So here is my problem, my friend and I are writing a simple project for a electrical eng. teacher, who really doesn't know too much about programming c++. We were assigned to make a successive approximation ADC Look here in any coding language possible. I would have liked to make it in Java for Linux, but the professor insisted we make it for c++ and specifically for windows. (derp) I have limited c++ knowledge, but I tried my best and wrote a successful decimal to binary conversion loop. However, said friends code refuses to work for any bit value above 30 bits, as in, it crashes when it is entered.
I know it is not a problem with my function, but a problem with the equation. I need just a little help troubleshooting the problem.
# include <iostream>;
# include <cmath>;
# include <string>;
# include <cstring>;
# include <iomanip>;
#include <windows.h>;
#include <stdio.h>;
using namespace std;
//temp location for ereperation
//list of colors 1-15 to interface with the console
//color function
void SetColor(Color c) //Color c is for the ereperation ^^^^
if(hCon == NULL) //if there isn't a memory location
hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); //creates space in console buffer
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, c); //sets color in console to selected color for that memory location
//main function
int main()
char answer;
do {
SetColor(DARKRED); cout << "*********************************************************************************";
SetColor(TEAL);cout << " Welcome To the Analog to Digital Converter Program ";SetColor(DARKRED); cout << "* ";
double n ;
int d = 0;
double x, y;
int z, twotothen, j;
double an, bit, ref;
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Enter Vref: "; //All functions have defensive programming:
std::cin >> std::setw(3) >> ref;
for (; ref < 0 ;)
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Vref Cannot be less than 0, Enter a new Vref: "; //Here
SetColor(YELLOW); cin >>ref;
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Enter number of bits (1-32): ";
SetColor(YELLOW); cin >> bit;
for (;bit <= 0 || bit >= 33;)
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Please enter a bit value between 1 and 32: "; //Here
SetColor(YELLOW);cin >>bit;
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Please enter the analog voltage: ";
SetColor(YELLOW); cin >> an;
for(; an < 0 || an > ref;)
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " The analog voltage must be greater than zero and less than Vref, \nPlease enter new value: "; //And here
SetColor(YELLOW); cin >> an;
y = ref/pow(2,bit); //Calculatng the step size
x = an/ref; //Used to calculate VR
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Step size is: ";
SetColor(YELLOW); cout << y << endl;
twotothen = pow(2, bit);
//cout << x << endl; //Test if the control value is good
z = .6 * pow(2, bit);
//cout<< z << endl; //test if VR is correct
int binary(z);
SetColor(GREEN); cout << " Step VR Binary Value "; //Header
cout << " ____ _______ ____________ ";
for( j = 1, n =1 ; d!= z; n++, j++ ) //Main loop
int k = pow(2, n);
double p;
d = abs(d); //make sure the VR is positive
d += twotothen/ k;
SetColor(WHITE); cout << setw( 5) << right << j << " " << setw(7) << setprecision(6) << abs(d * y) << " ";//Outputs The Step,VR
//Function for decimal to binary
string result;
int rep = d; // the number to convert to binary
if (rep == 0) // if the input is 0, output 0
result = "0";
while (rep != 0)
if (rep%2!=0) //if the number is divisible by 2, remainder = 1
result += "1";//add 1 to the string
result += "0";//add 0 to the string
rep = rep/2;
//This is problamatic however, becuase it writes the string in reverse, so it has to get converted:
string hold;//string to hold the converted value
string::reverse_iterator rev; //calls string rev to beign reversing the data values
for ( rev=result.rbegin() ; rev < result.rend(); rev++ ) //for loop; string rev = Returns the reverse of the beginning value, until reaching the end
cout << *rev; //points back to the result string for the next conversion
hold += *rev; //add the converted value to be held (this value is truncated every time a new number is converted)
cout << setw(bit) << endl;
if (d == z) //when conversion is complete
cout << " Final Bianry Conversion is: ";
SetColor(YELLOW); cout << hold << endl;
if( abs(d) > abs(z))//else go to next conversion,
d-= twotothen/ k;
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " Percent error is: ";
SetColor(YELLOW); cout << (1 - (d * y / an))*100;//the VR devided by the expected voltage
SetColor(WHITE); cout << " %" << endl;
cout << " Convert Again?";
SetColor(RED); cout << "[Y/y] ";
SetColor(YELLOW); cin >> answer;
}while ( answer =='y' || 'Y'); //if N or anything else, end the program
return 0;
He added the annotations after I programmed the decimal to binary converter. I am really at a loss for this one.
(Forgive the windows only code!)
Some equations:
Step size = Vref/Bits^2 = Vref / pow(2, bits)
VR= the equivalent voltage of the binary number
More can be seen at the link.