39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for AdventDeo

Ok so I have two separate AJAX function that I want to combine but have no idea how. The first 2 files are to call up a table with cells in the form of text-boxes, and the last 2 files are linked dropboxes. What I want to do is to …

Member Avatar for AdventDeo
Member Avatar for j_limboo

Echo google problem Please advice you inputs are greatly appreciated [CODE]<?php if (empty($_GET['q'])){ echo "What are you doing?"; } else { /* getting value from the search form creating a new variable*/ $ser = $_GET['q']; /* applying logic and creating a new variable to it*/ $logic = "~resume (filetype:pdf OR …

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Member Avatar for j_limboo

Got stuck How to make $newUrl a hyperlink in a different html page new to php code [CODE] <?php if (!isset($_GET['p']) || empty($_GET['p'])) { $_GET['p']=0; } if (empty($_GET['q'])){ echo "What are you doing?"; } else { /* getting value from the search form creating a new variable*/ $ser = $_GET['q']; …

Member Avatar for j_limboo
Member Avatar for click here

hi iam tried to send mail but see how it appear iam use mail function when i make 2 line the message appear line one [COLOR="Red"]\n[/COLOR] line 2 and how i can make it go to the inbox and not spam and its appear some time strange how can i …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for j_limboo

[CODE] <?php $ser = $_GET['q']; $logic = "~resume (filetype:pdf OR filetype:doc OR filetype:rtf OR filetype:htm OR filetype:html) skill -jobs -apply -submit -required -wanted -write -sample"; str_replace ("skill", "$ser", $logic); echo $logic; ?> [/CODE] I am not able to replace skill please help New to PHP Please advice Thank You

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for jay_412

hey guys,,could you help me bout my problem? I want to make a function and i want to preselect its ID's not its values,, this is my code [QUOTE] function getVisibility(){ echo "<option id=0>Inactive</option> <option id=1>Active</option> <option id=2>Active on Website</option> <option id=3>active on churchwide calendar</option>"; } [/QUOTE] I want to …

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for j_limboo

echo $_GET[x] changing it into variable... any code sugessions Please advice new to PHP some inputs first change $_GET[x] to variable and then echo

Member Avatar for j_limboo
Member Avatar for charliesindex

Hi, I am developing an application that requires uploading multiple files. Number of files can be very large eg 200. I like to know if there is a restriction on number of files in multiple file upload. I am aware that there is a size limitation of 2mb, is that …

Member Avatar for charliesindex
Member Avatar for somedude3488

Got bored and made a function that handles filling strings similar to mysqli bind_param. It actually gets used a lot in my code. Figured someone else might find it useful. Example usage: Using question marks as place holders [code] $str = 'Hello, my daniweb user name is ? and my …

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Member Avatar for masterjiraya

[CODE=PHP] <html> <title> consonants vowels and numbers </title> <body bgcolor=red text=white><form method=post><font size=15> Enter a word(s):<input type=text name='phrase'></br> <input type=submit value=generate></br> <?php $vowel; $conso; $nums; switch($_POST['phrase']){ case'a': case'A': case'E': Case'e': Case'I': case'i': case'O': case'o': case'U': case'u': $vowel+=1; break; case'0': case'1': case'2': case'3': case'4': case'5': case'6': case'7': case'8': case'9': $nums+=1; break; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for karthikanov24

hi In the following posted code(add products at admin side) [CODE]function addProduct() { $catId = $_POST['cboCategory']; $name = $_POST['txtName']; $description = $_POST['mtxDescription']; $price = str_replace(',', '', (double)$_POST['txtPrice']); $qty = (int)$_POST['txtQty']; $images = uploadProductImage('fleImage', SRV_ROOT . 'images/product/'); echo $images; $mainImage = $images['image']; $thumbnail = $images['thumbnail']; echo $mainimage; echo $thumbnail; $sql = …

Member Avatar for Rkeast
Member Avatar for sammy95

Hello ! I am looking for a script that can fetch emails from a mail account and post them on a webpage. The body of the mail should be the body of the post and any attachments should be posted as an downloadable attachment to the webpage post. Each new …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for sim_pack

how secure are php codes/scripts when they are deployed in a server (or when they become online)? if i put constants and/or passwords in my php codes, will they be visible and be 'sitting duck' targets for hackers?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for cybershark

Hi, I'm trying to get the IF\ELSE statement within the foreach to print "keyword," or if it's the last element in the array just to print "keyword" [CODE=php]$key = "mykey"; $url = "http://access.alchemyapi.com/calls/text/TextGetKeywords"; $text = <<<EOD Barrier Logic The barrier logic is a reliable cost effective solution to barrier electronics. …

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Member Avatar for varadharaja

Hi Friendz!!! Am varadharaj new to be this forum,and i would like to share your ideas,about php and more technical...anyone can reply for me... Thanks alot... varadharaj

Member Avatar for guru12
Member Avatar for j_limboo

I am new to PHP This is Google search results in your site or localhost Here is the code but I am stuck the page does not go to 2 page Please advice [code=php]<form action="search.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="search"> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> if (@$_POST['search']==""){ echo "What are you doing?"; …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for rejisha.m

Hi all, Can we upload a file as background process ? if so how can we do that??? if anybody knws please please do reply... thanx in advance...

Member Avatar for sam023

i have included following code in .htaccess file and place it my project root folder..!! [code]Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)\.htm$ $1.php [nc][/code] but url still showing .php extension like localhost/project/index.php instead of localhost/project/index.htm.!! i have check the mod_rewrite is loaded.!! or anybody can tell another way to rewrite the …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for railto

Hi guys and gals, Im working on a project at present where i need to be able to upload a batch of apporx 400 files each week. What i need the script to do is, when a driver enters his number and a pin that the script will then search …

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Member Avatar for rejisha.m

Hi all, i am new in php. i have a doubt regarding the file uploading. What my requirement is -- process the file upload as a background process using the shell commands like system() or exec() .How can we do this? From the site --php.net -- i got the following …

Member Avatar for click here

[URL="http://jooria.com/Tutorials/Website-Programming-16/Limit-Characters-From-Your-Text-139/index.html"]i found this Limit Characters From Your Text [/URL] but i cant use it when my text became less than 2 words please any one can fi it

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Member Avatar for Aamit

I want to find all hidden values name and values ?? in div id divTopLeft. How to find this?? [code] <div id="divTopLeft" class="workarea" > <ul id="ul2" class="draglist"> <li id="li1_2" class="list1"> PR 3 <input id="draglist_directory_submissionPR3" type="hidden" value="13" name="draglist_directory_submissionPR3"/> </li> <li id="li1_1" class="list1" style=""> <input id="draglist_directoryPR3" type="hidden" value="10" name="draglist_directoryPR3"/> </li> <li id="li3_3" …

Member Avatar for jay_412
Member Avatar for ronny22

can somebody help me by telling me what the problem is this is my error i keep getting Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\wamp\www\plaincart\library\config.php on line 61 Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\wamp\www\plaincart\library\config.php on line 61 Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\wamp\www\plaincart\library\config.php on line 61 Unknown column …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I want to incorporate chat room in my Website (Currently still on WAMP). What chat software is good? Is it easy to write mine from the scratch? Any tutorials if that is possible? Thanks Guys!

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Member Avatar for nagatron

Hallo to all, I have a problem on how to test an existing data from the database. . .I have this registration form which displays an error if the user inputs a username and emai address which already exist in the database. Please help me, I can't find any related …

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Member Avatar for jespin

Hi all, This is my first post to be gentle. I'm currently researching for my dissertation project where i'm planning to make a forum that allows users to discuss crusing events. The site will allow user login and will have admin features. My issue occurs on the members side of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

some body help me.I want to know how to put the dropdown list from database at my textbox cursor. full problem definition is like this. I want to create a Hint system for SQL which will give the structure of of Query. for example if user enters trigger he will …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai
Member Avatar for DealthRune

When I use my php, and code it and such, for some reason when I use '<?' my php doesn't work. And I need it to go like that because I download a lot of scripts other people made and most of them don't use '<?php'. Can anyone help??

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Member Avatar for bwest

If your familiar with database search results, then you probably know how useful the GET method is. My results page is a list of site members from the database. We want to have a feature that allows users to add these members to a html select box to "save a …

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Member Avatar for laxy_m
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The End.