39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for star_lavender

Hi. I want to create a search form using the drop down list and checkbox. First, the users have to select from drop down list whether they want to search by date or id. After that, for example, a new pair of drop down list will display for the users …

Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for floatingDivs

Hi Daniweb, I have a question for you guys. I've been reading up on PHP security and want to get it down pat before embarking on some projects I wish to do. The question right now is about how to create a table with PHP that will enable SHA1 hashing …

Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for xabi

I'm receiving the error [code=php]Unknown column 'members.committee' in 'on clause'[/code] from the following code. [code=php]"SELECT members.firstname, members.surname, members.photo, YEAR(members.datejoined) AS yearjoined, members.profile, members.committee, category.cat_type, committee.`position`, articles.art_ID, articles.title FROM members, category LEFT JOIN committee ON members.committee = committee.ctte_ID LEFT JOIN articles ON members.mem_ID = articles.author WHERE %s = mem_ID AND members.category …

Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for ahmedeqbal

Friends, I’ve list of categories with url look like this ‘index.php?cat_id=1,2,3’ I want to rewrite my url as ‘demo-page.html’ However I want to be use here my page title in url page. How its possible? Waiting for reply...

Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for mithesh

Hi can anybody help me wth whats the diff b/w php and a cake PHP ? Plsssssssssssss

Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for nsam

Hi all, Can somebody help me out in this as this is very urgent for me.. I want to append 2 $_get variables in a single update query so that i can assign some items to the latest inserted item Following is the code I am using.. $insert = "INSERT …

Member Avatar for theausum
Member Avatar for muneer_alam

Hi,, My problem is that i have two table city and location.In city table i have 3 field city_id(Primary key),city_name,city_status where city_status is true or false.In location table i have 3 field also loc_id(Primary key),city_id,loc_city.i done a code in which city_name comes into drop down list from city table.my problem …

Member Avatar for xerilagang
Member Avatar for RykeTech

Hey everyone, been a while since I have been here but I need some advice in a bad way. Being new to PHP I am at wit's end with this one. I created a main website that displays images and info about the images. All of the images and info …

Member Avatar for RykeTech
Member Avatar for nukabolhi

I tried lot of way to pass the checkbox values from page 1 to page 2. But I only get successes on fruit id, how can pass the fruit charges. [CODE] // how can I pass room charges"$result[room_charges]" to page 2 // page 1 $sql=mysql_query("select * from fruit"); while ($result …

Member Avatar for nukabolhi
Member Avatar for eswar.aspire

hello, I am new to php and apache..any help is appreciated. I am designing a music website..I am designed the music player with flash.I have xml file like this where my flash player play the songs from the url..I have a folder named songs. <song> <track>Princess Song</track> <artist>Artist Two</artist> <url>songs/princess.mp3</url> …

Member Avatar for eswar.aspire
Member Avatar for dalip_007

Hi Experts I was wondering if anybody could tell me how can i get computer name of any visitor of my site. Getting ip address is simple but this ip address remains changing in case of dynamic ip, so i need to know the computer name of visitor. Many Thanks …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for assgar

Hello I am experiencing some issues with a function and I cannot identify the problem. The function is not receiving any parameter. The URL values are passed correctly. I used echo to display the parameters outside the function and that worked. I also used echo to display the parameters inside …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for purnima13

//how can i use a0,a1,a2 in a loop in php code. //this is my program please help //also onclick event is not working to call aphp function <input type="radio" name="a<?php echo $i;?>" value="average" onclick="if(this.checked) { this.form.a.style.visibility='hidden'; } else { this.form.a.style.visibility='visible';}">average <input type="radio" name="a<?php echo $i;?>" value="excellent">excellent<br> <input type="radio" name="a<?php echo …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mattyd

Hello. I need some direction for the following problem (I am not sure where to begin my research): I essentially, using PHP and MySQL, allow a user to enter character data into a form, submit the form, and next have this data saved to the database, then a formatted version …

Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

Hi, I could use some help with my code. I am validating a form before processing the PHP to SQL and would like it to let the user know if they have done something wrong before the form can process. This code below changes the bad fields to yellow (BRIEFLY), …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie
Member Avatar for coderbest

text basic mafia game 100% working with all kind of casinos work and all things work many codes added (: its for sell i can edit it like u want ,,, i am coder if u dont want to buy i can code u game :) for more info [email]blazardfreez@hotmail.com[/email] …

Member Avatar for Noorul Ariff

Hi friends... My friend s doing an online project... He wants to know how many users(REGISTERED) are LOGGED-IN CURRENTLY in his site... i.e if i'm ADMINISTRATOR of this DANIWEB, i want to know the USERS CURRENTLY LOGGED-IN... I need the logic for this... Help me... Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Puster

Hello, Yester day i made a script to edit profile and upload avatar, when i am gong to get the data and img out from the database, everything is a big mess! The img is on the wrong place. [url]http://bildr.no/view/740585[/url] (how i want it) [url]http://pastebin.no/z3256[/url] (code) I hope someone understand …

Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

Hello Friends, I have a site called [URL="http://minitaskr.com"]minitaskr.com[/URL] I'm getting some unknown symbol as a error in my pages. I believe the error is in the styling of the page. This is the error symbol. [QUOTE].�[/QUOTE] You can check this error in this page. [URL="http://www.minitaskr.com/faq"]http://www.minitaskr.com/faq[/URL] Can anyone solve this?. I'm …

Member Avatar for Viruthagiri
Member Avatar for kesh1000

hi all. im looking for a tutorial or a guide to code php script for login access for mutiple use types for eg. guest member staff admin do any any of you have any tutorial or guide me through it. i know basic login creation and mysql data handling. another …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for keyroche

Basically, I have a class that is used to add a note to the database and it links the note to a particular business. The for loop goes through all the notes (since you can have multiple for one business) and adds them to an array that is then returned. …

Member Avatar for keyroche
Member Avatar for vaibhav1983

Hi All, I am trying to implement a directory like url rewriting in php. My URL goes like this [url]www.xyz.com/Parameter1/Parameter2/1[/url] This request is forwarded to a php script, getParams.php Parameter1 and Parameter2 in the URL are GET parameters. "1" in the url indicates the page number. The URL rule that …

Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I was wondering how to display php on a html page? My site has a php backend doing all the work, html to make it look good. I'm trying to display a chat box which is coded in php on my html header page.

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for sakush100

$oldm='5'; I want $oldm to convert to a new variable $newm, so that $newm contains "may". I mean i want to convert $oldm to text month. How to do it ?

Member Avatar for kylegetson
Member Avatar for keyroche

Hello, I have a bit of explaining to do so please bare with me. I am developing the backend of a site and it has a log in feature. I have separated all of the functions of the whole back end into classes: clients, users, ads, database, and security. I …

Member Avatar for keyroche
Member Avatar for Magic_Turtle

Hi everyone, Im new to coding and php and need some assistance on how to read php information from a file and display it in an html table. Basically the site my teacher has asked me to make is one where i can type in a url, link text into …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for stangn99

Hi guys, I'm working on a little project and need some help. What I'm looking to do is: 1. have user fill out a form to obtain information 2. based on the information, the system will decided while file should be provided 3. system will automatically send an email to …

Member Avatar for sudeepjd
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Hello. I am making a register/login function, and i want the user to be able to upload files to his account, and can later view these files. I wonder how i can make the upload script insert data in a mysql table only for the current user uploading, i dont …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for cutekate

Hello Everyone, I have triple drop down menu. I want to display the contents of the table based on the third menu selection. The code is in the link [url]http://php.pastebin.com/hgazULxi[/url] I know I need to include a onchange function to <select name="genus"> but as you can see I have a …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I can print anything from any software. When I check the properties of my (hp LaserJet 1320), the 'owner' column has the name of my Windows XP login account which is 'Fella'. All fine up to here. When use code below, the properties of my (hp LaserJet 1320), the …


The End.