39,388 Topics
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If this is my code how would I loop to the next dog of the current owner after the dog has been fed 3 times. [CODE]Foreach ($owners as $owner) { For($x=1;$x<=$NumOfDogs;$x++) { $dog = $dogs[$x]; shuffle($dogFoods); Foreach ($dogFoods as $dogFood) { For($y=1;$y<3;$y++) { Feed($dog, $dogFood); } } } }[/CODE] | |
i made a script to create a directory and file within the directory for someone who is registering at my site also knows as [url]www.socialemo.com/theirusername/index.php[/url] but im stuck on the index.php file I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE HTML AND PHP TO THE FILE how am i supposed to write … | |
Hi, I want to add 1 hour with current time,i done this using following method date('h:i:s',strtotime('+10 minutes') but i want to take the current time in a variable and add that time with 1 hour,but that value could not change as the time changes. help me out to solve this … ![]() | |
Hi, I want to create a form that a user can fill in his information and send the form to his friends via email. Anybody have ideas or examples they know of. | |
What's wrong with this code that it updates the collection name but not the description? [code=php]<?php require_once('../Connections/CSadmin.php'); ?> <?php // Load the common classes require_once('../includes/common/KT_common.php'); // Load the tNG classes require_once('../includes/tng/tNG.inc.php'); // Make a transaction dispatcher instance $tNGs = new tNG_dispatcher("../"); // Make unified connection variable $conn_CSadmin = new KT_connection($CSadmin, … | |
I use phpDesigner but I have no idea how i could use debugger when there's a (submit)button in the code and would like to test what happens when the button is clicked. In this example, the debugger stops when it steps on the "Register" button. How should i set it … | |
hello all, i need help with php/mysql syntax that will search a mysql dbase using 3 user-provided (from web form) options. All options are contained in drop-down menus. the mysql database has an auto column which is the primary key allowing for duplicate entries which are neccesary the table has … ![]() | |
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I already have code to download as *.csv/*.xls file from my MySQL database (in place) I need to add a "flag" into the DB as for when the last download was made, and then upon next download, only $fetch_newRecords and reset … | |
Hello all... Can i write all my site pages such as index.htm, support.htm,contact.htm .. etc to [url]www.mysite.com[/url] with URL Rewriting.. Please help on this.. Thanks in Advance.. | |
Hi there, I'm lost in webSpace. I'm building a website for an amateur football team. One of the pages I'm including, "nextGame.html" will enable our players to declare their availability for a certain match by adding their name to a list of names already displayed on that page. I've started … | |
i have a problem in updating the records... it did'nt work... wats the prob with my update code... i edit and when i update record nothing happens... can any1 help me.... thnx and godbless! [code=php]<?php header("location: index.php"); include("conn.php"); $mode=$_GET["mode"]; if($mode=="add") { $MachineNo=$_POST["MachineNo"]; $MnfgDate=$_POST["MnfgDate"]; $sql="insert into $PRD(MachineNo,MnfgDate) values('$MachineNo','$MnfgDate')"; $result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); … | |
hey guys, I have this php code that receives variables form flash to create image which works fine. what i want to do is save that image after its been created on my server instead of showing it as is in the code below. how do i go abut that … | |
I created a database from a turorial, but gets the error message: Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\addressbook\MysqlStep3HandleReadRecord.php on line 16 Part of the code is: [ICODE] $db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $password); $db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle); if ($db_found) { $SQL = "SELECT*FROM tb_address_book"; … ![]() | |
I am trying to create a page that has a form on it that will select a technician and then show his/her schedule in table for on the same page. The problem I am having is that when I click the select button it goes to a blank page. It … | |
Hello, [code=php]function dwos($title,$body,$rpcurl,$username,$password,$categories=array(1)) { $categories = implode(",", $categories); function here. }[/code] My question is, how can I put value to categories ? [code]$category = "life, code, love"; // this not works ? dwos($title,$body,$rpcurl,$username,$password,$[B]categories=array(1)[/B])[/code] | |
I want to fetch records from database and want to show listing in xml form. e.g [CODE] <url> <loc>http://www.test.com/about-us/</loc> <priority>0.64</priority> <lastmod>2009-05-04T10:10:21+00:00</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> </url> <url> <loc>http://www.test.com/about-us/about-factory/</loc> <priority>0.64</priority> <lastmod>2009-05-04T10:10:21+00:00</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> </url> <url> <loc>http://www.test.com/about-us/chairman-massage/</loc> <priority>0.64</priority> <lastmod>2009-05-04T10:10:21+00:00</lastmod> <changefreq>daily</changefreq> </url> [/CODE] the urls are dynamic. I am using statically now but want to use dynamically. … | |
i have 3 tables i want to show the data from them to a page. table1 "trip" table2 "seat" table3 "user_information" show all the data of table one which is working its showing but how can i show multiple table data any ways. show all data of trip and seat … | |
Hello, My brother asked me to create an application where he can save all his data and retrieve at any time, which does all the calculation. A friend of mine suggested PHP and MySQL would be a better option. I know HTML and CSS but very little of PHP. As … | |
I am trying to greatly shorten code on my pages. Is it possible to include variables in my fetch fields? The below will all exist on same php page. Here is the code I want included in my fetch [code] // variables to include in fetch $abc = stripslashes($row->abc); $def … | |
Hi I have a variable which contains this data : $text = [QUOTE]This is the company’s profile info, Please see this. “This is special announcement,” I have this texts.[/QUOTE] Now I want to remove the special characters from this variable. I want to remove ’ “ and some other non-standard … | |
Hello Everyone, I'm a newbie and was just trying to figure out how to get a website published. I'm on a Mac and can set the site up on it but I need a FTP. Is there any where I can get a simple website published for free. I don't … | |
other of my fellow friends says they cant see the website in ie9 and netscape but its running well in mozilla the problem in ie is that the only thing you can see is the background of the website check it out my site in ie if its working on … | |
Hi, I have created an pure OOP e-commerce web site with PHP. I want to make sure that my class files cannot be seen or downloaded by anyone. What do i do now? Other files html, css, js can be seen, no problem. My hosting company provides me a folder … | |
Hi, I am not sure what i am doing wrong. I got my code (below) basically it is to resend user activation email if they for some reason or other did not get it first time etc. It sends the email and everything etc... what i need to do it … | |
Hi there I'm trying to cycle through entries inside a MySQL db and create numbered variables inside a for loop. Currently it doesn't seem to be working. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: [CODE=php] $i = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $i++; $variable.$i = $row[0]; } echo … | |
im working on final year project of my deg its complete finaly i want to show a ticket to be appear after payment which has name and so on. and a ticket number i want to generate a random ticket number for a user which will appear on the ticket … | |
hello everyone .. i am pretty new to php programming and web development and i need to ask this. i have designed a few websites for my clients and i am getting better and now i have started learning php to add dynamic feel to the websites. my question is … | |
Hi, this is my CPP code which i want to convert to PHP [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <set> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void print_combinations( std::string prefix, const int* arr, std::size_t N, std::size_t start, std::size_t num_comb, bool first_time = true ) { static std::set< std::string > prefixes ; if( … |
The End.