In my program I read in a text file an decrypt the text from an array. once decrypted i then have to do through it again and search for every tenth array member and show their memory location.
The code so far:
int main( )
int* pCrypted = NULL;
int crypted; //holds the number of the ASCII value
cout << "Enter filename: " << endl; //ask user to enter desired file
char filename[50]; //saves name of file
ifstream myFile;
cin.get(filename, 50); //retreives text from file; //opens file
if(!myFile.is_open()) //checks if file is open
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //if cannot open then causes error
string temp;
char word[400]; //array for the the text
myFile >> word; //puts the text retrieved, into the array
while(myFile.good()) //while loop to see if the file is still good
myFile.get(word, 400);
//cout << word; //outputs the word to the command line
//temp = temp + " " + word;
//myFile >> word; //puts next line retrieval into the array
cout << "Received text is: " << word << "\n"; //outputs final line to command line
int shift = 0; //array for the shifting
char response; //variable ready for users response
//system("CLS");//clear screen
decrypt(word); //calls the decryption one the word array
cout << "\nDecrypted text is: " << word << endl; //outouts the decrypted text to the screen
shift++; //increments shift by one
cout << "is this the correct state Y or N" << endl; //asks user if the text is correctly decrypted
cin >> response;
while(response != 'y'); //checks if users response was y for yes
cout << "\nthe shift is: " << shift << endl; //outputs the amount of shifts taken on to the screen
///////////search array for every tenth memory location///////
char d[400];
pCrypted = &crypted;
//search every tenth for pointer address
for(int i=0; d[i] != 400; i+10)
d[i] = crypted;
cout << "Memory Location is: " << pCrypted << endl;
crypted = crypted + 10;
return 0;
What the program seems to do is find the first member and then just spam out that memory location for infinite times.