210 Topics

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Member Avatar for maskinao

Hi! I want to be able to automatically select the first row in a listview then display the selected items in a text box. I've already done putting the data in the textbox by clicking the row, but i cannot do it automatically. any ideas? i would like to provide …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ravenous

OK, so I'm mainly a C++ developer but I've been looking into making apps for Android. I haven't used Java before, or done much UI development, so it's a lot to take in at the moment. **There is a question at the end of this, skip to it if you …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for ImZick

Help i need to import excel to my listview using adodb or oledb but i dont know how? in vb6 i use adodb and the code is like here Dim lngI as Long Dim lvItem as listItem *'adodb connection goes here...* *'then this code will import all excel data in …

Member Avatar for ImZick
Member Avatar for LD Company

Hello programmers! I am making File Browser software and I want to display icons of my files in listview. Here is the code: ImageList1.Images.Clear() Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(LocationA.Text) Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*") Dim fi As IO.FileInfo For Each fi In aryFi For Each files In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(LocationA.Text) Dim …

Member Avatar for john.knapp
Member Avatar for lymwale.pablo

Hello guys im in need of a help. I have a checkbox on a Listview1 and i also have listview2, textbox and 2 buttons. On listview1, i have a list of items and its subitems. Then im going to put a check on the one of the listview item then …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for reimar23

Can someone help me... I am new to vb.net with sql connection and I can't fix this error : variable name '@date' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique-- I need this to be fixed "ASAP" Im running out of time here because of the error here is …

Member Avatar for reimar23
Member Avatar for vindom

Hi! I'm writing little software just to get some practice in c#. I have listview in form 1 where program displays first name and last name form access database. When admin selects name/surname in listvioew and press show usercard(form2) I have a label in form2 and I want it to …

Member Avatar for vindom
Member Avatar for tet3828

I can't seem to wrap my head around this. I'll need a seasoned programmer to push in the right direction. I have a listView with 7 sub items. What I'm looking to do is populate a table in an .mdb file with the data. The listView box is almost the …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for ZeroZen

Hey Folks! I'm using a windows hook to scroll horizontally through a listview. I have it aligned so it only adds items horizontally. I have 2 big buttons I'm using to scroll right and left with nice bitmaps on them... The problem is the listbox has scrollbars appear when I …

Member Avatar for ZeroZen
Member Avatar for ZeroZen

Hey folks I'm using a listview to show an array of images that get taken from a webcam. I want them ordered on the bottom of the screen and be selectable for saving, so I'm using a listbox. Everything works okay, but when I add items to the listbox and …

Member Avatar for ZeroZen
Member Avatar for Skeldave

Hi, I am creating an app using PhoneGap and I'm having trouble getting the selected id of a listview item when it is long pressed. I have tried using the JQUeryMobile TapHold event which works but only gets the ID of the listview, not the individual items. $('#listview').bind('taphold', '> li', …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for tet3828

I have a two forms that I created using the design view of Visual C# Express (Form1 & infoEntry). I set the properties to of the listview in Form1. public System.Windows.Forms.ListView toSend; I've invoked the second form and sent some data using code below. Works great. infoEntry dataWindow = new …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for emirsah07

Hello friends; I am writing in a listview data from an array. It is listed by the checkbox for each data alone. I would like to add by selecting a different TextBox. It's ip address in the TextBox. in the textbox: in the listview : /xxx.asp?name=EMMA&Surname=ALIYEVA&SNumber=00121214512&RDate=2012.07.04 /xxx.asp?name=ANNA&Surname=MARIA&SNumber=00121334512&RDate=2012.07.03 etc. i …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for bala19891125

1.i hve create listview on form1..all data in listview from Sql2000 database..im using sql connection.. 2.in listview i hve not create a checkbox.. 3. i print all data in listview using ms report but only selected item in listview will display in report..i mean, display item that i hve select …

Member Avatar for jontennyeah

i have a listview with subitems namely Name,Age,gender,position, type. The positions are Driver Conductor and Inspector. I want to do is when i Select the name in the listview If his position is driver AND his attendance is IN, the name will be add in the combobox.add.item . if the …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jontennyeah

i have a listview with subitems namely NAME Age and Position. The positions are Driver, Conductor and Inspector. I have 3 textbox namely CountD, CountC, CountI. What i want is if i Click the Name in the listview where the position is driver, the CountD.text will display 1 and if …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jontennyeah

I have a 1 datagridview in form1 with columns namely ID,Name_, Address, Birthday, Age, Gender,Status, Position, Driver License , Attendance, and password. The position is a combobox where the items are Driver, Conductor and Inspector. In form2 i have 3 listview namely Ldrive, Lcon, Lins. The problem is this , …

Member Avatar for jontennyeah
Member Avatar for jontennyeah

I have a listview in form1 containing the subitems, Plate number, Engine_Number, Chasis_Number, LTFRB Case_Number and Color. I transfer the Plate number in the listbox in form2. Also i transfer the Item in the listbox to textbox1. My problems is this, How i display the other subitems (Engine_Number, Chasis_Number, LTFRB …

Member Avatar for Gé48
Member Avatar for jontennyeah

for example i have 4 columns in the listview namely name,age,year and grade. the problem is this, how can i display an error message when i click the row when the grade = "fail" . help me please thank you :)

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jontennyeah

I have a 4 columns in the listview the name , age, position, and Attendance. The attendance in a specific row in the listview is "OUT". how i display a message that this row can't be selected because the Attendance in the row is "OUT" thank you . Sorry for …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for kipslem

Please help, I have a small application which has a MS Access as backend, and the front end is developed using VB.Net 2008. When I click on the listview item and then click delete button to delete a particula list and its content on the database, it is giving me …

Member Avatar for klooonhie
Member Avatar for Mindazz

Hello. I can search for items in first listview column using FindItemWithText. I wonder is it possible to search in other listview columns and highlight found text, not all item line ? :?: Searched on google all day long but no luck... :sad: My Listview contains multiple items and each …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jonkeeler

Hi, The code below selects all items in a listview control,fine,but I was wondering how I could code to select all but the very last line in the array. [CODE]Private Sub SelectAllToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SelectAllToolStripMenuItem1.Click Dim i As Integer Dim lvItm As ListViewItem Dim …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for joel.hahn

I have beeb unable to figure out how to get data from a list view. It needs to be a multislect, and I need to get the data from a specific column. my listview consists of a 3 column with data populated from a database. I am after the data …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

This is a short bit of code that shows how to implement sorting on columns in a details-mode ListView. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome. One possible improvement would be to modify the column headers to indicate which column is being sorted and in which direction.

Member Avatar for Eruditio

I have a ListView control on a tab page. The backcolor of the items of the ListView are changed according to certain criteria, but whether or not the backcolor changes appears to be pretty random. The tab page containing the ListView is not the default tab page on application startup. …

Member Avatar for Eruditio
Member Avatar for morgan.wowk

I'm wondering why this code doesn't work on form load. Everything works except the item being added to the listview. I just got back into C# syntax, so can you guys explain this a bit please, thanks ahead. if (System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() == true) { } else { MessageBox.Show("An error occured in …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for nubie.net

Hello kindly help me to solve my problem to check item listview to avoid duplicate item in database. I have 1 listview, my plan the listview checking each item from database before insert to database. and item in listview obtained from opendialog excel this is my code : when items …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jsj1411

how to save records in listview into ms access database table using a button , i've tried with my codes but nothing is saved in the database `Inline Code Example Here` private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim con As New OleDbConnection con.ConnectionString = …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for jsj1411

i have 6 collumn in a listview , how do i multiply each data by row in collumn 4 and 5 and display the result in collumn 6.?? `Inline Code Example Here` Dim itm As ListViewItem str(0) = txttarikh.Text str(1) = txtresit.Text str(2) = Txtkod.Text str(3) = Txtnama.Text str(4) = …

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The End.