39,388 Topics
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hi, page navigation is not working.please tell how to pass date [CODE]<? include_once('session_control_emp_sp.php'); ?> <html> <head></head> <body> <? //db connection $page_name="mg_resumep.php"; //$limit=sql_quote($_GET['limit']); // Read the limit value from query string. $limit=$_GET['limit']; //$start=sql_quote($_GET['start']); // To take care global variable if OFF $start=$_GET['start']; $id=$_GET['id']; // echo "\n"; $agent=mysql_query("select * from magic_agent where … | |
Hi, here is the code for page navigation, its working fine but , if there are 4 pages , each page is displaying 3 records per page, if we go to 3rd page, and click on the subject it will display the contents but it will automatically come to the … | |
how do i access the database? i am using dreamweaver as my design interface. and using php for script / coding. thanku. | |
Alright so after many people asking me to post the login script I use for my site at [URL=http://www.locatestyle.com]locatestyle.com[/URL], I made two functions. Now these functions do not include everything that is used for the login procedure on [URL=http://www.locatestyle.com]locatestyle.com[/URL] due to the fact I don't want everyone to know how … | |
Is there something special i need to do to get this to work? I made a script that builds a neat little table with pictures from the sql database, and want it to go into an iframe. When i run the code I get this: (screenshot) [url]http://www.freewebs.com/xylude/helpme.jpg[/url] It just shows … | |
Hi all, $a1 = $_POST["a"]; $servicec = addslashes(serialize($a1)); i used this code to store the check box values in db with comma seperated it has stored like this....a:5:{i:0;s:18:"vehicle Inspection";i:1;s:14:"batteryservice";i:2;s:10:"oil canhge";} but while retrieving its displaying in the same manner but i want dont want to display like this.....i want it … | |
hi there, i am new to all this web design stuff and i got a question regarding redirecting the page once an email form is sent to me in my php i have a form set up to send me information that people type down and it emails it to … | |
Hi frnds.. This is Kishore.. i want to know something about Controlpanel WebHosting.. whats the procedure to create cp-hosting in php. plz provide some screen shots to get some idea... Thanking You.. Kishore | |
can u plz send me the code for rating of photos(hot or not code) | |
hi all; I have a recursive function the read the file, but its doesn work properly so It a big problem for me as a newbie in php, i need help to someone, here is my function that read the file and returning the line of file as array of … | |
Hi here is my code......i want page navigation for this code......i have the page navigation code but i dont know how to incorporate it please help me........ [code=php] <?php session_start(); include('database.php'); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM autoalto_mail" ); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> <tr> <td width="5%"></td> <td><? echo $row['From_user'];?> <td><a … | |
Hi frnds.. This is Kishore,i need the code of posting the values of selected checkbox to the mail. So,plz send the code asap. here i am attaching the two files plz verify it and send the correct code without bugs. File Names: 1.request.php 2.requestsubmit.php Thanking You... Kishore | |
Is there any way to initialize a class public variable at the time of object creation. But the case is that I have a child class and I dont want to over ride the parent constrctor. So is there any way out or any function that will be called at … | |
I'm trying to decode a variable the user inputs into two different things, depending on the input. Here it is in context: User inputs 591P1001; 59 is the year, 1 is the series, P is the assembly plant and 1001 is the CUN. Now on the same page, if the … | |
Hello there everyone. For a summer project I'm doing, I have to use a phone to pass an image I've taken (on the phone) to a dedicated server I've made on a local ubuntu machine. For the upload code, I decided on python (seeing on how its easy to learn, … | |
Hello all, I'm stuck in a serious problem, I need a code of Email validator in php. It will check whether there is a real email address or not, i.e it should not be "abcd@xyz.com" that means it will check the domain(yahoo.com, gmail.com, aol.com etc..) as well as the user … | |
Hi all, i have written delete operation.......but its not deleting...........here is the code.......can u explain me whats wrong [code=php] <? session_start(); include('database.php'); $mailid1 = $_GET['mail_id']; session_register("mailid1"); $query1="SELECT * FROM autoalto_mail where mail_id='".$mailid1."'"; $result = mysql_query( $query1 ); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['subject']; } mysql_close(); ?> </b></td> <td align="right" colspan="3" … | |
hi to all, can u please send me the code for rating of photos(hot or not); it's urgent plz; | |
Hello [B]i would ask how can i write code for updating data which is in MySQL database, i mean i [COLOR="Green"]want to retrive a table[/COLOR] from the data on the web-page then [COLOR="Red"]update it [/COLOR]and [COLOR="red"][COLOR="Green"]save what it is changed [/COLOR][/COLOR]in the data.[/B] | |
hi all, well sory for my bad question, its my bad. by the way thanks for your replied but it seems still have a problem. my only main goal is creat a function read a file. and I have this function to read the file. but I got an error … | |
HOw can I output it day by day? [ATTACH]6746[/ATTACH] | |
im doing a stat here is the code,how can I make it day by day output?the only output of this code is for only on the day I selected the date on the select tool bar ...thanks | |
Hi Not sure if I am in the right place to ask this question,but here goes If a customer goes on my site to buy something via my paypal button and it comes up.....You do not have permissions to make this API call.... where is my problem,what have I not … | |
I can't seem to get the fopen thing to work, or otherwise, I'm just stupid if it is but I don't know it. Here is the code: [code=php]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <HEAD> <title>Open the file</title> </HEAD> <body> <?php $fp = fopen("http://www.mydomain.org/order.txt", "a+"); fclose($fp); ?> </body> </html>[/code] … | |
need help in php coding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not able to send values to database................. hav checked the code many times............ when i apply conditions in my code ...it simply stops sending values to database... plz help......... | |
Hi, [code] function openingBalance($accountNum) { $sql_OpenBal = " SELECT closing_balance FROM bank_balance WHERE bank_account.account_no = $accountNum "; [COLOR="Red"]$runSql = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql_OpenBal);[/COLOR]... [/code] Red line generates an error. "Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given". I call function [inlinecode]echo openingBalance (1500);[/inlinecode] How can i search $accountNum in SQL … | |
Hi All, I have 3 horizontal tabs menus with different form to let user key in some infor to the text fields. When user 1st time access this page, all fields are blank. But if user want to go to the second tab, user must key in some infor at … | |
Hi! I have a form, where you can choose between 5 titles of books. Under it you have a submit button. My question is: how to make so, that when the customer has chosen a book and clicks on the submit button, the title of the book to be inserted(recorded) … | |
Hi The case scenario is this; a website allows people to book rooms on certain dates. I would like the website to email clients 7 days before their booking date to remind them that they have made this booking... how do i get my website to do this automatically? Thanks … |
The End.