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98 Posted Topics
Re: [QUOTE=rsu;433522]i have installed nasm in ubuntu in linux but dont know how to and where to write code of assembly language and run my code please give me information as soon as possible.[/QUOTE] Using the menu at the top of the screen, go to Applications > Accessories and select "Text … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Narue;197884]Just for fun, I wrote up a quick tutorial for basic assembly. At present, it's only in the form of a PDF document, but I'll eventually get around to adding it to my website.[/QUOTE] Just a couple of quick notes: o You might want to talk about the structure of … | |
It is about time we start building a Sticky in this forum listing some resources so the newbies will have an easier time finding the information they need. I will start with these valuable links: x86 Assembly Language FAQs Wikipedia: Assembly Language Wikipedia: List of assemblers Links at Webster MASM … | |
Re: Well, you can assemble your code in memory and run it from there...a perfect place to start for small DOS programs...you probably already have the tool (Debug), just need the tutorial: [url]http://www.datainstitute.com/debug1.htm[/url] The IO.H file that your book wants is just assembly code for handling the input/output functions so you … | |
Re: [QUOTE=mytime19;324019]well i think you can't use much C lang stuff with tasm.. the reason is that it uses DOS and you know that it can only program 16 bit stuff not 32-bit.. so i got the same problem but just upgraded to masm.. there's inbuilt libraries available in that. or … | |
It is my understanding that with over 115,000 signed-up, it constitutes the largest MOOC [ [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_open_online_course[/url] ] ever. Certainly an historical experiment with possible future changes in delivery of University-level education: [url]http://www.reddit.com/r/aiclass/comments/kp1wb/amazing_we_can_probably_offer_a_masters_degree_of/[/url] I've decided to take the Basic track so that I only take the quizzes, but get to miss … | |
Re: [url]http://homepage.mac.com/randyhyde/webster.cs.ucr.edu/www.artofasm.com/Windows/HTML/AoATOC.html[/url] Scroll down that page to the "Volumn 2" section. Gives lots of information about the architecture side. Also, research Compilers, Linkers, and Loaders -- lots of learning involved in that. These should be a good start: [url]http://www.diku.dk/hjemmesider/ansatte/torbenm/Basics/[/url] [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler[/url] And this should give you a start on conceptualizing what an … | |
Re: Some links and other resources that might help you newbies... Lot of links at assemblylanguage.net: [url]http://www.cheapersunglasses.com//asm.html[/url] More links at the Open Directory Project: [url]http://dmoz.org/Computers/Programming/Languages/Assembly/[/url] - ASSEMBLERS - MASM32 [url]http://www.movsd.com[/url] NASM: The Netwide Assembler [url]http://nasm.sourceforge.net[/url] HLA: High Level Assembly Language [url]http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/AsmTools/HLA/index.html[/url] FASM: The Flat Assembler [url]http://flatassembler.net/[/url] GoAsm [url]http://www.godevtool.com/[/url] A86 (DOS) [Free]/A386 … | |
Re: At one time (not sure if they're still in the current version), Randall Hyde had highly-efficient 'Roman Numeral' output/conversion functions in the Standard Library for his HLA compiler. You might find it interesting to dig through his source. [url]http://hla-stdlib.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/hla-stdlib/[/url] [url]http://hla-stdlib.sourceforge.net/[/url] | |
Re: Use GIMP. These tutorials: [url]http://www.makeuseof.com/tech-fun/search/?cx=009717636731598800244%3Aqhe4rh7wuxs&cof=FORID%3A11&q=gimp&sa=%C2%A0#1260[/url] It certainly runs circles around Photoshop. | |
Re: Your test page must also have 'session_start()' at the top before any output. For compatibility with old versions of IE, you'll also want to add the P3P header. [I]index.php[/I][CODE]<?php header('P3P CP="CAO PSA OUR"'); session_start(); $_SESSION['gallery'] = 42; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <h1>Setting cookie!</h1> <a href="/test.php">test</a><br> <html>[/CODE] [I]test.php[/I][CODE]<?php header('P3P CP="CAO PSA … | |
You can test your connection here: [url]http://ipv6test.google.com/[/url] Apparently, Wednesday, June 8th is "World IPv6 Day" when major websites and CDNs will be sending their content over IPv6. For instance, if you cannot connect to Google on that day, you will need to surf to [url]http://ipv4.google.com[/url] to do your searches. My … | |
Re: [QUOTE=AJ_Allmendinger]I'm a newbie at writing DOS batch files. I've tried to look for it, but I can't seem to figure out how to read from an input file. Is there an equivalent of a [I]cin[/I] statement in DOS Batch programming.[/QUOTE] Some people have figured out how to do quite a … | |
Re: While you are at it, you might as well spray some bullets toward the other types of malware (spyware, trojans, etc.) since this would be an easy feature to add: startup files [url]http://www.lafn.org/webconnect/mentor/startup/PENINDEX.HTM[/url] trojans [url]http://www.megasecurity.org/files_all.html[/url] | |
Re: Something to the effect of... LEFT CLICK on the upper-left corner of the window... on the pop-up menu, select Properties... on the dialog, CLICK the Screen tab... CLICK the "Full-screen" radio button... "Apply" button.... "OK" button... that is it... | |
Re: [QUOTE=Narue] <<snip>> A .exe file is actually a file format called PE (Portable Executable). [/QUOTE] Not necessarily! ".exe" files were very common under DOS for applications. The ".com" files were mainly used for small utilites and simple commands because they were limited to a small memory footprint [code + data … | |
Re: You can find tutorials and examples here: The Operating System Resource Center [url]http://www.nondot.org/sabre/os/articles[/url] OS FAQ Wiki [url]http://www.osdev.org/osfaq2/[/url] Nathan. | |
Re: I believe that it really doesn't matter what language you learn because your skills are easily transferable. The major difference between languages is syntax, so once you understand the syntax of a new language, you can start programming in it with ease. After you have learned a few languages, they … | |
Re: Yes. Please post the code. I would like to see it. Nathan. | |
Re: One option you can try is to write a script that launches QBasic and loads/runs your program. Check out AutoIt. It will compile to an EXE. Something like the following should work: $ret = runwait("qbasic yourprg.bas", ... , ... ) | |
Re: I happen to have a good memory for odd things, so, in the interest of holiday fun, allow me to add another log onto this conspiracy fire. Clever use of the Wayback Machine netted me this pseudo-confession: "I also enjoy studying interpersonal relations among online personalities, which is probably why … | |
This exercise is designed to get you familiar with the Ubuntu command-line editing features. It also introduces you to the concept of command-line history. [B]Follow these steps[/B] [LIST=1] [*]Type the words "We all love Ubuntu" (without the quotation marks) but do not press Enter. [*]Press the left arrow key to … | |
[i]Taking the "fright" out of Opcodes and Hex-numbers.[/i] High Level Assembly (HLA) is a modern [b]assembler[/b] + [b]standard library[/b] package that allows a programmer to ease his way toward ASM coding by leveraging concepts already learned from typical high-level languages. By using HLA, one can investigate and play with a … | |
Re: [QUOTE=nateuni;1042622]Hi, I am just finishing up a semester at Uni that touched on Assembly with the LC-3 (Limited to around 16 instructions). I would like to look more into assembly. Specifically getting a better grasp on assembly opcodes (their purpose), and how they map to HL processes. As opcodes like … | |
Re: Yes, DWORD alignment is always preferred. But check with the standard literature on optimization: [url]http://www.agner.org/optimize/[/url] | |
Re: Just a quick note about this "unaurthaurised distribution" of a protected product: Microsoft [b]has[/b] provided an authorized download (including a valid install key) of its OSs in certain instances. For instance, for enterprise clients who purchase licenses in bulk, they provided a CD ISO of Windows XP at their website … | |
Re: [QUOTE=tifka;454146]Well yea, So I try to do like [code] mov ah,01h int 16h [/code] Shouldn't that let the user in put whatever he/she wants?[/QUOTE] That is a DOS system call... it will only work on Linux if you are running a DOS emulator. Nothing wrong with that, but since you … | |
[CODE]Using 'common sense' to clear the Microsoft fog of illusion.[/CODE] [[ ...Continued from previous post [url]http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1527.html[/url] ]] 4. Unable to comprehend security issues. Even when the United States government warns people to avoid using specific software for personal security reasons, the Microsoft sheep act like they don't understand the reasons. … |
The End.