541 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nandomo

I am sending a file over datagram sockets, all of the packets arrive perfectly fine except the last one, since it does not fill the buffer of bytes when it is sent through the network those bytes in the array which didn't have data now have junk information that corrupt …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Hello Group! I've written an app that saves the updated info into a network file folder based on the property number (I'm in the hotel industry). Currently I have a text file with the individual folder names that I've hand written so the app knows where to store the data. …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for Mr Enquirer

Hello Folks, I am interested in these "pay per download sites" but don't know which ones are good. Therefore, need your inputs. Which ones: * have low payout requirement (eg. you get paid as soon as you reach $5 or $10) ? * pay weekly or as soon as you …

Member Avatar for rubeea.jaffari

Hello everyone, I am trying to connect my android application to MYSQL database. I have used the following: MYSQL already created database test (accessed via xampp using localhost/phpmyadmin) Created a table named as student in the database test consisting of Name and Roll No columns and 2 records. A user …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for 3knur8

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question in, but here goes... I have a new macbook air and I'm attempting to use a shared printer that's on my windows network. I can detect the printer, and it's installed on my mac, but when …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for lewashby

I just installed CentOS in my Oracle virtual box and now I'm having trouble getting it to connect online. I'm following the directions here -> http://xmodulo.com/how-to-configure-network-interfaces-in.html but the file ifcfg-eth0 is not showing up in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ a lot of ther ifFILES are showing up but not that one. I would …

Member Avatar for Sana_4
Member Avatar for Emma Carter

I would like to know whether the private network blog technique is available in SEO?

Member Avatar for bijutoha
Member Avatar for Zorrro

I want to be able to remotely reboot a windows 7 PC, reconnect it to network automatically and get its access using remote access/team viewer or something. Is that possible? And can it be done with account having password?

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Xabush

I'm currently working on a school project that aims at creating a P2P chat client for users on the same network. For now, it will only be used by users on the same LAN network. But hopefully,I will to extend to work for users on the same public Wifi(if that's …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for happygeek

A group describing itself as "DDoS kings" who "just want to watch the world burn" has claimed responsibility for taking the Microsoft Xbox Live network down for an hour or two earlier today. The [Lizard Squad](https://twitter.com/LizardPatrol), posting from a Twitter account called LizardPatrol, published a message warning that "Microsoft will …

Member Avatar for Paradise488

I could think of half a dozen places this could start this conversation. I don’t believe the problem is hardware related, but the information that I am getting from my customer doesn’t convince me that it is vendor (AT&T DSL) related either. I maintain a small office with 5 computers …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for happygeek

There's a truism that I like to share with as many people as possible: if you don't want other people to see something, then don't post it online. It is, you might think, a pretty simple concept to grasp. After all, you wouldn't stroll into a bar with a megaphone …

Member Avatar for erikko
Member Avatar for busiemabhena

Hi guys, can anyone help us connect to a Samsung SCX - 4623FN scanner over a network. we use the printer over the network but we can't see to configure the scanner to scan over a network. Should the scanner be attached to a PC for it to function?

Member Avatar for abs_sol
Member Avatar for Remy the cook

I applied neural network toolbox to create a multilayer feedforward network. The data is a huge csv file which maps to three outputs. data = load('Train.csv'); Input= data(1:31012,1:40); Output=data(1:31012,41); %net = newff(minmax(Input),[1000,1000,1000]); net = feedforwardnet(10,'trainlm'); view(net) y = net(Input); perf = perform(net,y,Output) but this code always gives this - "Empty …

Member Avatar for twoyorkie

I am haveing great difficulty in finding software for **Sumvision(W322P) 300M 802.11N Wireless PCI Adapter**.. the manufacturers website has bad links (reported) and although it seems to be a Ralink device ,they have drivers for "similar" units but not a functioning driver ! So,if anyone has the original software cd …

Member Avatar for twoyorkie
Member Avatar for sribharath_1

Hi .. we have a anddroid app which is connected to a server url ..som thing like we have used iframe kind of thing and when ever a user with out internet connection opens it it is showing a a normal 404 page like http://www.soandso.com/app is not available .. i …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for chaze

I started a social network and it's pretty nice if I do say so but of course I get no traffic and very few sign ups. Any ideas on how to get lots of people to my new social network? It has no niche, just that it's global.

Member Avatar for emilysmith
Member Avatar for Pravesh_1

How I can get unique IP address over a Network? In network all system have same IP. It is possible get unique IP address like MAC address ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for newviewit.com

First it was geocities, then myspace, then facebook... with the current backlash against Facebook selling out and ruining peoples privacy it looks like Facebook is going to loose customers. Did you know that almost anyone can see anything about your profile - pics, feeds, comments, etc through Facebook new privacy …

Member Avatar for idontcareit
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I am trying to put rows from my database to a select this is the code, <select name='network' id='network'> <option selected>None</option> <?php $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `countries` "); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo $row['name'].'<br>'; } ?> </select>

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

In windows 8 PC When I connect to both VPN wifi I get no internet access on my wifi but internet access on my vpn if I don't connect to VPN and only connect to wifi then I get access to wifi I checked my device manager network adabter and …

Member Avatar for reallovehunter
Member Avatar for happygeek

So, we all know about the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn but outside of the big four what are your favourite 'niche' social networks. By which I mean the social networking sites which address niche markets, which are growing quickly but have not yet really hit the media …

Member Avatar for DavidB
Member Avatar for jKidz

Hi All, I am looking for a software that can be used for scheduling (Diary). But it must be a centralized one because 3 users wants to use it. Please help me to find a suitable software. Thank You all

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tyberium

OS: Win XP sp2 Dell Dimmension B110 The first symptom was the onboard network connector stopped working. On reboot the blue bios screen appeared. the error number is: 0x000000A5 (0x00010007, 0x00000038, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) I have already tried removing the battery on the motherboard, and flipping the two pin connector inorder …

Member Avatar for mirjalali
Member Avatar for antonyalston

I am Creating a app and I though of creating a loding screen with which will check the availablity of database which will use in the application if the connection to database appers to kk then then loading form will open the login form or orelse i want that form …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for pop_cola

Hi VB.NET gurus, Is there any way to get the name of a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) of a different domain (let's say workDomain) by using a computer that is not part of the domain (let's say home-PC)? If there is, can somebody show me how or point me to …

Member Avatar for fareez

Dear all, I tried to open this : www.microchip.com but my google chrome gave me : This webpage is not available. Also netscape 9, firefox and IE gave : server not found. But my Tablet MSI 8 opened it. I tried to make firewall off, allow cookies and set network …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for lewashby

Below is what I'm getting when I try nad start tor, any ideas? M ay 25 14:38:35.000 [notice] Bootstrapped 25%: Loading networkstatus consensus. May 25 14:38:45.000 [warn] Received directory with skewed time (server ''): It seems that our clock is behind by 6 hours, 59 minutes, or that theirs is …

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for mykul.guillory

Hi, new to the world of IT. Spent the last 10 years of my life in the military doing satellite communications, and other random "space" related activities. I have very little experience in the field of IT, just hired as a help desk pro. Going through training to receive my …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for palanisvasam

am creating a new social network like FB: In that i cant able to change the text color permanently by selecting a theme... help me guyz:

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The End.