heres the code to send the info

<title> form Handling with PHP </title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<form method=post action="submittedinfo.php">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="NULL">
	 <td colspan="2"><font SIZE="+0" face="verdana">
	 Lets see if we cant get this form to work!
	 <td align="left"><font SIZE="+0" face="verdana">
	 <b>Your name <br \>Your E-Mail Address</b>
	 <input type="text" name="name" id="name">
	 <br />
	 <input type="text" name="email" id="email">
	 <td colspan="2"><center>
	 <SELECT name="opinion" id="opinion">
	 <option value="is great">I like your site</option>
	 <option value="is OK">Your Site is OK</option>
	 <option value="is horrible">Your Site is horrible</option>
	 </SELECT><p><input type="submit" value="Tell us!">

and here is the code to show the information entered by the user

$DBhost = "localhost";
$DBuser = "michael";
$DBpass = "koolaide";
$DBName = "phpforms";
$table = "information";
mysql_connect($DBhost,$DBuser,$DBpass) or die("Unable to connect to database");
@mysql_select_db("$DBName") or die("Unable to select database $DBName");
$sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES('$id','$name','$email','$opinion')";
$results = mysql_query($sqlquery);
echo "
	 <title> PHP and MySQL </title>
	 <table border='0' width='500'>
echo "	 <td>
		 <font face='verdana' size='+0'> 
		 <p>You Just Entered This Information Into the Database</p>
echo "	 <blockquote>
			Name :<p> $name E-Mail :</p> $email <p>Opinion :</p> $opinion

heres the problem, when i run the HTML on the first page and fill out the form, i press send the info, it should bring up another page saying You entered so and so information. but instead i get you entered so and so info but it doesnt list the info, adding to that, im very noob to PHP, this is another tutorial that i found, and im begining to think that alot of tutorials have errors in them or somthing. i even went into my mysql and added the database and lines of info needed (again using his tutorial on how to) any help would be greatly appreciated.

ok, so i was able to fix the form, and ill post how i did it too. :)

$name = "$_POST[name]";
$email = "$_POST[email]";
$opinion = "$_POST[opinion]";

needed to be defined at the top of the page. now when i view my databases via phpmyadmin, i can see that the information has been added to the database, but now i need to write a script that will print out all data in the database to onscreen.

Glad you were able to help yourself, but remember, don't double post. If you need help with displaying the data, give us a holler.

What i like to do with form submissions...

First off, you never want to put your SQL login info directly in your script instead make a file like db.cnnt.php
Inside, write something like this...

//  No direct call...
if(ereg('db.cnnt.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
    die("Access Denied!  No Direct Call!");
//  Set DB login vars...
$SQL_Host = 'localhost:3306';
$SQL_Usr = 'Your_Username';
$SQL_Pss = 'Your_Password';
$SQL_DB = 'Database_Name';
//  Now connect to the database server...
if(!$SQL_LNK = @mysql_pconnect($SQL_Host, $SQL_Usr, $SQL_Pss))
    die("Couldn't Connect to Database Server...");
//  Now select the database...
if(!$SQL_SLT = @mysql_select_db($SQL_DB))
    die("Couldn't Connect to database");
// Or if you use multiple databases/users you can just set the different login Vars here and call connect function in the script.

Now make a functions file to house the functions you use on many different pages...

function ControlContent($string)
 //You can set more vars to this one.  for instance if you want to only strip_tags from certain inputs...You could add $HTML to the function vars.  If $HTML == 0 or $HTML == NULL then strip_tags ELSE dont strip_tags.  But in this example im just gonna fix the strings
 $string =  strip_tags(trim(stripslashes(urldecode($string))));
 return $string;
} //End of function

function NoGET($METHOD)
 if(eregi('get', $METHOD))
  die("Access denied!  Post method only");

//Of course there are many more functions you could make but I'll stop there.

Now finally

  //  takes takes all vars out of the $_POST array.  Now $_POST[email] becomes $email 
  //  This function to clean the input string...

  //  Now that the strings are clean you can insert them into your database.

  //  After inserting the data close Mysql connection and exit script.

What i like to do with form submissions...

First off, you never want to put your SQL login info directly in your script instead make a file like db.cnnt.php

Yeah I agree. I usually set aside a separate php file where I include global variables and settings. Here I include the passwords. However, I think Killer_Typo is doing this now because it's only an example to show how to get data from forms and do stuff with it.

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