
Can anyone recommend an light weight IDE for C development? Preferably open source, but definitely free. (for Windows)

It doesn't need to have its own version control - I'm using subversion - a plugin to subversion would be nice but it okay if it doesn't.

Currently my colleague is using Borland C++ to develop and compile C code. It looks a little heavy and I'd prefer to use something much simpler.

Thanks in advance, Michelle

If you want simple and complex then try VIM...

If you want simple and complex then try VIM...

Mmm... Thanks Gerard, if I'm thinking of the right thing (vi enhanced) - mmm... is it possible to I be able to set breakpoints, step over and step into? I think in the least I'll need that.

Mmm... Thanks Gerard, if I'm thinking of the right thing (vi enhanced) - mmm... is it possible to I be able to set breakpoints, step over and step into? I think in the least I'll need that.

That would be a debugger your talking about...If you expect your IDE to come fully featured then it won't be lightweight....Can VIM use a debugger? I really don't know because I never tried...

I would look into Code blocks, Gedit, Kwrite, Kdevelop, bluefish...or just Google Linux IDE since most are ported to Windows.

>If you expect your IDE to come fully featured then it won't be lightweight....
The very definition of IDE implies a text editor, a compiler, a debugger, and build tools. vim is a text editor, not an IDE. That's why developers work with several individual tools such as vim, gdb, gcc, and make when working without an IDE.

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Try bloodshed dev-c++ (it supports c). I don't what's the project status now, when I was on Windows, i used to use that.

What I need: debugger, compiler, text completion, navigate the project structure, and nice to have: subversion plugin. All right - even if its not THAT light weight - any recommendations for a more sexy up-to-date IDE other than Borland which contains all these features?

....at this point anything is looking lighter than Borland C++. It just doesn't make sense that it should take so much to install and setup a simple little environment. [thank-you both for your replies]

Try Code::Blocks or Bluefish.

IMO Code::Blocks is better, since Bluefish started life as web development IDE.

Alternative is downloading notepad++ and also gnu compiler package.

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