Hello i'm rather new to Python and I was wondering how I could do a menu to prompt the user to choose a number and execute a certain part of code based on his choice.

For example:

please choose an option

then based on users input, it executes only that part of the code.

Would i just do something like

if choice ==1 :
do this

if choice ==2:
do this


Would i just do something like

if choice ==1 :
do this

if choice ==2:
do this


Yeah pretty much. That's the most straight forward way to approach this problem

usr_inp = raw_input( 'Enter your choice (1-3): ' )

if usr_inp == '1':
    # do something for 1
elif usr_inp == '2':
    # do another thing for 2
elif usr_inp == '3':
    # do the number 3 thing
    print 'Invalid Option'

I posted a code snippet for this kind of problems. It's an elementary solution, but it works. A more sophisticated approach is to use the standard module cmd

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