39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ishlux

I have created an inbox...... Which is subject,date,from,message........ how to view this.........

Member Avatar for ishlux
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i created a shoutbox where users will display messages. when they click on shoutbox a table will appear in which we have message and name when they submit messages it should appear beside that shoutbox [U]shoutbox[/U] hiii hyderabad:praveen :: hello praveen:pandu like this,i have inserted messages and names …

Member Avatar for us12
Member Avatar for Mutatos

Hi, I am looking for an API for retrieving product details by given brand and model. For example: "Sony -> FWD-50PX3B" - then the service should return me the specification for this plasma screen like : Resolution xxx, weight xxx, diagonal xxx" and so on. Is the same information like …

Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all whats wrong with this code,,,i am not getting error......it is showing succesfull ....but not storing data....... [code=php] <?php include('database.php'); $ser = $_POST['service']; $quotep = $_POST['quote_price']; $dscnts = $_POST['discounts']; $sertax = $_POST['service_tax']; $prmtion = $_POST['promotion']; $frd = $_POST['from']; $tod = $_POST['to']; echo $ser; echo $quotep; echo $dscnts; echo $sertax; …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for justted

Hello everyone, I have been trying to get this piece of code to work and havent been able to see why it isnt working! The code is a training school page for my virtual pet site in which members should be able to go and choose which pet they want …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

hey guys apparently directory functions such as opendir, and scandir are not working on my host. following is the code, its from php.net. the output is keep on coming fail. is there something wrong with my php settings or something else. the page is, [url]http://worldofpakistan.net/try/write.php[/url] [code="php"] <?php $dir = "http://www.worldofpakistan.net/"; …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for Madawa

hi guys, i have a problem in my coding. i want to get the array keys + their values except for [] and replace them with "". i want to do this because i'm using a function to create a form. Since i'm developing a form generator.i need this help. …

Member Avatar for Madawa
Member Avatar for eagled2

I am building a ticketing system and am currently working on the profile page. I have created drop down menu's so admins can select assign users to a specific group. My page is written in php and when submitting my form everything gets updated except the drop down menu's. I …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for snoopy85

Hi all, My database consists of tables named "purchases_0108" to "purchases_0708". For the 4 digits of the tables' name, the first 2 digits stands for the month and the last 2 digits stands for the year. The tables consist of fields : 1) "name" (Company name that I bought the …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for headfirst

Hi php gurus. newbie here needs help. I m having a problem with my login script. Basically it works 95% of the time, but once and a while it doesn't. The session variable doesn't get set, or remembered, and the next referred page fails on the isset check. I tried …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for eagled2

I'm new to php and am working on my first large scale project. I am making a custom ticketing system that requires users to login and let's technicians login to work tickets. I am trying to implement a account disabling feature so tech's that are no longer with the company …

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Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Has anyone managed to get an easy install version of a progress bar for their uploads to work? Been through a couple of "easy to install" upload progress bars with no luck in getting any of them to work. Frustration is beginning to get the better of me and any …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for daveg8

Hi, I'm struggling to update my table with columns that are identified through variables. For example, I want to update Day3 using the hidden field "NewDay." Eventually, all of my days will be set using hidden field variable. Right now the trouble seems to be the statement [B][U]%s=%s[/U][/B]. Any suggests …

Member Avatar for daveg8
Member Avatar for 3dbangla

is there any free php script (database support) by which can make a little site of link protector like: [url]http://lix.in[/url] ??? it must be ads supported and people can be reg there and can put own ads(like adsence) and short there url and post it in diffrent site. so is …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for adaykin

Hello, I want to be able to echo a redirect url, based on a few variables. The content type of this php script is set as Header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); here is my code: [CODE] $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo "window.location = \"http://myurl.com/test/".$row[0]."/index.php?name=".$row[0]."\";"; [/CODE] Right now the url just outputs the url as …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all,,,, i want help i have created an inbox........which is very simple.....like as soon u click which will just display the mails.......from.date,subject.........but after that i dont how to proceed........ i want if i cilck on subjet it should display the contents.......how to do all these just explain me.................pls give …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for jithusdani

hi all i have wrote a code for file uploader and it was working fine but now its getting sme problems...here am attaching my code plz check it out and replay me fast... [code] if ($_FILES["description"]["error"] > 0) { echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["description"]["error"] . "<br />"; } else …

Member Avatar for lydia21
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i am writing a script for shoutbox where users click on shout box two fields will appear message and name when they submit, their message will appear beside shout box. my problem is how to display table which has message and name fields upon clicking shout box. any …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for muthu raj
Member Avatar for muthu raj
Member Avatar for akshit

hi guys. i require some assistance of yours again. what i want is this: there is a form (say on page xyz.php) in which i have , say, 5 text-fields. but i also hav a button. upon clicking whihc, i want another text-field to appear. i do now want to …

Member Avatar for akshit
Member Avatar for akshit

hey guys. i hav this page (a.php), where i ask te user for his username and password. I match these with static values, and upon succesful matching, i redirect the user to b.php. my prob- what if somebody, instead of going thru the normal procedure (from a.php to b.php after …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for parsface.com

Hello about 4 weeks ago i had to transfer my website to other hosting, i transfer my website and upload all the data base but when i click on the links 404 error show on the site any 1 can help me to fix this problem??????? i can pay for …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Wasnt sure where to post this but it uses php... help mods? i can get the number of messages and connect to a telnet server so i say top 1 and responds something along the lines of -ERR protocol error 16 or something... not sure if thats exactly what i …

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Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, All: I have a php enabled site, and as of late it's been doing the strangest thing, when I make any changes to any of the pages residing under the main html site folder, they seem to take forever to upload (be it pages or images); but if I …

Member Avatar for websurfer
Member Avatar for heath_spence

Hi, I've designed a site in Dreamweaver (HTML). I have a form and included a submit button. It's very simple, but I need to get it to e-mail to an address and thank someone for submitting their information. Please can someone help me. So far my form looks like this. …

Member Avatar for heath_spence
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi, i have store in db the below output.where the user has entered using editor. <p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using</p> i want the other users to view the output as we see in html pge i.e i want to strip the tags

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi everyone, iam working on project in which there are many features like forums,chat,image gallery etc i did'nt get idea on how to develop video gallery. is it the same way as image gallery or different? any help is greately appreciated thank u in advance

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi there I just need some clarification on how time is seen in PHP 1000 would equal 1 sec ? and therefore 60 000 would equal 1 minute right ? and 1 hour would be 3 600 000 ? I somehow think I'm wrong.

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The End.