39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for otreborid

hi there! im having a problem with making an order form. i want to display the products from a database and beside the product names, the customer could enter the quantity he wants to order. when the submit button is clicked, there comes the error. im a newbie in php …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for markx_018

:?: HI Guys...:'( can anyone of you knows how to make a quick qoutations.. By the way i'm mark a newbie in programming..and here's my problem.. i would like to create a quick quote for my project that can solve a simple mathematical quotations..like for example when you enter your …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I get an error when i try to echo my cookie. [inlinecode]Notice: unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset 0 of 12 bytes in...[/inlinecode] I cannot find a solution. Help please. Thanks [code] class MyCookie { public function __construct($cookieName, $sessionId) { if(! isset($_COOKIE[$cookieName])) { $cookieValue["SESSION"] = $sessionId; setcookie($cookieName, $cookieValue, time()+60*60*24*7); } …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for crsukla

I have php 4.4 version i am getting a strange error here. [CODE] echo strtotime("2009-04-24T20:00:05.000Z"); [/CODE] It is giving result as -1 What is the problem and how to overcome this. I dont have an option for php upgradation.

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for davewylie

Does anyone have any ideas on how to change how submit buttons can be changed from the default? I think it is a real shortcoming of HTML that onmouseup and onmousedown etc are not permitted with <input type='submit'.... I just feel there must be some clever way using javascript or …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for himerus

If you are trying to do a page, or section of news that only shows a certain length of characters, and then has a link for Read Full Story, or more..., etc the following code is just what you need: [php] $longtext = "Full text string to be manipulated"; // …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, As you can probably tell by now my knoweldge of MySQL is not very good. I basically have two tables. One called [B]userinformation[/B] and another called [B]profiles[/B] My userinformation table is like this: [CODE]CREATE TABLE `userinformation` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(20) NOT …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for odysea

to connect/close connection my dbs i use the below include files [B]config.php[/B] [CODE]<?php // Admin Database Properties $admindbhost = 'localhost'; $admindbuser = 'user_default'; $admindbpass = '************'; $admindbname = 'db_admin'; // Default Database Properties $defaultdbhost = 'localhost'; $defaultdbuser = 'user_default'; $defaultdbpass = '************'; $defaultdbname = 'db_default'; ?>[/CODE] [B]opendb.php[/B] [CODE]<?php // Admin …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for chandradyani

dear all, I would like to know how to structure and SQL query to query between months ranges Something along the lines of: SELECT * FROM table WHERE datetime BETWEEN xx/xx/xx AND xx/xx/xx I have a table with the following date field entry named datetime: 07-05-2009 Which I am assuming …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for shadiadiph

I have the following problem is that regardless of the error it only seens to return the value of $error==4?? there are multiple files being uploaded but i only want to retrn 1 message error 4 if no files have been uploaded and error 2 if a file is more …

Member Avatar for Xlphos
Member Avatar for hassan ali

how i use apache server, php, and MySql .Tell me the procedure for installation of Apache server, PHP, and MySql

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for tanha

Hello everybody, I have this text file, and when I import them into mysql through phpMyAdmin, everything is ok, but the persian (Farsi) not shown correctly, also I use ' utf8_persian_ci ' collation, can anyone kindly plz convert this file into MySQL that farsi data shows correctly too? NOTE: farsi …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for vidhyaponnusamy

Hi When i use time() function in php,i got the value as follows, [B] 1242104663[/B] i retrieved thelogin time for ,but i want to get the current system time in hours,mins ,seconds Regards, Vidhya

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for vidhyaponnusamy

Hi I am creating session for my website,i want to expire the session after particular time for the user logged in,i want to retrieve current time in PHP,i used a time() function in php to get current time,but i got sequence of number.can oyu help me how to get current …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for BzzBee

i have a function like i have quote issue with the function. I have to use this object in javascript code due to some reasons i cant use double quotes two times. i have to use single quotes around parameter as well. what should i do. please suggest. [CODE] <script …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for jeffc418

Hi all! So I've been reading about the "FOR XML AUTO" function which sounds great, but it hasn't been working when I try it in phpmyadmin. I get an error in the area of "FOR XML AUTO", I know SimpleXML is disabled on my package but would that be why …

Member Avatar for jeffc418
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I am trying to display the users email address when they login to there account on there profile page.. I have successfully done this for there username as i use $_COOKIE to display the users name with the DB. Problem is i am not sure how to do it …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for odysea

is there any way to get the name before i post, i want to get the name before i post becuase i want to delete a php file and create a new one instead of it [CODE]if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $query = "SELECT id, name, title, description, keywords, content, skin ". "FROM …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for charbel007

Dear php pro guys i need your help please; i have 3 files; index.php login.php and member.php my major problem i cant prevent the link to be copied after logging in in php4 ---file:memeber.php--- if ($_SESSION["login"] !=1 -- it works great when the user log in and link can not …

Member Avatar for charbel007
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I have a script which upload image to the server and resize them when uploading)) the script give a max width=200px also max height=200px))for i uploaded image.. i would like if some one can help me modify it,in such away that if Only width must be Max=200px but for height …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for toad78

I have three dbase tables: Project: Building a set of tables to record customer information, record selected uses of transportation, record the points earned from using certain types of transportation, record the total points in a database table. [CODE]Currently, these are the tables: Code: TEAM teamID teamName LIVE DATA: Live …

Member Avatar for toad78
Member Avatar for jcanaway

hello i am wondering how i can go about making links similar myspace where i can give users a custom link where the do not have to type in my whole dynamic link like [url]www.example.com/index?action=profile&fid=id&token=key[/url] instead i want it to look like this [url]www.example.com/USERS_CUSTOM_URL[/url] that will forward them to the …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for odysea

have this script [CODE]$idhandle = fopen($filename, 'r+') or die("can't open file"); $id = "<?php \$lastid = \"$lastid\"; ?>"; fwrite($idhandle, $id); fclose($idhandle);[/CODE] trying to write "<?php \$lastid = \"$lastid\"; ?>"; in the first line of the file but what is happening is its deleting some of my code in the file. …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for trizzy9

Hi i am doing a project for college, and i choose car rental not knowing its trickier as i thought. Im using xampp and oscommerce, and well..PHP. i have almost everything done apart from the calendar where users can choose the dates of when they want to rent the car. …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for smahamood

i am on my try to develop quiz management system with administrator control(php +mysql). administrator must give no.of questions for the quiz (contestants will have to attempt all the questions in the database). i want to know is it possible to show each question in different pages.can anyone help me …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Studio1023

Hello Gang - First of all thanks for taking time to read this... I need some direction. I have background in HTML and Javascript. I am okay with CSS. BUT I am hoping to design a site similar to Urbanspoon.com and I need to know what programs that would involve. …

Member Avatar for platinum8
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, I need to use mail function to send emails to the user provided e-mail address which he/she gave at the time of registration. Can any one please help me regarding this? Thanks

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for jcanaway

alright im having so problems with my floating divs containers i am using three columns in my html part of my website and i have a wrapper around the three columns known as page and the columns are float left in css so they can be perfect aligned left to …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, Somebody please help me, i am going mad out of my mind, for the past 4 hours or so some silly little problem has ratteled my brain and i cannot fix it. Basically, user registers on site, they get there activation email, click on link and the below script …

Member Avatar for affnetguru
Member Avatar for odysea

so i have a page called addpages with the following [CODE] mysql_query("INSERT INTO pages (name, title, description, keywords, content, updated) VALUES('$name', '$title', '$description', '$keywords', '$content', '$updated' ) ") or die(mysql_error()); // Get Last ID $lastid = mysql_insert_id(); // Start Create php page file $filename = "$name.php"; $template = file_get_contents("templates/default.php"); $filehandle …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.