10,944 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mike_H

I am trying to update the field id_key which is an unique value using uniqid() function. When I print to the screen the value for uniqid() [$id] is different for each record. Which is correct and is what I want. However when I go inspect the table all the values …

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Member Avatar for erabxes

Is it necessary to use mysqli_real_escape_string function for values inputted from the selection option in PHP?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Devang_1

How to create common connection in c# for Windows CE based .net application? I have one barcode scanner, I want to use only one mysql connection at each form becaue opening connection on each form taking too much time. And my device connect server via wifi so.

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Member Avatar for scaiferw

I'm converting old MySQL code to MySQLi, and running into some questions. When selecting data from the database, is it necessary or strongly advised to use prepared statements, or can I safely escape my user-derived parameters like the sample below? In a perfect world I'd have all the time I …

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Member Avatar for mind_1
Member Avatar for ankit1122

hello, i wanna know whats the best way to show query results from mysql onto a webpage.. some says this can only be done in form of table.. but nowadays table less design is preferred..tell me teh most demanding way if somebody knows..

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Member Avatar for berserk

i have an issue with this new form im using based roughly on a design template that i found online, it looks great for the purposes that i need it for, but the problem is i cant seem to get the input data from the form to pass to the …

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Member Avatar for Nollyvenon

I'm creating a query which checks if a client made payments for a given month and if not set charges of 20% of the agreed monthly payment. this is what i currently have: SELECT DAY(paydate) AS PayDay, clientid FROM transactions,clients where transactions.clientid=client.clientid and transactions.product=invoices.product and DAY(paydate)> 10 order by client.clientid …

Member Avatar for Nollyvenon
Member Avatar for ankit1122

hello i doesn't want to get the same results each time i query mysql db.i want the results to be shuffled each time i query .please tell some time saving technique for shuffling result set from mysql..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mastermind2

Hi, I have a table `id - Product_Name - Price - image` Some value like : `1 - My Product A - 50 - mpa.jpg` `2 - My Product B - 10 - mpb.jpg` `3 - My Product A - 40 - mpc.jpg` `4 - My Product C - 20 …

Member Avatar for mastermind2
Member Avatar for Sophia_1

Hi,am new in php and appreciate your help in this matter....tried to save the record below into mysql database but couldn't.The field are blank and the Targetid field is always 0.Below is the coding...Please advise...Tqvm <html> <body> <form action="progress1.php" method="post"> <p> Quantitative Progress: <input type="text" name="Quanprogress1"></p> <p>Qualitative Progress: <input type="text" …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for RikTelner

Is it possible to. Have Apache and MySQL started and running well as service on Ubuntu (I can get to MySQL through terminal and Apache works by correctly executing code which I can see by looking at localhost), then use virtual machine of Windows 8. Start there Apache and phpMyAdmin? …

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Member Avatar for decongh

Hi, am trying to update google map markers without refreshing the map page. I used an ajax to refresh the php part of the code, hoping it will couse the markers to move,but no,lol. From what i found out online i need some kind of respond command for it to …

Member Avatar for bolfescu

Hy i have a db with 1 collum(with 20rows) i whant to create a custom table view of this database with the sum at the end of the table but with custom search function, i cand find an script to do this for me? Thanks

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for bolfescu

hy im using to show this qry $qry = mysql_query("SELECT * ,replace(category, ',', ' ') as category FROM articles ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1"); how can adapt to this qry? $qry=mysql_query("INSERT INTO category(category) VALUES('$cat,$cat3,$cat2')", $con);

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bolfescu

Hy i have two tables articles and iniziale, articles have a collum c2,and iniziale have c1 i whant to do like this c1(whic its have one value only)- sum(c2)(entire collum) ive tryied like this but nothing...:( <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT *,SUM(iCarl)-SUM(CarrelliCC22) as total2 from articles,iniziale"); $row= mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo "<h4>" . …

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Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello althouh i delete records from the database when i call them on a query they appear. Not the other records of the data just the id i have already deleted. I dont use WHERE because i want to return all records from table. Any guess why the id is …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Thurston_1

I have written some SQL code which does not appear to work. Any pointers will be provided 1. Update Table 1 Column 1 with the value of Table 2 Column 1 2. Update Table 1 Column 2 with the value of Table 3 Column 1 3. Update must be based …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for javed.iqbal.3979

Hi all, I have to clarify a few ambiguites regarding mysql client to use for i running database scripts 1).Firstly i want to flush the root password set by me earlier using :mysqladmin -u root password 'root password goes here'. 2).Second i am faced with a problem of "Acces denied …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for blueguy777

unable to insert values into mysql table, only showing blank page. but after commenting mysql query code it's displaying echo $success part and not throwing any error message. code: if(!empty($_POST)) { // keep track validation errors $first_nameError = null; $last_nameError = null; $mobile_number1Error = null; $addressError = null; $magent_cityError = …

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Member Avatar for accra

Hi, am interfacing gps tracker TK106 with our online platform. The data we get from gps device is in this format (06667778889-9BP05000066677788899140815A0533.8206N00009.7045W000.0165936157.6200000000-L0000F51C) Instractions form [this site](http://sourceforge.net/p/opengts/patches/1/) explains the variours data sets in the string above, for example the first 11 digits 06667778889 is the device's programmable ID ,used in placed …

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Member Avatar for davy_yg

studentmgt.php $search = $_GET['search']; echo $search; ?> <div align="center"> <div style="width:700px;text-align:left;padding-top:5px;"> <?php if (isset($confirmation)) { echo $confirmation; } ?> <form method="get" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>"> <br/> <?php //LOAD STUDENTS INFO $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `student` INNER JOIN `group` ON group.group_id = student.group_id INNER JOIN `access` ON access.access_level_id = student.access_level_id ORDER …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for charlie.kirk.140

Hi, The following code selects and displays a record from the "emailtbl" table as desired except for the the date and it doesn't update the "lastused" (date) field to the "numbers" table via "lastused.php" include. No error messages. I need help. <html><head> </head> <BODY> <?php include ("lastused.php"); include ("counter.php"); $id="''"; …

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Member Avatar for nadiam

hi, i have an import csv script but it does not get entered into the database. only "uploaded successfully" and the data is echoed but nothing in the database is something wrong with it? and is it sql injection safe? <?php if(isset($_SESSION['sess_user_id'])) { if (isset($_POST['ubmit'])) { require "connection.php"; $session = …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for bolfescu

Hy io have this php script(if you can call php script) anyway i whant that every result to show it one down the another(mysql grid table) but with that kind of search....i've tryied but unf nothing.... this is the "code" <?php $i = 0; if ($_REQUEST["string"]<>'') { $search_string = " …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Chem_1
Member Avatar for santunu23

This is my script when any registed user click on checkbox then he insert tbl1 table and we set a cookie and run events after 36 minute event will run and insert data in to another table called tbl2 my code is <form action="course01.php" method="POST"> <input type="checkbox" name="chk1" value="701" />I …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for santunu23

is it possible to run a php script using mysql event if so how to do that i mean syntex thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for Chem_1
Member Avatar for Chem_1
Member Avatar for hxinen

Hi, I need some help with my college work, with the database I am designing. # Assuming I want this to happen: # **Main Category:** Level1 Level1 >Level1.1 >Level1.2 >>Level1.2.a >>Level1.2.b >>>Level1.2.b.a >>Level1.2.b.a.a >>>Level1.2.b.b How do I design this? Thank you!

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The End.