1,597 Topics

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Member Avatar for toadzky

Does anyone know how to convert a .accdb file into a SQLite compatible format? I am looking to migrate an existing DB from Access to an app I am writing to add and retrieve the information for me without having to manually enter the stuff into 4 different tables.

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for dmmckelv

Can anyone help? I have been fumbling around with a SQL statement for days trying to make this work. I am looking for a Statement that will output a table based on an incremented number. Example Table1: Value1.......Value2.......Incremented Number 14...............null.............1 12..............15...............2 12...............98..............3 15...............14..............4 17...............15..............5 1.................14..............6 5.................98..............7 Example Table2: Value1.........Value2 X030............1 …

Member Avatar for Sulley's Boo
Member Avatar for JaceDBN

Hi, I have developed a complex database in MS Access 2007. The problem is that people from around the country will need to input data into the data base on a regular basis. With the data base being in our head office, I thought the easiest way it to make …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for jack44

Hey guys, i'm trying to create a database in Access, but i'm having problems, keep getting the same error, i've gone through it so many times but cannot see whats wrong with it, i'm getting a syntax error which highlights at the start of the Enrolment table, any help would …

Member Avatar for DanMcLaren

Hello all, This is my first post in a forum like this, I hope someone is able to help me! :) I found a post from about a year ago that explained how to use combo box parameters in a query, and I was wondering if there is a way …

Member Avatar for JAJansenJr
Member Avatar for sham
Member Avatar for iseedeadpixels
Member Avatar for dmmckelv

Hello, I am using TransferText to bring a text file into an Access table. Is there a way to turn off the Import Error file that is produced as a result of improperly formatted text? Thanks! Mark

Member Avatar for dmmckelv

Hello, Can anyone help me add a column to my Access table? I would like the column to be populated with a number that iterates from 1 to the end of the file. Thanks for your help! Mark

Member Avatar for snowmman99

I am trying to import several files to access. I have the code to search the C:\ drive but I need to look thru all the folders also. Below is what I have so far the works. Thanks in advance for any help. Wayne [code] Dim strfile1 As String Dim …

Member Avatar for MarcusMaximus

Im looking for a good access VBA book. Im advanced in access but completely new to VBA but have done other programming languages like c, c++, java, php and a few others Any recommendations greatly appreciated Thanks

Member Avatar for CindyK
Member Avatar for kotkoda

I am trying to crate a web application for a database (a form and a search+results pages). HOWEVER, I am seriously stuck because I cannot install IIS on my workstation to start working. The university I am at cannot have me IIS installed (it's forbidden) because it would turn my …

Member Avatar for kotkoda
Member Avatar for jrb47

How can you make a table from a union query in access - i have the union working and producing what i want but i can store it as a view or as a table - i keep getting syntax errors [code] INSERT INTO HgTotals SELECT CollectionDate,HgTotalnglA as AllHGtotal FROM …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for 29c3

Hey guys, I'm new here and actually new to access 2003. I have deal with Vb.net but never access. I actually doing a intern and they want me to build a huge database. All there documents are spread out and all over the place as format of excel. I could …

Member Avatar for cjwilkins
Member Avatar for rlangev

Hi I like to know haw doI create a form based on multiple tables, all tables are linked. Some table contains drop down lists, I want all info in all tables dispalyed in the form. Help Please

Member Avatar for cjwilkins
Member Avatar for kotkoda

I created a form in Access. I would like to put up the form on our website so people can enter their information. We need to review the data before they get into our database. I am actually stuck about how to publish the form. I thought it was an …

Member Avatar for kotkoda
Member Avatar for ykarp

Does anybody know how to extract a link from an OLE embedded link in Access 2000? I have a DB where instead of a hyperlink there is an OLE object, linked to a Word file. I want to easily see what the link is, without actually clicking on the OLE …

Member Avatar for PCJIMENEZ

Good afternoon, Can a runtime environment connect to and update records in a FM database on a file server? From what I understand, runtime env's package a copy of the actual database and allows someone to use it on a system without FM installed.... Basically, I want to create a …

Member Avatar for dwikstrom
Member Avatar for PCJIMENEZ

OS: Win XP Pro Apps: FMPro 9 and MS ACCESS 2007 Database Types: both are Local to my machine Good afternoon everyone!!! --------"Connect to a MS Access DB"---------- I am new at using FMPro 9 (very new after a year of using VBA to manipulate and control MSACCESS db's)... I …

Member Avatar for dwikstrom
Member Avatar for steveg242

Hi, I have created an Access 2003 database for about 20 users over a network. I am currently weighing options as to just have the database on the network or to split it. The one main question I have is how to distribute design changes and possibly table design changes …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for hikosj

Hi all, I have a problem with a query in access that I cant seem to figure out. I have a form named frmRecruitment with a subform named sfrmParticipant. At the moment I am using an append query to append records from 'sfrmParticipant' to 'frmIntervention' using a button on a …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for cassyjack

Hi, All Need a little help. I have a client that is getting this error while working in MS Access. There is a database that is housed on a network drive. There are 3-4 users at a time working on 1 table. The database was created about 5 years ago …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for Faron

I would like to have a form where it automaticlly filled with reports as I build each report. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for any help.

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for karkar_87

Hi All, I got a question regarding sql. I got some data in a ms access. There's 3 columns, namely id, name and address. Here's an example. [CODE]id name address 1 a c 2 c d 3 d e . . . . 100[/CODE] And, I need to insert a …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for Phive

I was wondering if anyone out could help me with a problem I'm having. I have been asked at my job to set up a purchase order database and one of hte things they want is when a purchase order form is filled out, instead of the data going into …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for psych

Hi All, I apologias to everyone posting all these questions. I have a meeting on Monday afternoon to review the possibility of using FileMaker pro 9 as our database. Having said that, I need to setup a database in FMPRO 9 and present it as prototype for that meeting. So …

Member Avatar for dwikstrom
Member Avatar for lightningrod66

I am trying to develop a website for a babe ruth baseball team. I want to include a page that displays team and player statistics. I have created Excel files for data from each game. I have also created an Excel file that collects data from each game and adds …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for newtosql

Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to link to a sql table, but not be able to edit it, the table is part of another program data and I just want to look at data, maybe copy to spreadsheet. I figured out how to get …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for HB25

Dear Friends I am relatively new to Microsoft Access and I have to create a report to perform below task, any suggestion, comment and advice will be really appreciated. Task 1: Prepare an order as a report (similar to the attached order form) to show an order for a customer …

Member Avatar for MikeAz

I am quite comfortable with MS Access and have developed a complex relational database for my company. However, we have decided to use FileMaker 9 as our database development software, so I have been asked to re-create this same databse in Filemaker. I am finding it difficult, as the simple …

Member Avatar for dwikstrom
Member Avatar for rkoehler

I am new to FileMaker Pro 9 and have used MS Access a little. I am wondering if it is possible to transfer files from FileMaker Pro 9 (many files) to a web MS ACCESS database where another company where we send our data?

Member Avatar for dwikstrom

The End.