39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for lamiv007

[CODE]<?php // This script and data application were generated by AppGini 4.3 // Download AppGini for free from http://www.bigprof.com/appgini/download/ include(dirname(__FILE__)."/defaultLang.php"); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/language.php"); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/lib.php"); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/tcg_dml.php"); // mm: can the current member access this page? $perm=getTablePermissions('tcg'); if(!$perm[0]){ echo StyleSheet(); echo "<div class=\"error\">".$Translation['tableAccessDenied']."</div>"; echo '<script language="javaScript">setInterval("window.location='index.php?signOut=1'", 2000);</script>'; exit; } $x = new DataList; $x->TableName …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Cheif Druid

Hi everyone, I'm embarrased to ask as I am so new at this but here goes anyway: I have been trying to create a simple secure login screen that when successfully logged into, will allow the user access to other services. I found, modified a good tutorial and all works …

Member Avatar for Cheif Druid
Member Avatar for navi17

hi everyone. please tell me difference between mysql_connect & mysql_pconnect? and which is better and how?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for navi17

hi everyone. i just want to know about 3 tier architecture. can we achieve 3 tier architecture without frameworks. if yes how? give me a little example of it.. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... i have some problem regarding uploading a s/w when hosting a website... here i am doing project like stock market news...in this i had a software for updating share prices per every seconds.... where and how can i install software on my hosting panel?

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for odysea

lets say i have a cms and i'm giving it to the client, in the table i have various rows (each row is a page) now in each and every row has a field under the name of protected, the protected field can either have yes or no in it. …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for lamiv007

[CODE]<? include("db.php"); mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to connect to database"); $query="SELECT * FROM tcg"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); echo "<center>Viewing Records</center>"; $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $client = mysql_result($result,$i,'ClientsName'); [B]$prgno = mysql_result($result,$i,'PrgNo'); this is line31[/B] $prgname = mysql_result($reslt,$i,'PrgName'); $trainername = mysql_result($result,$i,'TrainerName'); $dates = mysql_result($result,$i,'Dates'); $days = mysql_result($result,$i,'Days'); $proffee = mysql_result($result,$i,'ProfFee'); …

Member Avatar for dreamluverz
Member Avatar for divyadilip27

Hi I'm new to PHP. I installes wamp2. and wrote a sample code [code]<HTML><BODY> <? echo date("M-d-Y"); ?> </BODY></HTML> [/code] saved it in www folder. but now wen i click the saved file (hello.php) the file opens but nothing is getting display pls help me Divya

Member Avatar for dreamluverz
Member Avatar for lamiv007

Hello, I am retrieving two values from a database. I want to get the result after addition of the two values. the code I used is [CODE]echo "$client <br> $prgno <br> $prgname <br> $trainername <br> $dates <br> $days <br> $proffee <br> $trainerfee <br> $reimbexp<br> $handoutchg <br> $invoiceno <br> $totalinvamt <br> …

Member Avatar for lamiv007
Member Avatar for chandradyani

Dear all, I want to inform that the query return zero result? does anyone know how to revised my code so in case my query return zero result and it will echo "search result =0" here is my the code, I have try it but still it doesn't inform that …

Member Avatar for chandradyani
Member Avatar for chandradyani

I would like to query regulation which it's date reminder is >= today and it's date ended is >=today. So I came with this query: [code] $query="select * from t_regulation where dt_reminder >= '$today' and dt_ended ='$today'" [/code] It works on postgerSQL but not on mysql :( I dont why …

Member Avatar for chandradyani
Member Avatar for bettina702

Hi, I am looking for some pointers on how to password protect a part of my website. I need that password to change every 24 hours and to be sent to several e-mail addresses. Can this be done with PHP? Any help is appreciated!

Member Avatar for bettina702
Member Avatar for koolhq

Ok I am making a website and I have apache 2, php, mysql. I want users to be able to create a website(i got that part, it is easy) but I want user.example.com to redirect to example.com/user with a .htaccess file and sorry this is in the wrong section can …

Member Avatar for koolhq
Member Avatar for lamiv007

Hello, I'm getting an error [B]"Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"[/B] [CODE] <? include("db.php"); $ClientsName=$_POST['client']; $PrgNo=$_POST['prgno']; $PrgName=$_POST['prgname']; $TrainerName=$_POST['trainer']; $Dates=$_POST['dates']; $Days=$_POST['days']; $ProfFee=$_POST['fee']; $TrainerFee=$_POST['trainerfee']; $ReimbExp=$_POST['rexp']; $HandoutChg=$_POST['handchg']; $InvoiceNo=$_POST['invno']; $TotalInvAmt=$_POST['invamt']; $FeeRecd=$_POST['feerec']; mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to connect to db"); $query = "INSERT INTO tcg VALUES('$ClientsName','$PrgNo','$PrgName','$TrainerName','$Dates','$Days','$ProfFee','$TrainerFee','$ReimbExp','$HandoutChg','$InvoiceNo','$TotalInvAmt','$FeeRecd')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_close(); echo "Data …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for KPthar

I am building a side by php. I want to put username and password in my side. How will I be write the codes for that? Can you help me, Please.

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for Hype

Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to point me in the rgth direction of how to read emails using PHP? What I am wanting to do is have people send me an email. In the email will be an image and some text. I want …

Member Avatar for Hype
Member Avatar for Temax

Is someone who can help me; I'm trying to get an image from a folder and show it: Here is my code, logos is the directory; the problem is that I'm getting only the name of the image! $handle=opendir('../logos/'); while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file …

Member Avatar for koolhq
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Do arrays not store inverted commas and apostrophes? This seems to be the case with a project I'm working on and it's very annoying. I'm pulling small strings from a DB, some of which contain inverted commas or apostrophes, and when I try echo them the ones with the apostrophes …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for rickarro

Hey Guys, I need a little help. I have a calendar script that I want to write a query for and pull out the day of the week, then have it send an email showing all the entries for that day. Unfortunately i'm querying a day, month, year as seperate …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Let's say i have a very busy web site and runing this code. Would it produce results of someone else's selection rather than my selection($name)? For example: my code send "john" to function return results. What happens if x person sends "Dean" at same time as mine. Do i …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I'm transferring my css gallery site to a wordpress platform, and it has gone fine. Except I'm having difficulty with showing 12 posts on the index.php page - it shows 10 posts and leaves the two spaces at the bottom empty. Is there a way to configure how many posts …

Member Avatar for jhz
Member Avatar for netdoer

[code=php] if(!$sqlStr==$sqlStr1){ echo $sqlStr; }else{ echo $sqlStr; echo "<br>"; echo $sqlStr1; echo "<br>"; echo "No changes were made!<br>"; } [/code] This statement produces the same results whether or not the "!" statement is included. e.g. [icode]if(!$sqlStr==$sqlStr1)[/icode] produces the same results as [icode]if($sqlStr==$sqlStr1)[/icode] Why?

Member Avatar for netdoer
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds... here what i am doing is, i need to develope website like stock market news..so, here i have a software for converting mysql to excel formate..i want to update automatically every 10 secs... where can i install my software.and how can i connect to my website....tell me something …

Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

This is the sample table : [CODE] CREATE TABLE contacts ( id character varying NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pkey_id PRIMARY KEY (id) ) [/CODE] I use PHP with PostgreSQL database..if i will run my PHP code: Example: ADD ID NUMBER <-- If i will click this, the message below will appear: …

Member Avatar for letlet_pogs
Member Avatar for santhanalakshmi

Hi, I wish to do PHP Cerification.I dont have any idea.How to do PHP certification?What are the procedures to do?Is there any PHP Certification Material.........Please tell me with regards, santhanalakshmi.

Member Avatar for coolmind259
Member Avatar for echman

:icon_cry: Help pls! The following code is meant to upload images to a folder on a my server, but it does not work, Could any one pls helpme solve this problem :icon_cry: Heres the code ==================================== [code=php]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta …

Member Avatar for lifeworks

Hi Im hoping some fresh eyes will show me the issue here, been stuck on this for a while now... [code] $c = 0; for($i = 86400; $i < 604900; $i + 86400) { $start = $mktime - $i; $end = $mktime - ($c * 86400); echo $start . '<br …

Member Avatar for lifeworks
Member Avatar for sarithak

hi frnds.. i dont any thing abt excel formate... i need to do excel sheet update.. eg: i entered some text in textbox.then submit the form, then excel sheet should be update... also plz tell me how to do excel sheet first time uploading... i am good on mysql and …

Member Avatar for sacarias40

I was wondering if it was possible to upload say a picture file and a text file and in the script put them into a zip file programatically. if this is possible could you offer some tips or links please? regards! Thank you it looks like ill be reading for …

Member Avatar for sacarias40
Member Avatar for teapear

Hello guys.. i need your help to convert this sql statement to php array.. [code] $string = "SELECT TOP 15 e.id, e.title, e.timestamp FROM serendipity_entries AS e LEFT JOIN serendipity_authors a ON e.authorid = a.authorid LEFT JOIN serendipity_entrycat ec ON e.id = ec.entryid LEFT JOIN serendipity_access AS acl_acc ON ( …


The End.