39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for mohan7690

hi guys, i developed a site in php, and i dont want to give source code to the client, i want to encrypt the code and place it on the server or to give to the client, is it possile, please help me.... thanks in advance

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for gingank

When i use the php mail function to send mail is can send easily but if i continuously let said 10 email suddenly it tell me can not sent the mail. Can anyone tell me why ??

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

hi all - php.home Im trying to pass a varible of "MOBILE" from a form i have set up [code=html]<td><span class="style61">Mobile number</span></td> <td><span class="style61"> <label for="mobile"></label> <input type="text" name="mobile" id="mobile" />[/code] To a differnet .php called test.php On this test php i have the following [icode]$mobile = $HTTP_POST_VARS['$mobile'];[/icode] how do …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes
Member Avatar for gingank

I got a question if i write a code to detect IP address can it automatic write down in to the php text field form and send it to the mail function. Can provide the code for more understanding

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for chuckwilliams

I am getting this error.... Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '*' in /home/digital/public_html/administrator/components/com_myblog/admin.myblog.php on line 206 Here is the code: [I]<MOVED TO ATTACHED AS IT IS BREAKING VIEW IN FIREFOX>[/I] End of Code I am not sure why I am getting the above error any help would be great... Thaks

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for brianzet

Hi everyone! Have a few questions I hope someone may be able to help me with, because I'm really stucked here.. And sorry if I'm not explaining myself very good, because my english is not that good. Well.. I am trying to build my own blog with like a Content …

Member Avatar for brianzet
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i have a gallery SCript which i saw in tutorial sitepoint.com everything is working well except that i want to limit users,which means the albums will be opening accoding to user=name WHERE SHOULD I PUT THE WHERE CLAUSE LIKE THIS user='$user' in the script below. [code=php] query( "SELECT c.category_id,c.category_name,photo_filename,COUNT(photo_id) FROM …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for enumulaa

Hi Every1, Can any1 please help me. i want a code where i can the search for a word in my website and display all the related word results in the same page..I want the Code in Ajax or JS or PHP . thanku

Member Avatar for djjjozsi
Member Avatar for michael123

Is there a function in php to remove the duplicate string variables, for example there is "abcd,ab,cd,abc,abc", how to change it to "abcd,ab,cd,abc"?thanks.

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for crisis123

i have created an ol form and all its details are stored in a text file i want to display these records in the form of the table on another webpage any suggestions??

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th

i am building some thing that will grab part numbers and description from a data base works great when you type in part of a word or part of the part number the issue i run into is when i type in the full part number for example A11-123 this …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for gingank

Hi guy can help me with this. I 'm new on using the apache web server. I upload all the thing inculde the image file when i view on my pc i can show the image very nice but when i open in other pc i cant display my image. …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for gingank

I create a php form that lot oif image in it and it can display to my computer but when i upload to the apache it cant show the image already why this will happen?? Can anyone tell me why

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for andrewsCWD

Hello, I have just a regular .html page. I want to take my PHP source code from one of my PHP scripts and display that to the viewer so they can see my code on the HTML page, as if it was just regular content on a page. When I …

Member Avatar for prateek shri
Member Avatar for ivanichi

Hi, everyone, I'm a new member here. Currently, I'm developing a web application and there's a need to make an activation for the product I developed. I want give activation on my product for a time session on local. My question is, is it possible to make that? As we …

Member Avatar for ivanichi
Member Avatar for neha gupta

i want to read a ms word file and parse the text in it with mysql database leaving the meta-information as waste. is there any way of doing that . also there are some ".dpc to text" convertors available but how to connect it to mysql query so that it …

Member Avatar for ghanshyam_IT
Member Avatar for jendrickzz

i want to create an application in friendster.. heres my code: index.php [code] <?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__). '/lib/FriendsterAPI.php'); // TO DO: Enter your secret key below define('T_SECRET', 'f0ce8960ce76e39193ef43bea42f8a97'); define('T_CSS_STYLE', ' style=" height: 120px; background-color: #111111! important; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto; "'); // GET parameters from callback URL $user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $api_key …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for enumulaa

Hi Every1, Can any1 please help me. i want a code where i can the search for a word in my website and display all the related word results in the same page.. all the pages are static..i want the code in ajax or JS or php. Thanku.

Member Avatar for BrettOwnz

Hello... I am working on a CPC and CPM ads system for a client, and they wanted to use an iframe displayed on another persons site in order to actually serve the ads. So, i have developed the whole script, and it is working when used by getting the $_SERVER['hostname'] …

Member Avatar for BrettOwnz
Member Avatar for shrive22

I get the following error: [B]Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\docdue\create_group.php on line 50[/B] Anyone have any ideas what is wrong? Thanks [CODE] <?php session_name("duedate_session"); session_start(); ?> <?php require_once("includes/db_connection.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?> <?php include("javascripts/validation.js"); ?> <?php include("includes/header.php"); ?> <?php $groupid …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for sandipan.rcciit

hi i am trying to collect the database of books from the devloper area of isbndb.com. this site provide us a passkey with the help of that we can collect the xml data from database depending upon criterias. .[url]http://isbndb.com/api/books.xml?access_key=6XEB6RTL&index1=publisher_id&value1=oreilly[/url] this link collect the xml data of books publisher of oreilly. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for AnkitKumar
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for AnkitKumar

how to use popup window in php page for validation give me a example.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Zurompeta

This issue has me absolutely stumped. I have a drop-box on my site that contains 26 options (each options being a letter of the alphabet). This drop-box is being used to sort a database full of records by the records that correspond with the selected letter chosen. The "onchange" event …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for servis

hi, i have passed following parameters in ajax function, [ICODE] onclick = "agU(<?php echo $u . ' , ' . $msg; ?>);" [/ICODE] its not working. when i test the same function in following way it runs fine. [ICODE] onclick = "agU(<?php echo $u; ?>);" [/ICODE] am i commiting any …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for tulipputih

Hello, Is there any way to list the search result based on the relevance of that record vs keywords, not depending on the sequence of that record in database? Thank you

Member Avatar for tulipputih
Member Avatar for nithy_compvue

I am trying to use base64 encryption with DESede algorithm. I have a solution in JAVA. for Example: The encrypted form of the word 'password' is '7JHe7Oo335uQ4JqjxIWyxw==' I need similar solution in PHP. Can anyone help?

Member Avatar for parottamaster
Member Avatar for rejisha

Hi all, I have a problem with the special characters. I can insert the special characters like ©,®,“ etc... into a database table. And it is successfully getting inserted into the table. But when i tried to retrieve it from the table it is converted into a symbol like ' …

Member Avatar for rejisha
Member Avatar for gingank

I need help from you guy to check what wrong with my code i headache and think few days also can not slove help pls. I need to create a more than one attachment file when other use my mail system . So how to do Here is the code: …

Member Avatar for mbabaali

am using a select option on the html form and i want to insert the username and password if it does exist basing on a category selected form the select list if the user select administtrator as the category the username and password shd be inserted in the admin table …


The End.