Ok, so after hours and hours of testing and searching online I'm almost convinced that this can't be done, but I'm asking here for help maybe someone can give me any idea as to why this isn't working.

I'm doing this query:

(SELECT t1.PAG5 from table1 t1 where t1.PAG5 > 0) 
(select t2.PAG1 from table1 t2 where t2.PAG1 > 0)

The bad part: it has to be access 2.0

This gives me an error after the first FROM. I'm guessing access 2.0 doesn't allow nested Select with Union. Is this true?

PS: Running the two Union queries by themselves works.

i am sure it works on version 97 onwards.

I have never worked on Access 2.0.

Ok, so after hours and hours of testing and searching online I'm almost convinced that this can't be done, but I'm asking here for help maybe someone can give me any idea as to why this isn't working.

I'm doing this query:

(SELECT t1.PAG5 from table1 t1 where t1.PAG5 > 0) 
(select t2.PAG1 from table1 t2 where t2.PAG1 > 0)

The bad part: it has to be access 2.0

This gives me an error after the first FROM. I'm guessing access 2.0 doesn't allow nested Select with Union. Is this true?

PS: Running the two Union queries by themselves works.

I just tried with this and it works:

Select * FROM (SELECT t1.PAG5 from table1 [B]As[/B] t1 where t1.PAG5 > 0
select t2.PAG1 from table1 [B]As[/B] t2 where t2.PAG1 > 0)
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