39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for subirs77

Hi, I am a beginer of PHP and i want to make link management sys for a link page of a site. i want to add,del,modify links with that system.but i dont know what i must do for that ,please any one tell me the steps. I want to display …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds... i am trying to know something about Url Rewriting..here i need to load [B]mod_rewrite[/B] module...where can i get this.. In this i saw a point as Open the [B]httpd.conf[/B] file and uncomment the following lines (remove the trailing #s): [CODE]#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so #AddModule mod_rewrite.c[/CODE]... But in my http.conf …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for bas_brain

ok, hi all, i have a problem, i want to check all values and keys from $_POST or $_GET files. My checkings criteria are: 1-) the key must be set; 2-) values must not be empty. Because $_POST and $_GET values is a array i have the following code: [CODE=php] …

Member Avatar for bas_brain
Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hello all, I have this strange problem. 1. I have one file in a sub directory which has code for displaying images - images are stored in main directory . 2. Now the reference to that image is retrieved from MySQL database table row[image]. here is the code i am …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for dwatycha

relative php noob needs help, have tried 3 or 4 differnet ways to get an image along with other post data from an html form to save into a mysql db. other data saves fine, no luck at all with image. php and form code below. HELP. Thanks in advance. …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for mike4

Hey, How can I cause a block of php code be executed once using a command like the [B]include_once();[/B]If i use this directly it includes the contents of the include file like HTML content! What can I do?:$

Member Avatar for vdeych
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, If you see my other post about writing data to a file i am not doing that now i am using a database instead. Anyway .... Before i start i would like to say i am very very new to PHP and no very very little about MySQL writing. …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I been having allot of help on here certainly from 'Josh Connerty', who has done a fantastic job of helping me. I am learning php and am enjoying it. So before i start a big thanks to Josh Connerty and this forum existing as it is a pleasure to …

Member Avatar for genieuk
Member Avatar for jyotiu

Hi all I need to develop a property based website in which i have a drop down menu for selecting a category for eg:renting ,selling, lease etc. what i want to do is when a user will select any of the option he will be directed to a website of …

Member Avatar for jyotiu
Member Avatar for elbashamoe

I am using PHP and cURL to extract a website for its images using the <img tag. i would like to know how to loop through the whole page to get all of the images. so far im able to get 1 image but cant figure out how to get …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for tkal

Opening a image file gives an empty file. A .txt file can be opened. Opening the image file gives no view available.

Member Avatar for tkal
Member Avatar for sureronald

I have a web application and I keep a list of logged in users in the mysql database. If a user clicks the sign out button his details are subsequently deleted from the logged in users table and safely logged out. This works fine. Now the problem is if a …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi, I am having diffculty in my administration page. Half of the code is correct but the other half I think is wrong. I am working with two tables to update the information. One is "products" and the other is "color". The product information work but the color information is …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for szita1

I made a small application with the help of PhpMaker(php,mysql). It is a kind of catalogue for a paper issued monthly. It stores data for the authors and the articles and the paper itself in pdf. It works fine except for uploading the pdf. Interestingly enough uploading works fine when …

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for kssi89

Hello, This query works when entered directly into MySQL but when used in a php page it fails and generates the following error: [QUOTE] Column count doesn't match value count at row 3 [/QUOTE] Also, the date values are not accepted in either the php page or mysql terminal, they …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for garyy

Please can someone help, I'm new to PHP and I need to know how to display the data from mysql database using PHP in a format like so ProductA(image) - ProductB(image) - ProductC(image) ProdAName - ProdBName - ProdCName ProdAPrice - ProdBPrice - ProdCPrice I've managed to get the Product images …

Member Avatar for garyy
Member Avatar for mandyb

I am needing help. I want to create files with variable file names - I am creating a membership website and want each member to be able to have a blog username.htm The problem is that when I try to create this using the fopen function it is not recognizing …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for shefeekj

I am trying to make an online meta tag analyzer using php..The system should take a url as input ,analyze the url and print out all the meta tags used in the website....can i have the support some where on the net?

Member Avatar for shefeekj
Member Avatar for fraggie

i am trying to create a friend suggest script where users having mutual friends will be suggested to become each others friend.... my table contains two fields -> username, friend somehow i managed to get the usernames having mutual friends with the session user... now my query result in a …

Member Avatar for fraggie
Member Avatar for tanha

Hi. I want to know how it is possible to export data through php to an already available template excel and word, and then how to read from those template? regards,

Member Avatar for ikinothman
Member Avatar for genieuk

Hi, I got two files a php file to process and record data to a text file Now when a visitor visits a page on my website.... it records some information about them and it is sent to process.php and then process.php then records the data in a .txt file. …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for mcakirankumar

Hai, I want to print only the content of datagrid from php web page. Anyone help me from this problem. Please send me the code to resolve it. thanks,

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for totalnoob

I have a file with a table with movie titles. When I wish to edit I click on a link which is represented in this following code: [code=PHP]<a href="edit.php?autoid='.$row['autoid'].'"> edit</a> [/code] This redirects me to an edit file where I can change the name, year and category. After updating it …

Member Avatar for totalnoob
Member Avatar for KJATL

Hello there, I am working on an update script that can be broken down into 3 parts. 1. The form (uses id to populate fields) 2. The UPDATE 3. The confirmation. Form: [CODE] <?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); $pid = $_POST['pid']; $delete = $_POST['Delete']; $update = $_POST['Update']; if(isset($update)) { $sql = "SELECT * …

Member Avatar for KJATL
Member Avatar for prawin@123

Please dont laugh at me for this simple doubt, bUT i have to ask . Please help me any one i am creating a html page when i minimize the page the contect in the pages are shuffled .ie normally if we minimize the page to a fixed limit . …

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for senthil_kumar

anybody known well in php , plz help me .i need multichatting script using php and mysql

Member Avatar for danishbacker
Member Avatar for mcakirankumar

Hai all, I have create a web page in php. I am retrieving the values from mysql database and showing as grid view on page. I want to take a print on paper upto only datagrid. What to do..? Please help anyone with code....

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi Everyone, I am working on a shopping cart. In which i am sending mail which product customer want to shop. But i am ubable to fetch more than one product with different name . Because for this i need a loop. And i am not understanding how i can …

Member Avatar for shefeekj
Member Avatar for vidhyaponnusamy

Hi, I am creating a website in php,i want my login page with only username and password,i don't want to display any default bars on the top of the form like menu bar,tool bar etc..I don't know how to remove this in php,please help me out with correct coding Regards, …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for barbz

can someone help me with this error? im trying to make a dynamic rss feed using php.. am i on the right track?? ERROR: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_SL in C:\xampp\htdocs\Gacer\rss.php on line 27 [code] <?php $output = '<rss version="2.0"> <channel>'; $dbhost = ''; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = …

Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.