1,597 Topics
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Hi, I'd really appreciate some help from the access/db gurus out there. I've got an access 2000 database, on a WIN2K machine, which has linked tables to a Sybase db, connecting through a Sybase ASE ODBC driver. I find that everytime i try and get data from the linked table … | |
...sorry, posted the same question. ...still getting the hang of things. | |
I created a Microsoft Access 2003 database that conatin photos stored as Long Binary data. I want to be able to merge those photos into a Microsoft Publisher 2003 document as a photo. Just don't know how or if I can. Can anybody give me advise? | |
A friend recently approached me to transfer her Filemaker pro data into MS Acces03. That was easy enough until she asked me to duplicate the same "find mode" capabilities in MS Access. Searching various forums and sites, it seems like it can't be done. the closest i got in MS … | |
Its' quite a long question but I've explained it the best way I know how I have two subforms within a main form. Each of the subforms are not directly related at the table level. one subform is for project payments, the other is for the project bank details. Because … | |
Hi there. I'm looking for a bit of advice. I have a lookup table (tlkOrganisations) which has only one field (apart from the ID) and it list orgnisations. I'm using this for a field within a form so that I can use it as a lookup combo. The advice I'm … | |
Hi, I wondered if I should set "replication ID" for field size for the foreign key? The field size is courently set to "long integer". What is bether to use, why and what is the difference? Thx for your help. | |
I would like help with MS access iif statement. I want to group courses but day offered e.g Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc and by time offered e.g Monday: 6:00 PM - 9:20 PM. I have an iif statement which should convert the letter (day) to worrd e.g, M to Monday … | |
hi all! I need to set precision to the left of decimal. For the number field i have to set the field precision such that the nos should be in a format as 0001,0002,0003------------------.9999. Thanks | |
Hi, I have a parameter queery which asks for "Name " . I want to Enter a few characters and find similiar full names to it which are in the field "Names". For example: If I type chr it should find out "christine" Pleae help Best regards Nadeem | |
[code]Set rstDeps = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Members.OrgID, Members.ID, Members.Member, Members.PrimaryRep, Members.MembershipType " _ & "FROM Members " _ & "WHERE (Members.Member=True AND Members.OrgID=" & !OrgID & " AND Members.MembershipType='" & !MembershipType & "');")[/code] This is my query in VBA in MSAccess. I just want the number of people that fall into those … | |
I am a new user of FileMaker Pro. I am converting an MS Access database and am stuck on including multiple tables in a format. How is this done? | |
I have stored procedure in MS SQL and I want to deliver value from form (value of textbox) in MS ACCESS. CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DeleteOwing @OwingID int AS INSERT INTO Arhive SELECT MemberID, ArticalID, OwingDate, GETDATE() FROM Owings WHERE OwingsID = @OwingID DELETE Owings WHERE OwingsID = @OwingID GO I tryed … | |
Has any body used the Professional suite of products for FileMaker released by FusionCharts Team? [B]FusionCharts Pro for FileMaker[/B] is the FileMaker charting tool and [B]FusionMaps Pro for FileMaker[/B] is used to create flash maps within FileMaker solutions. As both the products use built-in features of FileMaker; people having knowledge … | |
I have database in MS SQL Server 2000 and I want to connect to this database from empty database in MS Access because I want to build user interface to that database and also call procedure and functions in VBA. Can someone tell me how to do this or tell … | |
hi Friends! i need to open a pdf documents from MsAccess. Please send me the code. Then i need to create a BROWSE button such that BROWSE_BUTTON Text_box When i click the browse button it should work as ordinary windows browse button and when i select some files, the "File-Path" … | |
Hello please help me to calculate this one: I have a table containing this fields (name, project done, hours consumed) example: this is a table of a timesheet [code] [COLOR=green][LIST=1] [*]--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]| NAME | PROJECT DONE | HOURS CONSUMED | [*]-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]| A | 1 | 5 | [*]| B … | |
I am tryig to match records from a query in access to records stored in a table. I have a littel problem which i am trying to solve? Table1 -manufacturer -model (primary key) -picture Table2 -Deal -price Query1 -Model (this is in a query as it has been split from … | |
hi, i am great at php but completly new to microsoft access databases, could someone explain simply how to make one, or give me a link to a site which explains plz??? | |
he y pls any one help meee in linking html with ms access.... i have noo idea about how to link html with ms access.... | |
I have 2 problems I need your help please: 1- How can I map the result of a select query? let's say that I have a table named "Item" and I need to delete a specific item record from this table. So the user first needs to see the information … | |
I'm trying to keep a date in a subform. Once the user enters a date and the procedure done on that date, he clicks on Add Record button and all the fields in the sub form are blanked out. I need the date to stay the same so the user … | |
I want to share a resource with all the FileMaker users and I am sure that this will help us professionally. FusionCharts Free for FileMaker has been released. This helps to create data-driven flash charts inside FileMaker solutions without installing any external plugins, drivers or server software. Since it uses … | |
Hiz people ....after a day i m having pracitcal exma....n they have said me to make a database....so i decided to make student database of my school.....very simple so that sir wont ask me hard questions....so plz i think i donno some steps in completing my database....can anyone help.... for … | |
I am working in ms access database2000 and my frontend is vb 6.0. I have three tables namely:- AREA:- areaid,areaname ROUTE:-routeid,routeno,routename,areaids PARTY:-partyid,lastname,firstname,address,areaid The field areaids in ROUTE table consists of chain of areaids belonging to that particular route in this format '12,23,65,67,' The problem is that i want to derive … | |
Hi, I'm creating a customer database in MS ACCESS with the following 3 tables: Customer (with unique customer_id) Products (with unique product_id) Customer_Order(contains both customer_id and product_id). I want to be able to use a form to enter new information into both the customer table and the customer_order table. The … | |
I am supposed to create a hotel reservation system that allows you to make a reservation either with a hotel package or without and calculate billing. However I am at lost for where to begin. I have made a couple of sorry attempts but I am having problems identifyind the … | |
How do I limt the records extracted from filemaker using the query "Select.... LIMIT 5" ? Example: select * from tablename limit 10. I connect the filemaker pro 8.5 via ODBC and use php to display the records.A small amount of records(1 or 2 rows) will display the records, but … | |
I have a simple form that I want to have generate a random password, I just need it to generate the password, The database user will then copy the password and paste it where she needs it. The main issue I don't want her to have go to a web … | |
i would like to query a date which only showing work week and year... i try in FORMAT([MYDATE], 'WW YYYY', 1, 2)... it work but when goes to 31/12/2006 it showing "01 2006"... but suppose it should show "01 2007" how can i overcome this? |
The End.