39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for van2006

hi i am new to this forum. i am able to add image file(a.jpg) to mysql databse. when i see the file in a databse . i could see the file.but when i try to retrive that file ia m getting error.can anybody help me thanks

Member Avatar for nurnamira
Member Avatar for valonesal

I would like to be able to open a php file and edit it from a browser window. We need to easily add website to this file. We will have a hidden, password protected area that we will use to edit this file. Is there an easy way to do …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for nevillekwa

Hi Need your help, if you can. I have html and php below for my school project. I am trying make sticky form checkbox. My Html code: <div style="clear:both;"><br /></div> <p>Which Nikon Cameras do you own?</p> <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D5000" />D5000&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D3000" />D3000&nbsp; <input type="checkbox" name="products[]" value="D700" …

Member Avatar for smvec

hi.. im sending an email to the user, who registers with my site.. the email has a confirmation code.. after the user clicks the confirmation link, he is verified n allowed.. now the problem is, the confirmation email is sent, but. the link in the email is not working properly.. …

Member Avatar for austin-khoi

i can't do this form, the button will be disabled when page load and only be enabled when one tick in the checkbox ( if the checkbox is unticked , the button will be disabled again). anyone help me ? thanks

Member Avatar for Dasjetta
Member Avatar for duckman_ca

Hi everyone, a question from php n00b, how would one go about showing content of xml document? I guess an analogy would be something like xml.InnerText in C#? thanks

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for djsl

I have setup a site with a login that works fine. What I need to do is have the primary user log in -Then he would invite about 20 max people to join with the same username that he setup. They would have full access to his database. What is …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for diafol

I'm trying to sort an array which contains objects, but have hit a wall. I have a number of feeds that are placed into objects (WM). The feeds are placed in the order that they're loaded. I want them to be ordered w.r.t. pubDate. I'd rather not recode the whole …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for toasty52

I have the following PHP MySql query: [CODE=php]$query="SELECT * FROM hosts WHERE php='$isphp' AND asp='$isasp' ORDER BY asp $sort";[/CODE] The variable $sort is as follows: [CODE=php]$sort = "DESC";[/CODE] can anyone tell me where i am going wrong with the above query ? i know its somthing to do with the …

Member Avatar for toasty52
Member Avatar for debuitls

Hi all, Just wondering if anybody can spot the syntax error with the below. [CODE] '<button type="button" onclick="window.location='bookview.php?id='. $row['bookingref'].'&hn'. $row['hotelname'].''">Book Now</button>' [/CODE] It works fine when I just append one row to the URL like this [CODE] '<button type="button" onclick="window.location='results.php?id='. $row['proposalid'] . ''">Book Now</button>' [/CODE] The button only stops workin …

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for Schoorsteen

Hi all, I had a short question, I am busy making an UML Class Diagram for my future text-based browsergame, and I was wondering if I do it right yes or no. Please give me your critic and comments. [URL="http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/667/umln.jpg"]Click here for the diagram.[/URL] Kind regards, Schoorsteen

Member Avatar for Schoorsteen
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hey guys, I have been working on some code and have struck a problem, I tried to make the code as easy as possible to edit at a later date. The issue comes when I include a config file from a directory for a certain page, this config file decides …

Member Avatar for SAMAEL
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hi all. I'm attempting to output all of the possible combination from "a" to "zzzz" and I'm wondering if theres an easy way of doing that. As an example output would be ... a b c .... z aa ab ac .... az ba bb ... and so on.. Is …

Member Avatar for Barefootsanders
Member Avatar for StrikeFreedom

hi I'm trying to find a way to create a dynamic form from mysql database and update multiple rows from it. For example let's say I have a database with email and the owner's name. How do I build the script to make php grab the data from the db …

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for sam023

i was wondering how i can convert my fetch data from database into XML..!! actually i want to use idea on pagination..!! when first time user search for data...!! a XML file will creating containing data from database..!! and further data will be listed from XML instead of database..!!! can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for SCRAWL

Over on my site, I have a list of PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusive games: [url]http://scrawlfx.com/ps3-360-exclusives[/url] However, each item in the list is colored differently depending on whether it's solely exclusive to the console, exclusive to the console but has a PC version, or exclusive to PS3 or 360 but …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for EpicDewd

Hi everyone. I have a php mysql class and was wondering how I declare a varialbe kinda thing. Here is the code in the mysql class.... [code] <?php // class stuff public function fetch_array_from_query($query) { $this->debug_write("Fetching array from given query"); if(!$this->is_connected()) $this->setup_connection(); $result = $this->query($query); $this->debug_write("Finished fetching array from given …

Member Avatar for Schoorsteen
Member Avatar for Mahsa_C++

Hello to all, I'm just starting off learning PHP programming.As for the beginning i managed to download Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.3.0 , but i gave up frustrated after browsing several pages googling how to add the PHP to the Apache so that the server uses the php interpreter and …

Member Avatar for Mahsa_C++
Member Avatar for jen140

Good day. I want to create a small app that would take out the content from a rss feed and posteriorly from the url . I know that would be easily done in perl with regular expressions, but in php it seams a bit more difficult. So i want to …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for click here

i want the best php class to work with mysql hi i want the best and the simple php class to work with the mysql thanks

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for julio gomez

Hi, I have a corn.php file that runs automatically every day and one of the functions is to send an e-mail to certain users. The problem is that the e-mails are being sent twice. I can't find anything wrong with the cron file, but checking the access_log.processed file of the …

Member Avatar for julio gomez
Member Avatar for tekwriter

I have inherited a website that was abandoned by it's designer, the guy started with a CMS called Simple Content Management. The core of the system works fine and i am figuring out all the ins and outs of the admin slowly, but surely. My issue is his page nav …

Member Avatar for SAMAEL
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I have been looking around and found that google has a few search api's but haven't yet found one that returns the results as a javascript/ajax array. Is it possible to at least get the google api to send the results to my website as a variable/array in …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for karthikanov24

hi In the following function, to modify a product in a shopping cart, [CODE]function modifyProduct() { $productId = (int)$_GET['productId']; $catId = $_POST['cboCategory']; $name = $_POST['txtName']; $description = $_POST['mtxDescription']; $price = str_replace(',', '', $_POST['txtPrice']); $qty = $_POST['txtQty']; $images = uploadProductImage('fleImage', SRV_ROOT . 'images/product/'); $mainImage = $images['image']; $thumbnail = $images['thumbnail']; //echo $thumbnail; …

Member Avatar for karthikanov24
Member Avatar for arunajasmine

Hi, i am having a query like [CODE]$report_attrid=$this->Report->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('Report.report_id'=>$report_id,'Report.user_id'=>$userId))); foreach($report_attrid as & $reportattrid): $reportattrid['Report']['attr']=$this->Attribute->find('all',array('fields'=>array('Attribute.id','Attribute.label'),'conditions'=>array('Attribute.id'=>$reportattrid['Report']['attribute_id'],'Attribute.form_id'=>$report_form_id),'order'=>'Attribute.sequence_no')); $reportattrid['Report']['value']=$this->Result->find('all',array('fields'=>array('Result.label','Result.value','Result.submitter_id','Result.submitter'),'conditions'=>array('Result.attribute_id'=>$reportattrid['Report']['attribute_id'],'Result.form_id'=>$report_form_id),'order'=>'Result.id')); endforeach; $this->set('Report_attrid',$report_attrid); [/CODE] 1.the first one for $report_attrid will gives me the all the datas needed for my report as id Report_id title form_id attribute_id 1 1 r1 24 69 2 1 r2 24 72 2.And …

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi all, I am trying to pass values to the cart. When I select add to cart the values show up in the url but does not direct the user to the shopping cart. url output.[/url] [code=php]//passing variables from db $m_id=$row{products_make}; //echo $m_id;// test out put valid $p_id=$row{products_price}; //echo …

Member Avatar for davidjennings
Member Avatar for srihari3d

error:...cannot send session cache limiter... headers already sent by php....can any one give me the solution?..........when ever login with username & password...the session is not stored in the first time....but the next time login the session is stored with the username....what is the prblm?.....i m sending code also...... <?ob_start(); session_start();?> …

Member Avatar for smartness

I need a mysql user authentication class with only 3 user "levels" 1. Admin 2. Registered (or normal) user 3. Guest I tried phpclasses.org but couldn't find a good one (maybe i didn't try hard enough :-O ) So any suggestion is welcome! :)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi guys, i don't know what 's causing this php error: [QUOTE]403 Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /Duplicate of Edited Site/< on this server.[/QUOTE] Need help. This problem actually occured when i clicked the submit button from a certain form. Thanks in advance. This is code: [CODE]<html> <head></head> …

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

I'm just new in php actually and this is the problem that i have been encountering lately. I actually have one .html file and .php file, on the .html file I created a form which looks like this: [CODE]<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="0" width="500" align="center"> <form name="FAQ" method="post" action="question.php"> <span style="font-family: …

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The End.