39,326 Topics
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Hi, I want to do a 301 redirect for one of my pages. What I was wondering is am I still able to execute php code on the same page of the 301 redirect? If so how? So far I haven't had luck... Thanks. | |
i have a ptc script but in that there is only one payment processor "Alertpay" and i want to add "Paypal" as well, for that i need to change following pages: 1.Registration page- paypal needed to be added 2.Withdraw page- withdraw through paypal need to be added 3.Admin section- if … | |
Hi folks, I am a PHP programmer. I am having a problem with image tag. I need to know the difference and the purpose of using an image tag like this [COLOR="Red"] <img src="/images/new.jpg>" , <img src="images/new.jpg"> and <img src="../images/new.jpg">[/COLOR] i am facing a problem because of this, i am … | |
Hi Guys, I want to convert an HTML document into PDF document. Then user can download a pdf document by clicking on the link. Actually I have a page where Dynamic data is being displayed, I want that data to be converted to PDF document , so the users can … | |
I've noticed some web pages are accessed by associating numbers next to the 'www' part of the url. For example: [code]http://www38.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1%2B1[/code] What does this mean? How would I be able to configure that for some of my own sites? Is it DNS side? Thanks | |
hey guys i need help as quick as possible about this question i need to submit on Monday please help. the latency experimentation aims to estimate the execution speed for programs.you will measure the perfomance together with scaling by estimating the responce time while increasing the size of a database.In … | |
Hi, Hoping someone can help me. I done a search on Google but must not be using correct search term as cannot find anything. Basically how can i make sure a page is only accessed via a certain link? I have a page that user clicks on that opens a … | |
[code=php]<?php $query1 = "SELECT `asc_prods.name` FROM `asc_prods` LEFT JOIN `democart` ON `asc_prods.pid` = `democart.tip`;"; $result1 = mysql_db_query($query); while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { echo "<td> {$row1[0]} </td>"; } ?>[/code] I've got the above code, the problem I have with it is that I need to get the value returned by the statement … | |
Hi everyone, I am using a mail function in my contactus form. But for some id it is sending infromation of contac us form but some time it is not sending like on my gmail id i am not getting mail. what is the reason behind this. I have tried … | |
i want this to be happen defult color of seats i mean available color of seats to be green after that if a user book a ticket it goes to red and stays red how can i do this? code im using [CODE=language]<?php $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password") or die("error connect"); mysql_select_db("online_bus_project"); … | |
hi everyone .. i have just finished developing a web application i hope to put on the www very soon. however my application has various folders that i dont want the public to access directly through a URL for example the images, config and includes folder which contain database and … | |
I run a vBulletin forum and Im trying to write a new BB Code. This would be the syntax: [CODE][parts] http://www.link1.com http://www.link2.com http://www.link3.com [/parts][/CODE] This would then be parsed into: [CODE=html] <a href="http://www.link1.com" class="linkclass">Anchor 1</a> <a href="http://www.link2.com" class="linkclass">Anchor 2</a> <a href="http://www.link3.com" class="linkclass">Anchor 3</a> [/CODE] Im a real regex newbie, I … | |
Hello , I recently bought a Facebook app form a person on digital point and I just found out the bank.php file has an error in it, I don't know where but when you put a - in front of a withdrawal amount it will give you the amount of … | |
I am a total NOOB to ICT, and was wondering if anyone would help me make a website using flash, php, and javascript. Please help, I will work out giving you money when the site is up and running and making money. I have got a graphics designer for free … | |
hi Please help me with code or links i have a text box,when ever some one types a letter or more ,it should search those letters from an array of values or from a mysql table and display all the values starting with value in a text box in a … | |
Hi all, How to merge a forum into a pre-exisiting website? All what i mean is i took a forum(which has its own registration , sigin-in feature) and a preexisting website (which too have its registration and signin feature). Both are now hosted in the same domain and use different … | |
Hi Guys/Gals I have a page that has iFrames on it. Now the pages that are shown in the iFrames each have their own code on them. I'd like to know if it's possible to use variables that are on the page holding the iFrames in the pages inside the … | |
Hiya, I was wondering if there is a need to change the database table names and script variables of an open source script to enhance security. A script I have has lots of pages and variables that are used throughout the site. I have changed database table names as I … | |
hi i was wondering how should i tackle this problem as i got stuck on the delete feature, getting data is fine deteling is the problem since now i made the following: [CODE]<?php include 'cms/core/config.php'; include 'cms/core/opendb.php'; // get data $query = "SELECT id, name FROM ody_admin.templates ORDER BY id"; … | |
Hi, I have a coding problem. I know it is all over the place because I am confuse to what to do with it. The way that I had it in the first coding example if a customer chooses two items of the same product but in different colors my … | |
Hi, I am trying to do calendar with events.The events will take from databse my code is working but its taking only one value.i am using code like this [ [<?PHP echo $events[ 0 ]['date'];?> ,<?PHP echo $events[ 0 ]['month'];?> ,<?PHP echo $events[ 0 ]['date'];?> ,<?PHP echo $events[ 0 ]['month'];?> … | |
Hello guys, A Client walked upto me, and told me he wanna create a SMS portal where by user can by a Card from him and log in with a secret Pin on the card and they can login to the website and with th Issue Card and they will … | |
how to send sms from web site to mobile Can some please help , script to be used php Thank you | |
i made a folder images in d:/wamp/www/images and uploaded photos to it and sent the path to of the images to the database e.g image_path = d:/wamp/www/images/apples.jpg now i want to create a gallery showing thumbnails of the images i created the script below ....its supposed to read the image … | |
Hi There, I'm tinkering with an idea of a database structure for the company i work for, i'm currently compiling a client list using mysql and accessing it via php. The problem i have come across yet not solved is, when i search the database for a surname i would … | |
Hi All... I'm glad to be in this forum. I'm making a system to connect three applications in one and have a user register page. The register page sends an email to the user asking activate the account in order to use the system. I'm having some matters. First: I … | |
Hey all, I found this script that i'm using to read a directory, show all the pdf files in it, then be able to click on one of the pdf files displayed and open the pdf. So far i can show the pdfs in the directory, but when I click … | |
I've got a problem with a web application that runs slow when called by JQuery? Below I will be summarising the structure of the application, but just to say that it is hanging inconsistently and unpredictably as if the (dedicated) webserver runs out of memory or too many database connections … | |
Hello! I am a n00b to both PHP and Javascript, so please bear with me... I have a form and I use Javascript to validate the form. If there is an error on the for it displays the appropriate alert. The problem I have is when I click "OK" on … | |
I'm somewhat new to PHP. I'm not sure how to point to the root of my web site in a function. I was using $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], but when I use it in my function it comes back: "http://mywebsite.com/var/www/html/mypath" Note - this is in the HTML - other parts of the function … |
The End.