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59 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for qajaq49

What is the SQL of the query. I'll bet you included the combo inside the SQL and didn't concatenate it in so that it would pass the VALUE and not have to try to evaluate it.

Member Avatar for wafs
Member Avatar for ITNoobie

[QUOTE=ITNoobie;1573449]Ok, so basically all 6 tables in my database should have a primary key to foreign key relationship to each other?[/QUOTE] I would say that, NORMALLY you would have tables which are linked together in some way. It is RARE to not be able to link them together. But also, …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for chamnab

[QUOTE=BitBlt;1572467]Use the "On Change" event in your first combo box, update the "filter" property on your second combo box and issue a refresh.[/QUOTE] Actually it should be in the combo's AFTER UPDATE event, not the On Change. On Change will also fire for every keystroke if someone starts typing in …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for TGeorge824

[QUOTE=TGeorge824;1575147]Hi I want to figure out a way to update multiple rows that depend on a couple of variables. I don't really know the syntax in SQL, but I know what I would do in C, so maybe if you could translate this... [CODE] switch (x) case 0: switch(y) case …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for chamnab

[QUOTE=BitBlt;1561848]Yes, it is in MSAccess, it's the first window you see when you open up an MDB file. It shows your list of tables, or forms, or queries, etc. It is referred to as the "Database" window in the documentation.[/QUOTE] It is also referring to the NAVIGATION PANE which is …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for koffimide

[QUOTE=koffimide;1529105]Below is the connection string, <% ' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm" ' Type="ADO" ' DesigntimeType="ADO" ' HTTP="true" ' Catalog="" ' Schema="" Dim MM_cnxxxx_STRING MM_cnxxxx_STRING = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("./uuuu.mdb") %>[/QUOTE] Check out the Connection String for Access here: [url][/url] Yours doesn't look right.

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for crazycat503

[QUOTE=crazycat503;1541788]Hi, I am trying to come up wit a database design for a small school. it works this way: in AC-Year, there are 3 terms with each term having 2 semesters. New students get registered at the start of each term. A student may take entrance exam. if he fails, …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for isumasama

[QUOTE=isumasama;1537933]hi all, i have created a crosstab query and one of the row heading contains a hyperlink field. my problem is that the field is not working, and on top of that it gives corrupted values too. pls help thanks[/QUOTE] I don't believe you can use that directly in a …

Member Avatar for isumasama
Member Avatar for isumasama

You don't need to use the search to find the record in the other table. You would use a SQL Statement and recordset to bring back the appropriate record if there was one: [CODE]'SEARCH FOR THE RECORD IN REMARK TABLE Dim strSQL As String Dim strWHERE As String Dim rs …

Member Avatar for isumasama
Member Avatar for charlybones

[QUOTE=charlybones;1506446]Ok, so after hours and hours of testing and searching online I'm almost convinced that this can't be done, but I'm asking here for help maybe someone can give me any idea as to why this isn't working. I'm doing this query: [CODE]SELECT * FROM( (SELECT t1.PAG5 from table1 t1 …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for Hyo

[QUOTE=Hyo;1513776]I have done this query : Balance:[Medical]![Price]-750[/QUOTE] That isn't a query. That may be PART of a query from the QBE grid but it is definitely not the entire query. If it is then that would explain a lot. Post the SQL of the query (Go to VIEW > SQL …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for isumasama

Copy this function into a standard module (not form, report or class) and name the module something other than the name of the function: [code] Function AdjustProcNum(strTableName As String, strFieldName As String, lngNewNum As Long) Dim strSQL As String Dim rst As DAO.Recordset strSQL = "Select [" & strFieldName & …

Member Avatar for isumasama
Member Avatar for isumasama

I'm assuming Outcome is numeric but it wouldn't have to be but you would change the value for NZ to vbNullString if it is text. [CODE]MyNum1 = ]")[COLOR="red"][B]Nz([/B][/COLOR]DLookup("[Outcome]", "Remark", _ "[IDRemark] = Form![SelectTxt]")[COLOR="red"][B],0)[/B][/COLOR] OutTxt.Value = MyNum1[/CODE]

Member Avatar for isumasama
Member Avatar for erum

[QUOTE=erum;1438600]i m facing problem while conencting with sql server mangemnet studio A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. …

Member Avatar for hchf
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

You can try setting the Search button's DEFAULT property to YES and see if that helps.

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for JoyBh

Set up the table to be imported to first with the right datatypes and all and then import the data.

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for ellenski

You are using the wrong ODBC driver. You should be using one for ACCESS. You don't select the driver based on what you are programming FROM but where you want to connect TO. So you want the Microsoft Access ODBC driver and the connection strings are available here: [URL=""]For Access …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for Polongo

It is not a simple task for which you seek. About the only way you will get to do it, short of being an EXPERT Access Programmer and writing a LOT of code is to purchase [URL=""]Shrinker/Stretcher from Peter's Software[/URL] which does do this for you.

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for ksaroj
Member Avatar for amina_latif

[QUOTE=amina_latif;1439126]Hi I am new to VB.NET but for my final year project have started a system for childrens daycare center. I want to create user accounts which I think I should be able to do in acess. How do I link this to VB.NET? is it hard? what will …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for blur0224

You don't link SharePoint to an Access database, you link an Access database to SharePoint. Access can display SharePoint data and use it for creating reports, not the other way around. You may want to read this for more information: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for dreamer_lek91

I answered your question in your other post here: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for wewehalim

With tab controls you do not reference any tabs. Just reference a control as if it was on the form itself. If you are referencing a control on a subform within a tab just use the normal syntax for referring to a control on the subform. There is no special …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for dreamer_lek91

Control Source of the text box: =DMax("YourDateFieldNameHere", "YourTableNameHere") Replace YourDateFieldNameHere with your actual field which has the dates and YourTableNameHere with the name of the table where the date field resides. And KEEP THE DOUBLE QUOTES.

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for Datsun90

No, each computer has to have it set up. You can run a batch file to update registry settings ([URL=""]see here for more[/URL] about the registry settings required).

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for dreamer_lek91

Yes, you should make an ACCDE file. What is happening right now is that you have compile errors that you need to fix before it can compile to an ACCDE. So, open the VBA window, and go up to DEBUG > COMPILE {yourprojectnamehere} and run the compile. Fix the error …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for elanch

[QUOTE=adhikariprakash;705537]hi all! I need to make a form in Ms-Access as EXE file. So that the file can be runned without opening Ms-Access. I know that, it is possible in Vbasic but whether it is possible to do in Ms-Access. Thanks[/QUOTE] The short answer is NO, you cannot do this …

Member Avatar for Petre
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

To add a form header or footer you can go to VIEW > FORM HEADER/FOOTER or VIEW > PAGE HEADER/FOOTER

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for MarcusMaximus

[QUOTE=MarcusMaximus;1093091]Im having trouble with a running sum for my VAT analysis section of a report. Whats happening is the vat is calculated and rounded appropriately. But the running sum seems to be calculated on the pre rounded figure, is there anyway to rectify this. So i have following figures [I]245.70 …

Member Avatar for boblarson
Member Avatar for ccmancio

[QUOTE=ccmancio;1083909]Compare field Field1 with Ucase(Field1) return 0 ever.. but I have any register with Field1 in mix case. Why Access retur every igual ?[/QUOTE] Access is not case sensitive. If you want to compare strings you need to use binary. Look up the [B]strComp[/B] function.

Member Avatar for boblarson

The End.