1,597 Topics

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Member Avatar for lynelk

Hi everyone, i am someone with a weak database background and i have been given a project to design a database for a convenience store which will be used in a customer relationship Management system can anyone offer me any help, thank you. Am not asking for my work to …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

[code=sql]CREATE TABLE Persons ( FirstName VARCHAR, [Last Name] Text, Gender int, [Date Of Birth] DateTime, MaritalStatus Integer, IsMarried Bit, PersonalIncome Money, HouseholdIncome Currency );[/code] Can u plz tell me where I have to write this Query in MS-Access to craete the Table.

Member Avatar for jenny@okcinvest
Member Avatar for plantphoto

Hi, I have a Filemaker 7 database that has been developed for me for my fine art photographs. I have a table of Galleries (who stock my work)/Table of all my images etc. I want to list all the images the gallery got delivered under a delivery note number eg …

Member Avatar for clueless101

I need to [U]create [/U]a data file called students.dat and [U]insert [/U]a few records into it. I need (3) fields: 1) student id no. 2) last name 3) first name I thought it would be pretty straight forward, but I get a compile error: Invalid Outside Procedure and "students.dat" is …

Member Avatar for clueless101
Member Avatar for clueless101

I am to create a form with 2 text boxes to receive numbers as input and 1 command button that displays a message box containing the larger of the two numbers. To do so, I need to write code in the Click event of the command to call a user-defined …

Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma
Member Avatar for teh_man

Hi, guys I don’t know if anyone can help or not? I've made a form for a search list using an SQL query which is linked to my form. Basically the user selects a class of a car and the price is shown and then the user inputs what dates …

Member Avatar for teh_man
Member Avatar for clueless101

This is my first exposure to arrays. I need to create a 1-dimensional string-based array with five elements. I need to assign 5 different names to the array. Use a for loop to iterate through each of the array elements, displaying the names in a message box. I would truly …

Member Avatar for clueless101
Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

I have a program that creates a SQL statement based upon a treeview list that the user makes. The SQL statement looks like this: [code]CREATE TABLE Test ( Test ID PRIMARY KEY, Check1 CHAR(255), Check2 MEMO, Check3 INTEGER, Check4 DOUBLE, Check5 DATETIME, Check6 BOOLEAN) VALUES (1, 'DefSML', 'DefLRG', 0, 0.0, …

Member Avatar for Kegtapper
Member Avatar for Topina

Hi! I'm a foreigner working in japan and my job has recently put me in a position where I have to use Access for the first time. I've managed to create some tables and establish relationships between them, but I got stuck trying to create a form with subforms. I …

Member Avatar for bjcountry
Member Avatar for Robtyketto

Greetings, I'm using Flash MX connecting to an MS Access database via JET. I've stored dates using Flash/Jet into my database as 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss' into a DATE/TIME field. However I can't update because of the WHERE clause as I am not specifying the date correctly. I believe syntax wise I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for arpit111

I am to develop a web based application for a telephone company. I am a novice so plz be deliberate and detailed in your solution. The company has a set of exchanges at various places and needs a daily status of their circuits and calls made by the customers at …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64

hi i am trying to do a simple access database, with quantities, and a query with a report I have create a table with one of the variables being a numeric value, but i need to have 2 decimal places. when i format with 2 decimals, what ever i type …

Member Avatar for HI2Japan
Member Avatar for plantphoto

Hi, I have imported all my tables from Access and trying to get up to speed with filemaker on my mac but I'm having problems. I want to copy two fields in table view and paste them into 50-100 other records but I can't see how to do this. Firstly …

Member Avatar for Palmap

Hi guys, I'm fairly new to MS Access and I am running Ver.2003. I have a problem with comparing a Excel speadsheet with an Access DB. The result I require is as follows.... If field 'Last' and ID Num in Excel speadsheet matches 'Last' and EmpID in Access DB then …

Member Avatar for Palmap
Member Avatar for tony1977

hi everyone. just had a question. iam trying to link ms access to a sybase database which i was able to do through odbc. but everytime i link the odbc driver keeps prompting for the user name and password to connect to sybase. is there a way to save this …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for fireprooffox

hi, i hv a residential facility reservation database in which the facility can wither be a hotel or a guest house. Now, i hv created these tables(along with many other) ############# Facility Table Facility ID Facility Type Name Number of rooms Address City Phone ############## Table Hotels Facility ID Tieup …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for xrmarcis

I'm looking into creating a Access database for marking my students and so they can get there marks online. The online part is much later mind you but that is my goal. I need help in the structure of my tables, quaries and reports. I've been using access for a …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for pach

Hi, Does anyone know how to make ms access online & shared by different users? Thx...

Member Avatar for pach
Member Avatar for djnzak

Hi i am making a table where i have different currency fields showing the salary of different staff and then a total field where i can calculate each staff's salary on rent, transport etc... now how do i make the total field show the total i.e. addition of rent+transport+education

Member Avatar for djnzak
Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

I am writing a program in VB 2005 Express and I am using SQL to insert, delete, etc. I was curious if there was a SQL statement that would allow me to backup the database in Access - I have tried the MySQL syntax for it, but I can't seem …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for nicolamoore

I need to calculate the approximate current age in years of patients at a clinic. We don't have the birthday of all the patients, but we know how old they were when then first registered and we know the date they registered. I am doing a calculation which returns some …

Member Avatar for Bookman
Member Avatar for The Monkey

Hi there, I am finished writing a filemaker pro database ready to be used on the field. Everything is fine in the .fp7 file. Everything works great. However, after compiling to a runtime app, it refuses to export PDF files. When I create a database and want to export some …

Member Avatar for Bookman
Member Avatar for flower88

Hello I need help in microsoft access. I am creating an electronic database so i need 2 events, 2 resources and 2 agents for example event (order) resources (product). and i also want to know how do we link the table with each other i am talking about relationship Thankyou …

Member Avatar for Sulley's Boo
Member Avatar for HI2Japan

I have a list box set to simple multi select option. I want to be able to pass those options to a text box. If I have multi select set to no, the value appears in the textbox fine. Whether I set it to Simple or Extended, it doesnt seem …

Member Avatar for aroojee

First hello to every one in this forum. Well I am using MS Access 2003 for building a database. [B]I am usign 3 tables.[/B] [LIST=1] [*]Students [*]Books [*]Request [/LIST] Both student and books table has one to many relation with request table. I am using MS Access Forum for all …

Member Avatar for fundweb

Does anyone have experience with "Actual Installer" by Softeza Development? I am looking for a product to create installation packages for Access mde runtime distribution.

Member Avatar for Jamesharks

I have 2 forms; one called frmLogin and another called user_info. On frmLogin I have a text box called USERNAME and a command button. When you click the command button the following code is run: [COLOR="Red"]This Code Works (Or atleast It should)[/COLOR] [ICODE]Private Sub Command29_Click() Dim strUSERNAME As String Dim …

Member Avatar for WhitePunk

i just wanna ask if it if possible to make columns n ms access and how... because i am making a personal data sheet thanks in advance more powers and God Bless You all

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for anikgarg85

hi i want to do operation on image...i have extracted the pixels of small window of 15 X15.. now i want to save that matrix in ms access 2003. for the further opeartions.... have the data in 2-d array say a[15,15], and since there is no build in data type …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for saminishad

Am Samitha from U A E,but am an Indian completed M C A.Am married and my husband is a textile engineer. I found this site in google and registered as i have to complete a new project in VB 6.0 for my husband's company. i have a doubt in inserting …

Member Avatar for leo002000

The End.