Hi all,

$a1 = $_POST["a"];
$servicec = addslashes(serialize($a1)); 

i used this code to store the check box values in db with comma seperated
it has stored like this....a:5:{i:0;s:18:"vehicle Inspection";i:1;s:14:"batteryservice";i:2;s:10:"oil canhge";} but while retrieving its displaying in the same manner
but i want dont want to display like this.....i want it to be displayed normally,,, what to do.......

use implod() function it will store check box values into database with comma separated

Hi all
what is the syntax of the implode fuction how to use it.....in my application


$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array);

echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone


Hi all
what is the syntax of the implode fuction how to use it.....in my application

php.net is the source for all php functions my friend. :)

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