1,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for andrewsexton

Hi all, I am getting this error Data Error (cyclic redundancy check) while trying to copy stuff from a dvd to my hard drive on all dvds. I have also replaced the DVD Write and still get the same error. I can read info and copy cds etc. Please reply …

Member Avatar for mailco

I have a Linksys Broadband Router model WRT54G ver 2. Can someone help with how I can configure a password into it as half the apartments where I live are now using my broadband via my wireless router. How do I get its ip address and what do I do …

Member Avatar for nizzy1115
Member Avatar for tabish

Hello,I have just bought a new mic and I have found out it doesn't work. I had a mic before too, that didn't work either. I put the mic in the pink/red slot on the back of my CPU, and it doesn't work even when kept on full volume. I …

Member Avatar for tabish
Member Avatar for rios

Hello, I just recently purchased a Logitech 'Premium USB Headset 300', and I also reformated my computer and installed xP professional. Now, when I go to plug in my mic in the USB port, nothing happens. It is suposed to read that there is new softwear or what ever, but …

Member Avatar for tabish
Member Avatar for thiab

I was trying to watch a vcd tonight when all of a sudden my disc drive sorta spat out the disc, then locked itself. It feels like there may be a disc stuck in there, but I don't believe it. I'm using a G4 Powerbook with the MAC OSX. Also …

Member Avatar for Jodi Sones

I have a Dell 922 AIO printer (new along with new dell computer) that will not copy nor scan vivid colors at all. All other colors are perfect except very vivid colors. My Cannon does these colors perfectly. I cannot get Dell to understand that their drivers are to blame. …

Member Avatar for GriffIT34
Member Avatar for Helltech

Ok so my front middle speaker used to work when I played music. Now since I moved into a new room it does not. When I test it with Creative .. it works fine ... but when I go to play music .. its just static *when I hold it …

Member Avatar for Helltech
Member Avatar for home_boy93

my DSE A2283 mp3 player which had mp3's on it gived a message saying "no mp2 file" , i found some software on the internet "sigam tel MSCn firmware" that helped me format the player but now that i have formatted it the light on the LCD comes on for …

Member Avatar for figment_1

Wondered if anyone else has suffered from my current PC problem. My mouse seems to have taken on a persona of its own, behaving very strangely. I really cant decide if it is a hardware or software issue. The rodent in question is a Microsoft wireless optical 2 job that …

Member Avatar for nizzy1115
Member Avatar for mwanta37

Hi I'm having a promblem with my keys on my notebook. Whenever i type a key, and want to type the same key it wont work. In order for it to work, i have to type a different key (a key that wont insert a character). Like if i want …

Member Avatar for mwanta37
Member Avatar for olli460

Hello i formatted my PC today and when i came back online i went to record some sound but i was unable to hear myself through my microphone i could only hear sound which was on my PC so if i played music i could hear music being played twice. …

Member Avatar for FALCO64
Member Avatar for SCVanguard

Let me first start off saying that so far it's done everything I've asked of it, but there is just one more thing I'd like it to do...and unfortunately my manuel is about 200 miles away, so asking here is my best chance. With my HP zd8000, I would like …

Member Avatar for BKH

I Got Given A Logik MP3 Player For Christmas, And It Worked Fine, But Then One Day The Menu And Song Names Went In Weird Japanese Symbols, I Can't Do Anything On The Menu And I Can't See What Song I Am Listening To :sad: I've Tried Re-Putting The Songs …

Member Avatar for BKH
Member Avatar for hpsims

hi there, I've had problems with my pc recently & since installing NEro 7 & systmworks 2006 i have found that ther is now a problemwith my cd-rw drive , my dvd drive & dvd -writer drive, for some reason there are missing files in the registry & configuration so …

Member Avatar for moudi
Member Avatar for chochox

Hi it's my first post here. I have a problem with my mouse. It works for a certain amount of time, then the cursor freezes in one spot on the screen. I can still do everything normally, i can click and drag and all that stuff, i just can't see …

Member Avatar for bigkahuna
Member Avatar for bigkahuna

(my first post) Hi, my mouse mouse has been acting up lately, i got it to stop (no clue how) but it is back again and is very annoying. Its just the cursor that gets stuck in one place, but i can still drag 'n drop and stuff, but i …

Member Avatar for bigkahuna
Member Avatar for moudi

i cant share a network printer to my computer, installing the driver is not completing and a pop up message is showing. this pop up message contain this message: [B]printer driver setup error.cannot create a file when that file alreay exits.[/B]

Member Avatar for drumsx10

Hey guys hows it goin? I have a question that i cant seem to fig. out. I bought a new barebone for my desktop. (it comes with a new power supply and fan.) i used the same hardware in the old one and moved it into the new barebone. Everything …

Member Avatar for Xtothel
Member Avatar for tinyangel

:cry: Hi I need help I have a dell Inspiron 1150 I just got and I can not make :confused: the plug in mouse work only the one on the lap top. Please help

Member Avatar for Xtothel
Member Avatar for Xtothel

Hi, I have a Sony DCR-TRV38 DV Camcorder. I've always used USB with it to do streaming. But I wanted to try the I.Link(IEEE 1394) with my computer, but my OS(Windows XP PRO) isn't detecting it. Is there a driver that I need or ANYTHING?!?! I've been going at it …

Member Avatar for SANDY MC

Hello, can anyone help me. :cry: I don't know what to choose for audio recordings. I need to record live music both in a theatre and small room AND to be able to record several interviews. I'd prefer NOT having to buy 2 different pieces of equipment (I don't have …

Member Avatar for SANDY MC
Member Avatar for mikey.dennis

Help... I'm the new IT guy for a small company w/ 12 offices and entirely too many different types of printers. How does your company handle ink needs of all the different office. Are their controls in place, How do you store it, and anyone have any good high quality …

Member Avatar for LongshankHomo

Hi i spilled water on my wireless mouse last night and now it doesnt respond. i have tried connecting it again with the reciever but still nothing. Any Idea???

Member Avatar for nizzy1115
Member Avatar for strongbadag

USB 2.0 - Optical Mouse Updated to newest drivers for MB (A7N8X-E) Everytime I startup I have to unplug the mouse and plug it back in for XP (professional) to detect the thing. I have done a restore and and all kinds of crap but cannot seem to remedy this. …

Member Avatar for nizzy1115
Member Avatar for Luveblues

Out of nowhere my HP 5510 all-in-one has stopped working with my hp computer. If I cancel the print job and reboot my system, sometimes it will print the job, sometimes it prints gobbledy gook. All though I don't think the two things are related, this all started happening about …

Member Avatar for Pitufo

Hello, all of a sudden my right speaker won't play. I have a Yamaha 2.1 setup. I checked the control panel volume page, my WMP page for balance and the connections. I unplugged the speaker input and tested it with a CD player and all the speakers themselves are working …

Member Avatar for nizzy1115
Member Avatar for LeeDoncaster

Not sure if this is actually hardware related at all. I have a fairly new PC (month or so old) which runs on Windows XP. I use wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. Today I had to hard reboot my machine as it locked up completely whilst running a game. Now …

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for sphinxxX

I have a abit aw8max 3rd eye II, with 2*1048 corsair ram at 800Mhz, and sapphire radeon X1900XTX, and 4*250gb sata2 drives, 1*36.7gb raptor drive, and one 200gb ata133 drive. also got uguru clock and a hardcano fan controller connected, and hmm a plextor sata dvd burner. and of course …

Member Avatar for nizzy1115
Member Avatar for Legha

My video card recently went bad and became unusable, also my motherboard was somewhat out of date. I bought a new motherboard, processor, and had to replace the harddrive because it wouldn't format and I couldn't access it. I just got my new harddrive in and went to install it(note: …

Member Avatar for Sixcmtall

I recently purchased the Microsoft Wireless Comfort Keyboard, and was very interested in the Zoom Slider feature. I have been unable to get it to work. I am using Intellitype 5.2 on WinXP, and all other features work perfectly, but when I attempt to use the Zoom feature, the CPU …


The End.