39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, Can any one please guide me that is there any way in php to add all country names automatically in a list box rather then making a static list of <option> Thanks for your time.

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for kssi89

Hello everyone, I moved forward to purchase a book with PHP examples. This ecommmerce example did not make much sense to me at a certain point, it became too technial and I was unable to follow along with explicit understanding. There are two pieces of code that are problematic starting …

Member Avatar for kssi89
Member Avatar for engg.gaurav

how can i pass the array which have some record fetched from the database from one php page to another desire php page without using session

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for chrisscicluna

[I]<< Split from [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread6923.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread6923.html[/URL] >>[/I] Hi i installed the system as instructed but when i try to login with my username and password this error is shortly being displayed: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/smledit/public_html/sms/classes/crc_login.cls.php on line 129 You can check it out …

Member Avatar for ero100@live.com

DOES ANY ONE KNOW HOW TO VALIDATE THIS FORM? case 1: if any field is not completed, display in red colour and display a text message to correct, case 2: once is completed, display TANKS FOR SUBMIT YOUR FORM, AND REDERECT TO INDEX PAGE. [code]<?php $msg ="Name: $_POST[name]\n"; $msg .="Email: …

Member Avatar for ADVAD
Member Avatar for zoroman

Hi. I am building a web site with online payment using paypal. I have a shopping cart which I built and I managed to include the buy now button from paypal, but I the customer has to enter the total amount themselves. I cant send the total amount. Also how …

Member Avatar for digish777

HI, I was given the chance to maintain a wordpress based php website. Unfortunately, I could not find any connection string for that website. How to fetch that.

Member Avatar for yunnie

hello everyone! im having trouble with php have anyone know how to create shopping cart using php? im using html, php, mysql, navicat for mysql. i just want to create the very simple one. like add, delete, update somekind like tat.. i hope u guys can help me. thanks!

Member Avatar for Slapo
Member Avatar for coolmind259

HI, I need help in .htaccess to hide php extension. if someone request [url]www.mysite.com/profilename[/url] , then profile should be open of the particular person. Please help me in this, how can i accomplished this using .htaccess?. Your help in this will be highly appreciated. Thankyou, syed.

Member Avatar for vidaj
Member Avatar for chakaox

Hi I am brandnew to php and my sql. i am trying to put guest entry to my web. when i run my web, i get this error : `Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource` Here are the surrounding lines $SQL="SELECT * From Guestbook"; $Content=mysql_query($SQL); …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ero100@live.com

HI, DOES ANY ONE KNOW WHAT IS THE RIGHT STEPS TO MAKE THIS FORM MAIL TO WORK? [B]HE IS THE CODE:[/B] 1. <html> 2. <head> 3. <title> send mailf from the form </title> 4. </head> 5. <body> 6. <?php 7. echo "<p> your name is: <b>$_POST[name]</b>,</p>"; 8. echo "<p> your …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi Everyone, I have made one google checkout payment gateway integration in PHP in a shopping cart. But with which user id or merchant id i am using in that integration . when i am going to login with that google id . I am getting some error message there. …

Member Avatar for gagan22
Member Avatar for jeffc418

Hi! I'm trying to take the XML feed from Google Calendars: [url]www.google.com/calendar/feeds/jeffc418%40gmail.com/public/basic[/url] And make it into a PHP variable so I can set each calendar event as a variable. How would I go about that? I contacted my hoster about simplexml and I got a response about PHP 4/5. If …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rouse

In a code routine I receive strings like “04242009” and I need to convert it to April 24, 2009. I have played with several of the date conversion routines but I am getting no where. Help would be appreciated. Thanks! WBR

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi, I was wondering if there's a tutorial on making a website that offers free hosting. I know how to upload files with PHP, so I posted this topic here. Thanx.

Member Avatar for foryounow
Member Avatar for dor88keys

hi, im looking for a good PHP script to install a forum in my website. i came across phorum,and chipmonk. i also need it to have a PM (private messeges) option. can anyone recommend a good script ? could anyone tell me where can i find instructions regarding installing chipmonk …

Member Avatar for foryounow
Member Avatar for mbabaali

am doing a classroom project but am stuck with the registering users script it does send the data to the mysql database ppliz help me out thanks here are both the html and php codes . [code=html] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for piusbabbun

Hai everyone ... Can you please mention the ways to generate PDF contents using php...and the components which can be used for it ?

Member Avatar for foryounow
Member Avatar for mhariharasudan

hi everyone i want to insert and retrieve images from the mysql using php(in wamp server).actually i searched the net and tried with many codes but cudnt find a solution.in the last one tht i tried,i created a table tht includes a blob datatype for one of its attribute and …

Member Avatar for mhariharasudan
Member Avatar for drjay1627

this is a general question. do you think that a bandwidth estimator can be used to measure the bandwidth and optimise a users video viewing experience. in other words, if i have a 56k connection can i still watch youtube or for that matter a live stream? of course if …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for websurfer

Hello, all: I am trying to get this script to work... What I'm trying to do is to be able to email back customers whose emails I have saved on in my database. So pretty much the emails get sent as it runs the "while" loop. Somehow it doesnt seem …

Member Avatar for websurfer
Member Avatar for ero100@live.com

hi, i have spent more than whole day trying to figure out what is wrong in this php sript LINE 3 AND 14, ihave changed the quotes, but it didnt work, it works normal when you enter the date to GUESS THE NUMBER, but in the start page the ERROR …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for andrewsCWD

Hello, I have a form that has several checkboxes. It looks similar to this: [CODE]<input name="service_needed[]" type="checkbox" value="service1" class="checkbox" /> <input name="service_needed[]" type="checkbox" value="service2" class="checkbox" /> <input name="service_needed[]" type="checkbox" value="service3" class="checkbox" /> [/CODE] I'm trying to store the values of whichever boxes are checked inside of one variable so that …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for ero100@live.com

hello, i have just begining learn php, in this form every things looks ok, however a error message that i can't solve it. please give some help because i cant move on before solve this problem. thanks **HTML FORM CODE** <html> <head> <title>simple HTML FORM</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="listing9.2.php"> …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hardcore

Hi all, I want to install Apache server 2.0.50, PHP 4.4.9, on Personal PC WinXP Pro but was unable to do that and was unable to find right instructional manual.Did a lot of reconfiguration in PHP.ini, httpd.conf files but Apache could not see PHP so test.php does not I need …

Member Avatar for hardcore
Member Avatar for Besherek

Hi folks, I need a little help working out a 2 tier navigation that is database driven as I'll need to use CMS to insert new categories and topics at a later date. The navigation is in unordered list format looking similar to below. Two category listed navigation with two …

Member Avatar for Besherek
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Let's say my root: [url]http://localhost/htaccess/index.php[/url] I have dbconnection.php, css files, js files, inc files, class files, functions.php and image files all stored in [inlinecode]http://localhost/htaccess/secured/[/inlinecode] directory. I don't want anyone access these files. How can i do it? I tried .htaccess but nothing worked apart from directory browsing (IgnoreIndex */*). …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, Please view the following link: [URL="http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-191501619-beijing_vacations-i;_ylt=AiZdwxCyxFHHjdvlVEe4GeQyFWoL"]http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-191501619-beijing_vacations-i;_ylt=AiZdwxCyxFHHjdvlVEe4GeQyFWoL[/URL] Here can any one please guide me that how the pictures are changing in the vertical are at right side? Thanks

Member Avatar for marjan_m
Member Avatar for AON07

First off thanks in advance, everyone here has been a great help in the past and know you will be this time.. What i'm trying to achomplish is to submit data from a form into multipule tables in the Mysql DB. However I want the user to select which table …

Member Avatar for AON07
Member Avatar for scushkadee

this idea is in the beginning stages. I need a way to pull data from a table on a website, It also needs to be able to log me into to the website automatically to access the website. and.. hopefully.. send my cellphone a sms message.. or email.. when it …

Member Avatar for chrishea

The End.