39,388 Topics
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hi i am new to this forum. i am able to add image file(a.jpg) to mysql databse. when i see the file in a databse . i could see the file.but when i try to retrive that file ia m getting error.can anybody help me thanks | |
I would like to be able to open a php file and edit it from a browser window. We need to easily add website to this file. We will have a hidden, password protected area that we will use to edit this file. Is there an easy way to do … ![]() | |
Hi Need your help, if you can. I have html and php below for my school project. I am trying make sticky form checkbox. My Html code: <div style="clear:both;"><br /></div> <p>Which Nikon Cameras do you own?</p> <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D5000" />D5000 <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D3000" />D3000 <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D700" … | |
hi.. im sending an email to the user, who registers with my site.. the email has a confirmation code.. after the user clicks the confirmation link, he is verified n allowed.. now the problem is, the confirmation email is sent, but. the link in the email is not working properly.. … | |
i can't do this form, the button will be disabled when page load and only be enabled when one tick in the checkbox ( if the checkbox is unticked , the button will be disabled again). anyone help me ? thanks | |
Hi everyone, a question from php n00b, how would one go about showing content of xml document? I guess an analogy would be something like xml.InnerText in C#? thanks | |
I have setup a site with a login that works fine. What I need to do is have the primary user log in -Then he would invite about 20 max people to join with the same username that he setup. They would have full access to his database. What is … | |
![]() | I'm trying to sort an array which contains objects, but have hit a wall. I have a number of feeds that are placed into objects (WM). The feeds are placed in the order that they're loaded. I want them to be ordered w.r.t. pubDate. I'd rather not recode the whole … ![]() |
I have the following PHP MySql query: [CODE=php]$query="SELECT * FROM hosts WHERE php='$isphp' AND asp='$isasp' ORDER BY asp $sort";[/CODE] The variable $sort is as follows: [CODE=php]$sort = "DESC";[/CODE] can anyone tell me where i am going wrong with the above query ? i know its somthing to do with the … | |
Hi all, Just wondering if anybody can spot the syntax error with the below. [CODE] '<button type="button" onclick="window.location='bookview.php?id='. $row['bookingref'].'&hn'. $row['hotelname'].''">Book Now</button>' [/CODE] It works fine when I just append one row to the URL like this [CODE] '<button type="button" onclick="window.location='results.php?id='. $row['proposalid'] . ''">Book Now</button>' [/CODE] The button only stops workin … | |
Hi all, I had a short question, I am busy making an UML Class Diagram for my future text-based browsergame, and I was wondering if I do it right yes or no. Please give me your critic and comments. [URL="http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/667/umln.jpg"]Click here for the diagram.[/URL] Kind regards, Schoorsteen | |
Hey guys, I have been working on some code and have struck a problem, I tried to make the code as easy as possible to edit at a later date. The issue comes when I include a config file from a directory for a certain page, this config file decides … | |
Hi all. I'm attempting to output all of the possible combination from "a" to "zzzz" and I'm wondering if theres an easy way of doing that. As an example output would be ... a b c .... z aa ab ac .... az ba bb ... and so on.. Is … | |
hi I'm trying to find a way to create a dynamic form from mysql database and update multiple rows from it. For example let's say I have a database with email and the owner's name. How do I build the script to make php grab the data from the db … | |
i was wondering how i can convert my fetch data from database into XML..!! actually i want to use idea on pagination..!! when first time user search for data...!! a XML file will creating containing data from database..!! and further data will be listed from XML instead of database..!!! can … ![]() | |
Over on my site, I have a list of PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusive games: [url]http://scrawlfx.com/ps3-360-exclusives[/url] However, each item in the list is colored differently depending on whether it's solely exclusive to the console, exclusive to the console but has a PC version, or exclusive to PS3 or 360 but … | |
Hi everyone. I have a php mysql class and was wondering how I declare a varialbe kinda thing. Here is the code in the mysql class.... [code] <?php // class stuff public function fetch_array_from_query($query) { $this->debug_write("Fetching array from given query"); if(!$this->is_connected()) $this->setup_connection(); $result = $this->query($query); $this->debug_write("Finished fetching array from given … | |
Hello to all, I'm just starting off learning PHP programming.As for the beginning i managed to download Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3.0 , but i gave up frustrated after browsing several pages googling how to add the PHP to the Apache so that the server uses the php interpreter and … | |
Good day. I want to create a small app that would take out the content from a rss feed and posteriorly from the url . I know that would be easily done in perl with regular expressions, but in php it seams a bit more difficult. So i want to … | |
i want the best php class to work with mysql hi i want the best and the simple php class to work with the mysql thanks | |
Hi, I have a corn.php file that runs automatically every day and one of the functions is to send an e-mail to certain users. The problem is that the e-mails are being sent twice. I can't find anything wrong with the cron file, but checking the access_log.processed file of the … | |
I have inherited a website that was abandoned by it's designer, the guy started with a CMS called Simple Content Management. The core of the system works fine and i am figuring out all the ins and outs of the admin slowly, but surely. My issue is his page nav … | |
Hi and I have been looking around and found that google has a few search api's but haven't yet found one that returns the results as a javascript/ajax array. Is it possible to at least get the google api to send the results to my website as a variable/array in … | |
hi In the following function, to modify a product in a shopping cart, [CODE]function modifyProduct() { $productId = (int)$_GET['productId']; $catId = $_POST['cboCategory']; $name = $_POST['txtName']; $description = $_POST['mtxDescription']; $price = str_replace(',', '', $_POST['txtPrice']); $qty = $_POST['txtQty']; $images = uploadProductImage('fleImage', SRV_ROOT . 'images/product/'); $mainImage = $images['image']; $thumbnail = $images['thumbnail']; //echo $thumbnail; … | |
Hi, i am having a query like [CODE]$report_attrid=$this->Report->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('Report.report_id'=>$report_id,'Report.user_id'=>$userId))); foreach($report_attrid as & $reportattrid): $reportattrid['Report']['attr']=$this->Attribute->find('all',array('fields'=>array('Attribute.id','Attribute.label'),'conditions'=>array('Attribute.id'=>$reportattrid['Report']['attribute_id'],'Attribute.form_id'=>$report_form_id),'order'=>'Attribute.sequence_no')); $reportattrid['Report']['value']=$this->Result->find('all',array('fields'=>array('Result.label','Result.value','Result.submitter_id','Result.submitter'),'conditions'=>array('Result.attribute_id'=>$reportattrid['Report']['attribute_id'],'Result.form_id'=>$report_form_id),'order'=>'Result.id')); endforeach; $this->set('Report_attrid',$report_attrid); [/CODE] 1.the first one for $report_attrid will gives me the all the datas needed for my report as id Report_id title form_id attribute_id 1 1 r1 24 69 2 1 r2 24 72 2.And … | |
Hi all, I am trying to pass values to the cart. When I select add to cart the values show up in the url but does not direct the user to the shopping cart. url output.[/url] [code=php]//passing variables from db $m_id=$row{products_make}; //echo $m_id;// test out put valid $p_id=$row{products_price}; //echo … | |
error:...cannot send session cache limiter... headers already sent by php....can any one give me the solution?..........when ever login with username & password...the session is not stored in the first time....but the next time login the session is stored with the username....what is the prblm?.....i m sending code also...... <?ob_start(); session_start();?> … | |
I need a mysql user authentication class with only 3 user "levels" 1. Admin 2. Registered (or normal) user 3. Guest I tried phpclasses.org but couldn't find a good one (maybe i didn't try hard enough :-O ) So any suggestion is welcome! :) | |
Hi guys, i don't know what 's causing this php error: [QUOTE]403 Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /Duplicate of Edited Site/< on this server.[/QUOTE] Need help. This problem actually occured when i clicked the submit button from a certain form. Thanks in advance. This is code: [CODE]<html> <head></head> … | |
I'm just new in php actually and this is the problem that i have been encountering lately. I actually have one .html file and .php file, on the .html file I created a form which looks like this: [CODE]<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0" width="500" align="center"> <form name="FAQ" method="post" action="question.php"> <span style="font-family: … |
The End.