5 Solved Topics

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Member Avatar for Aeonix

*Story happens in imaginary universe, but I'm using current time "relativation".* vmWare Player type of application (but for free). I consider adding it to Open Source because everybody is saying how great it is and how fast bugs can be fixed. There's couple stories to be told: **Side of Manager** …

Member Avatar for Aeonix
Member Avatar for pwolf

As a beginner java learner, I would be grateful if some people could point out a few open source projects with a high quality code base. Not necceserily aimed at a beginner, I would rather see a professional quality example, and preferabbly the project would use some common tools for …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for gon1387

Hi Everyone, I've been looking for good javascript projects to join. Are there any projects you can advice? I've researched a lot. (with the help of Google. :D) But would also love to get advices from people who have/had worked at an opensource project here. I would also love to …

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for michelle1

Hello, Can anyone recommend an [U]light weight[/U] IDE for C development? Preferably open source, but definitely free. (for Windows) It doesn't need to have its own version control - I'm using subversion - a plugin to subversion would be nice but it okay if it doesn't. Currently my colleague is …

Member Avatar for Abdelghafour
Member Avatar for iammirko

Hi, I have been trying to compile open source projects since past few months with no success. I just don't know how to go about the entire thing. Readings over the internet have not helped much. Some come with [COLOR="red"]./Configure[/COLOR] and a [COLOR="red"]Makefile[/COLOR] while others with only a [COLOR="Green"]Makefile[/COLOR]. How …

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