1,588 Topics

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Member Avatar for tez

I bought an Epsom C64 printer in June and have just replaced the colour cartridges and found that the yellow appeared not to be working. (Tight git I bought non-Epsom refills). I then bought an Epsom branded yellow cartridge to find there is still no yellow being printed, although the …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for Master Coder X7

hi, whenever you press CTRL on my uncle's keyboard, it writes a Z on the screen. when you press A in ie, it opens the favourites, when you press TAB it turns on the CAPS LOCK. when you hold the shift it writes a Q. what should we do to …

Member Avatar for OurNation
Member Avatar for Martian

I have an Epson Stylus 440 Color Printer and it's black and colored inks were running out, so I got new ones (generic brands by a company called Venus) and now the printer has stopped printing on pages. It just prints out blank pages and the pages are loaded and …

Member Avatar for DuncanIdaho
Member Avatar for steosaur(oWn)

A female friend of mine spilled some peach juice on her dell laptop keyboard, not the entire keboard just about 20% of the board. It doesn't work anymore, but the computer is still fine. 1. what is that command to turn off key lock (when you jam on a bunch …

Member Avatar for steosaur(oWn)
Member Avatar for rcrevolution

I was in my documents and started clikcing the mouse well now when I click the left button a sub menu pops up, instead of opening a programing or double clicking it open the menu with arrange by, properties,new,etc Please help me I can't do anything right now my right …

Member Avatar for Deiwos
Member Avatar for Olio

hey guys, i'm trying to communicate with several devices over a serial port (actually its a sealevel card that pretends to be a serial port but thats not the point) and i'm setting it to: baud rate: 2400 byte size: 8 parity: none stop bit: 1 but when i sniff …

Member Avatar for tez

My PC is on ME. I have been running two HP printers (one colour, 1 B&W, which could be selected by a switch console.) Recently changed the HP colour printer for an Epsom which runs OK. But the HP B&W will now not print more than a few lines and …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for dvr

I have seen these cards before. they install in your pc and look like a modem, but you can dial into the card to shutdown , restart or start a computer. has anyone seen this before? I am looking to get one. but I dont know what they are called.

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for NiTeHaWk4787

The scanner actually is working, but when I press the button, it doesnt do anything except just stay powered. It is a HP PrecisionScan, ScanJet 4200C. I downloaded the update to make it work while using XP, then i restarted and it still doesnt work. It used to work with …

Member Avatar for NiTeHaWk4787
Member Avatar for marceta

My keyboard wont let me press more than 3 buttons at a time (windows) and 2 at a time (most games) is this a driver problem or just my poor a$$ keyboard? cheers

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for tez

Running on ME, I have two printers connected and can choose which to use via a switch. Frequently printers wont print and a message appears saying 'Out of paper etc' although there is plenty of paper. I have tried connecting direct to the PC bypassing the switch, cleaning the paper-pick …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for J☼E

i have a Logitech MX700 wireless mouse. and when i play games with it i cannot program the mousewheel or any of the other mouse buttons to do anything i dont know how to fix this heres the screen of the configuration tool i have tried checking the box that …

Member Avatar for J☼E
Member Avatar for jefferson

I have just upgraded from Windows 98 to XP and when i try to launch the Kodak Easyshare software for my camera i get the message "this application has failed because the application configuration is incorrect. reinstalling the application may fix this problem'. i have uninstalled and reinstalled with no …

Member Avatar for drummerboy
Member Avatar for Mizukage

Hi, I have no experience in reparing computers but my friend said you guys might know. My keyboard in my laptop just randomly freezes?? any suggestions to fixing it ^^; -I have a compaq presario 700 laptop x.x

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for ragjaws

My boss has an IBM Thinkpad I-Series 1400, with Windows 2000 in Florida. We are trying to use Skype to communicate between Florida and Northern Ontario, so I am trying to troubleshoot this from up here. When we connect, he hears me very well but I am unable to hear …

Member Avatar for ragjaws
Member Avatar for sunshine

Wondered if anyone can help, I bought a no name digicam for my daughter and the software cd that came with it and contains the driver doesn't work, no support from the retailer and of course the manufacturer is unknown I tried searching online for a driver but it only …

Member Avatar for brujo
Member Avatar for viperman224

I have an HP photosmart 320 every time I take a picture or I should most everytime I take a picture it comes back with these circle like things aka orbs. I had done some reasearch and its either one of two things its either my house has ghosts (which …

Member Avatar for Bikin4life90
Member Avatar for Snoodle

Hi I am new to this forum. My daughter and I have a creative webcam pro - she is at university and I am at home. MSN and Creative have not been able to solve my problem. We were both using MSN with webcam and audio options on to talk …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for xstupidx

[COLOR=DarkOrchid]My webcam seems not 2 be working right. OK i turn it on an everything is fine but when i'm done using it i turn it off of course....but when i want 2 turn it back on i have 2 re-start my whole computer 2 get it back on. Please …

Member Avatar for xstupidx
Member Avatar for green_monster

please forgive the lack of proper formatting. i've spilled water on my only two keyboards and i don't know how to fix them. one puts numbers in my typing like so: the qUi8ck br5own fox jumped over5 the laZy7 dog. the other doesn't make any letters at all. one is …

Member Avatar for jokers
Member Avatar for bluedos82

I have a HP Deskjet 648C that has problems... I have fixed the noise that it was making (it was the color ink... it was leaking all over the connectors), but now I can't get the thing to print. I know that it sounds like I had cleaned it and …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for eng_chick

HeY All, this is actaully my first post on this site....new member, I've been researching for a while now on trying to find suitable sensors for motion detection...and I dont want really expensive stuff...just something simple and cheap! I'm unable to find simple yet informative stuff!! I'm trying to build …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for bluedos82

I have a Lasterjet 1000 that has something stuck in it, or at least I think there is. When it prints out, the paper comes out with a crease. Also it has an imprint on it that is on the Left side of the paper that looks like a staple. …

Member Avatar for bluedos82
Member Avatar for rowell1608

I did not se a solution to the problem that "I love my lt " is having. I have the same problem and would very much appreciate some assistance. Thank you.P.S. My keyboard (HP illuminated USB ) is not responding on the top keys . For example Internet connections etc. …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for Love My LT

Hello Everyone. Can anyone give me some directions? I purchased a new hp illuminated usb keyboard from Tigerdirect, but did not know it needed software to make it light up. I searched everywhere and didn't even get closer to finding it. The box came with only keyboard and nothing else …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for astaticlullaby

I just built a new computer for myself and it was running fine for about a month and then one day I go to power it up and the light on the monitor turns green for a second and then it goes into sleep mode (amber color light). I have …

Member Avatar for TallCool1
Member Avatar for bazza

Installed a Logitech pro 3000 webcam, no audio out when in MSN6. Camera works fine on another P/C.I have removed firewalls,anti virus etc, all settings appear to be ok. Updated drivers reinstalled MSN messenger6 and all software, Removed sound card back to onboard in bios, still the same. Help please, …

Member Avatar for Tekmaven
Member Avatar for Tekmaven

Well, due to downsizing my company needs to get rid of our HP LaserJet 4100N printer. We purchased a 5 year extended warranty, which is transferable - a $500.00 value. The warranty has 3 years and 8 months left. Here Are Some Features: -Instant-on fuser prints the first page in …


The End.