39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for samarudge

Hey, So I made a regular expression to check for valid URLs In Javascript I'm using the code [code=javascript] var valid_url = /^(https?:\/\/)?((([a-z\d]([a-z\d-]*[a-z\d])*)\.)+[a-z]{2,}|((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}))(\:\d+)?(\/[-a-z\d%_.~+]*)*(\?[;&a-z\d%_.~+=-]*)?(\#[-a-z!//\d_]*)?$/i; var valid_protocol = /^http\:\/\/|https\:\/\//i; if ( !valid_url.test(url) || url.length == 0 ) { $('#url_return').html('Invalid URL!'); return false; } if ( !valid_protocol.test(url) ) { $('#input_url').val('http://'+url); url = $('#input_url').val(); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

Hi. I downloaded WAMP to run PHP scripts with database. Everything worked fine at first, but suddenly something went wrong. I saved phptest.php into the folder phptest in the folder WWW. It worked with [url]http://localhost/phptest/phptest.php[/url] at first, but suddenly it says each time I enter that url, that "www.localhost.no" is …

Member Avatar for ErlendHL
Member Avatar for madsy

Hey there...Well I am using checkboxes to post the multi-dim array; but the thing is When I retrieve & explode it directly ,It shows an error [COLOR="Green"]Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\test24.php on line 12 NULL[/COLOR] So If I do use 'for loop' to …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ismael ahm@d

Hello everybody...!!! i have a table and having different fields, now i want to put checkbox on every row which is used for to delete or update the specific record. when select any row from the record the delete or update button or link should work properly. so plz help …

Member Avatar for freddavis
Member Avatar for alla87

Hi all, Im trying to add validation to a form to allow PHP to check before its sends the values to another page for them to be uploaded to a database. The problem i have is that i have taken a, i thought simple PHP validating script off the net …

Member Avatar for alla87
Member Avatar for nukabolhi

I couldn't register php session from mysql query. Can you tell me what is the correct method to register php session in mysql field. I tried many ways. Still no solution. [CODE] $sql=("SELECT email FROM people"); $result=mysql_query($sql); $email = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo $email['email']; //could not register this way session_register("$email"); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for nquinlan

I am trying to pipe an email to PHP. I currently have set up a forwarder in cPanel that does the following : [B]|/home/username/public_html/mailscripttest.php[/B] mailscripttest.php has permissions 755 and contains: [CODE=php] #!/usr/bin/php –q <? /* Read the message from STDIN */ $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; // This …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Blitz-labs.com

I'm new to mysql and was wondering if someone could help me Im using the following code on search engine on my site I have to table blog and news when i change blog to news and post to article the error disappears but when i change it back i …

Member Avatar for Blitz-labs.com
Member Avatar for rmullins

I'm new to making websites using PHP includes (normally everything would be Dreamweaver templates and library items). I'm still using DW templates, but all of the navigation, header and footer are all PHP includes. When I make a new page, say one directory inside of the root, DW automatically updates …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for fuston05

I have been using fopen, fread, and fwrite to create and add content to txt files. Now i need to be able delete only certain sections of a txt file. the sections are appending "=>" to beginning of entries, I was using it to properly explode() the file for reading …

Member Avatar for fuston05
Member Avatar for facarroll

I've got my code working OK in that the correct results are drawn from the database. What I have here in the code is an array consisting of an image, accompanied by its title and thirdly a link to activate a quiz associated with the image. Everything works fine, except …

Member Avatar for facarroll
Member Avatar for ErlendHL

Hi. I am making a chat program. In the index.php file, I create a session 'session_username'. I use ajax when someone chat, so I send the message to another php file. That php file should get the session_username session and write that + the message to mySQL, but there are …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for pabzzmike

hello, I need to put up tabs as navigation for my website. Is it possible to use PHP to implement the tabs using my own custom made images? Thanks in advance regards, pabzzmike

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for reminem

Hi all I have build an small personal form to delete images. (personal use only) The respons I keep getting is "file not found..." I use the script locAL (WAMP) THIS IS THE FORM: <form name="form" method="post" action="delete.php" > <label>delete <input type="text" name="delete" id="delete" > </label> <label> <input type="submit" name="send" …

Member Avatar for reminem
Member Avatar for stefansaye

hi all, it's my code ,i want to display check box and two drop down list in a table , user can choose which one check box and set some value from drop down list , then i want send the row that user selected and these settings values from …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for arunpatyal1987

create table book(bookid int ,title varchar(50),author varchar(50),book longblob); insert into book values(1,'c#','arun','c:/c#.pdf'); BUT this code is not working properly

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for frazehmad

Hi, I'm writing a script where user upload any video file and my script converts the video in flv format. Since video files are very heavy in size (I want to give upload limit of 10MB), it takes much time to upload. I observed, when we upload any file to …

Member Avatar for frazehmad
Member Avatar for cdes1145

Been scouring the web for ages and can't find a solution. So here I am..... Firstly this is my first venture into web design and hosting. I've got my own site running from just my laptop atm. I'm trying to include a basic hit counter using the following code; <?PHP …

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for chrelad

Hi everyone, I made a very quick and dirty PHP speed testing system ([URL="http://chrelad.awardspace.com/speed"]chrelad.awardspace.com/speed[/URL]) and was looking for feedback on different tests that I could add to it. I've only got two tests going right now: Comparison of string concat/replace methods [LIST] [*]Heredoc with interpolation [*]Double quote with interpolation [*]Double …

Member Avatar for chrelad
Member Avatar for Froger93

Hello All, I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this, I apologise for it any way. Okay so here it is, I have a sitemap file [icode]sitemap.xml[/icode] and I have PHP code inside it. The problem I am having is when adding the following lines: [code] …

Member Avatar for _coder
Member Avatar for dsmith1984uk

Hello people i'm new to the forum and my experience with PHP is very small in fact I only know how to echo some text. So I'm as new as they get. However I want to create a little program for my website and just need to know firstly. Can …

Member Avatar for _coder
Member Avatar for dschuett

how come my real escape strings are getting entered into my table as blank entries - if i don't escape them, they enter just fine.... Any ideas? [CODE] <?php session_id($_POST['current_email']); session_start(); if (!empty($_FILES)) { $con = mysql_connect("xxx", "xxx", "xxx") or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("xxx", $con) or die("cannot select DB"); $tempFile = …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for Puster

Hello, I am worcking with a login script, and everytime i am trying to log on, I we get my error messege "inncorect password!" And everythning is okay! Can somebody pleas cheack it? [CODE]<?php include 'connect.php'; $session_username = $_SESSION['username']; if ($_POST['login']) { // Får dataen fra databasen. $username = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['username'])); …

Member Avatar for _coder
Member Avatar for freshcoat

Dear, I am searching for a script or how to, for getting the website isp. Just like the website hostlogr.com does; preview: [url]http://www.hostlogr.com/site/twitter.com[/url] Hope someone can help me! Kind regards, Nicky

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for mikecronauer

Hi all, a few quick questions. (Theory related) 1. Can you put javascript in a PHP file? 2. If the answer to that is no ... how can a website have user sign ins / security and also be using ajax to dynamically update a pure xhtml web page? 3. …

Member Avatar for quasipickle
Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I have my website called [snip] and What I want to install blog section ,Actually this is a template and I am confused ..How to install Blog to this website ,I think PHP script is required ,Which one can anyone please tell me about this..

Member Avatar for nukabolhi

How can I get the values in Check box while loop in php. Pls give me some tips to get the values from the below php code. [CODE] $sql=mysql_query("select * from tree"); while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { echo "<br>"; echo "<label> <input type=checkbox name=Test value=checkbox id=Test_0 > $result[fruit] | $$result[fruit_charges] …

Member Avatar for phpology
Member Avatar for andydeans

hi, this is probably a simple solution but nothing is coming up in searches except date and time pickers. i basically have a datetime column in mysql database. i have an input field for my date part and i want to create a second input field in my form to …

Member Avatar for andydeans
Member Avatar for mayuri_desh

need to write the below javascript function in php..please help [CODE]myStartDate = new Date('April 1, '+curYear+' 1:59:59');[/CODE]

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for TheSecOrg

Is there a way to make a variable be able to be used in another .php file? E.G In PHP1.php $age="9"; $someOtherThing="1"; In PHP2.php echo $age+$someOtherThing; I have a statement to make, I hate being a n00b.

Member Avatar for TheSecOrg

The End.