pls help me on this..

i'm using this code to get data from record:

MyNum1 = DLookup("[Outcome]", "Remark", _
      "[IDRemark] = Form![SelectTxt]")
OutTxt.Value = MyNum1

my prob is when the data in [Outcome] is null , access having error to still get the null value from the record..
how to deal with this, do I need to put default value for [Outcome] field in case user don't wanna put data in it? or is there other way to handle?


I'm assuming Outcome is numeric but it wouldn't have to be but you would change the value for NZ to vbNullString if it is text.

MyNum1 = ]")[B]Nz([/B]DLookup("[Outcome]", "Remark", _
      "[IDRemark] = Form![SelectTxt]")[B],0)[/B]
OutTxt.Value = MyNum1

Thanks so much boblarson! It works great!! thanks a lot

btw i need to pull image attachment from the record..
can i use the same dlookup? do ineed array to store the data or is there any other way.. plus how to put the attachment in Attachment box in form?

MyNum2 = Nz(DLookup("[Attachment]", "Operation", _
      "[IDOp] = Form![SelectTxt]"), vbNullString)
Attachmentt.Value = MyNum2 <--this definitely an error
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