about my problem well here it goes.. If you see in the attached file. ![Sum](/attachments/large/4/Sum.jpg "Sum") I have an AM Ervielette, Marriane etc. now i need to add their Total Calls for Ervie and Total Visits same goes to the other.. …

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

Hi to Everyone, I want to get the total (column) amount using Listview w/o database VB.NET Help me please... Thanks.. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ lstitems Item Name | Unit Price | Quantity | Amount ------------------------------------------------------------ Sample1 | 100.00 | 1 | 100.00 Sample2 | 100.00 | 1 | 200.00 Sample3| 100.00 | 1 …

Member Avatar for N.E.Y.O-01
Member Avatar for kaizen202

I am using LIstView control in virtual mode with the property listView.VirtualMode=True and I have subscribed the event listView1_RetrieveVirtualItem(). But this event is being called many times for each item. What is the reason or How can I prevent RetrieveVirtualItem() from executing many times? Please check the below code. public …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for ImZick

Hi guys I'm here again asking for help Can someone can gave me an idea about how to find all data in my first listview to another? ![Two_Listview](/attachments/large/4/Two_Listview.jpg "Two_Listview") Here is the picture. You see their are a column name AM in my first Listview and in the second their …

Member Avatar for ImZick

The End.