39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi everyone, I am working on one application in which i am using many checkboxes for many records like we use in our mail . Like in our inbox mail folder if we want to delete more than one mail , after checking that mail in checkbox , we click …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for nathenastle

Please help me in newsletter sending , this my code the problem is the mail is send to single person is going correctly ,if the same mail send to more number of persons getting wrong mail is going but the data display only in first mail ,the other mails getting …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for navi17

Does anyone know how I can display a list of (let's say) 5 members that have visited my profile page recently? Shouldn't be too hard, should it? Let's try to find a solution, since I believe more users might be interested in such a feature. Thanks guys, navi

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for keanan

Hello, I am trying to store a single MYSQL result into a 2 dimensional array, for example I would like to end up with something like this: array[0][0] = result[0] , array[0][1] = result[1] , array[0][2] = result[2] ..... Here is my code: [code] $tempCat = array(); for ($i=0;$i<$numcat;$i++) { …

Member Avatar for keanan
Member Avatar for isomillennium

Hi all , just learned the basics of perl thru a website. and i was just wondering what the perl equivalent of php code .... for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $myarray[] = $i; } would be. Any help appreciated thank you ..

Member Avatar for isomillennium
Member Avatar for Gonkawan

Greetings people. I've just recently discovered PHP, and have just created my first dynamic PHP-document, which fills a table with data from my SQL db. It works quite well, but what I'd like is to have hyperlinks in one of the three columns (header), pointing towards whatever adress posted from …

Member Avatar for Gonkawan
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I have a PHP page with query strings in, and that works, but getting it to display the correct page depending on the day via a switch statement is a problem. This is the code: [ICODE]<html> <body> <? if($_GET['day']==1){ ?> <?php include("day1.php") ?> <? }else if($_GET['day']==2){ ?> <?php include("day2.php") ?> …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for baudday

Hi, I would like to set variables from session variables. Like this: [CODE=php] $fname=$_SESSION['fname']; $lname=$_SESSION['lname']; $email=$_SESSION['email']; $month=$_SESSION['month']; $day=$_SESSION['day']; $year=$_SESSION['year']; $city=$_SESSION['city']; $state=$_SESSION['state']; $uname=$_SESSION['uname']; $pass=$_SESSION['pass']; $encpass=$_SESSION['encpass'];[/CODE] I think this is triggering the following error: Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised …

Member Avatar for baudday
Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hi I have a site in Joomla CMS. I want to redirect my old url : [QUOTE][url]http://www.brcreation.com/index.php?/Softwares/Tool-to-Convert-Files?itemid=167&mid=167[/url][/QUOTE] to : [QUOTE][url]http://www.brcreation.com/Softwares/Tool-to-Convert-Files?itemid=167&mid=167[/url][/QUOTE] As you see above, I want to remove "index.php?/" from my site url. I have created a script for this but there are some problems. It doesn't redirect to correct …

Member Avatar for essential
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i know php and mysql little bit. I likes to create a online chat application. Please any one give me a right tutorial or chatting idea . Please Help me Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for cjwenigma

Hello, I'm pulling classes from a database and displaying them in dropdown boxes for the users to choose from. I need to be able to take the courseIDs(in my database) from the courses they pick and store them into a table called account_courses. I also wanted the drop-down boxes to …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for theimben

I want to redirect a user after a few seconds without using javascript. Is this possible? Thanks.

Member Avatar for theimben
Member Avatar for usang2me

Hello, I'm building my own website without any knowledge of PHP, & i'm almost done with that..as my website works fine on my local server i:e WAMPSERVER 2.0, but the same code is not working on server...n i'm rilli piss'd of coz of that... The error is :"PHP Parse error: …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for cobalt-rose

Hello all, i am having great difficulty in trying to get the job_id variable from the table that is displayed that will be passed into the next page and profile page information will be selected where he job_id (from previous page) is equal to the job_id of the profile. In …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for zurainah

can somebody help me how to search data from database?coz i use dropdown to select jabatan,month and year..here the coding: [code=php]<?php session_start(); include 'db_connect.php'; $ID = $_SESSION['ID']; $PASS = $_SESSION['PASS']; if(($ID=="") && ($PASS=="")) { echo "<script language='JavaScript'> window.location ='login_user.php';</script>"; } ?> <?php $namajab = $_GET["nama"]; $bulan = $_GET["bulan"]; $tahun = …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I am a php programmer. I found in some sites hide their page type . For eg: [url]www.some.com/[/url][B]lal?s[/B]ome=some&somemore=somemore. insted of [url]www.some.co[/url][B]m/lal.php?s[/B]ome=some&somemore=somemore. Please help me How can i do that Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for usang2me

Hello Every1, i'm using "webhostingpad" for hosting my website.....n i dont have access to httpd.conf & they even dont allow wildcard redirect... but they are providing me unlimited subdomains... is there neway 2 make dynamic subdomain for every new user register 2 my website.....accept making it own 4m cpanel...... every …

Member Avatar for usang2me
Member Avatar for jackal joe

i'm developing a website for my final year project entitled [B]foreign workers booking system[/B]. Now i got several problems the problems are:- 1.How to come up with a dwi language website 2.How to make a private mail so that i can send a mail to an employer. 3.How to have …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for rEhSi_123

Hello everybody, Not sure if the above title is correct for the issue I have but moderators please feel free to correct it.:) Anyways my issue is whenever a user logs onto my forum, my index page seems to display the ID of the user also......... Exactly like this: [quote] …

Member Avatar for nathenastle
Member Avatar for usang2me

Hello, I'm building my own website without any knowledge of PHP, & i'm almost done with that..as my website works fine on my local server i:e WAMPSERVER 2.0, but the same code is not working on server...n i'm rilli ****'d of coz of that... The error is :"PHP Parse error: …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for theimben

I want to check if a key exists in a MySQL DB. I can do this ok but I would need to create a new key if it does exist. So this is the function that makes the key: [code=php] function keygen($a){ $b = str_shuffle('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890'); return substr($b,0,$a); } [/code] So …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for thebigpicture

I have a form with a hidden object: [CODE="HTML"]<input id="tracker" type="hidden" name="tracker" value="0" />[/CODE] The value is read with JavaScript and increased each time an element is added: [CODE="JavaScript"]var tracker = document.getElementById("tracker"); var tracked = parseFloat(tracker.value) + 1; tracker.value = tracked;[/CODE] This works fine while in HTML and JavaScript, but …

Member Avatar for thebigpicture
Member Avatar for swit

Hello people, i have the following code though it is not giving me the exact results i want. i would like the code to order by the name but the order by doesnt seem to be executed. here is the code; [code] $query2 = "select * from jos_categories where id …

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to send a XML file to my website where the XML is read and information passed to MySQL database. I know this is done but i don't know how to do it. Something related to header etc? Any idea? Thanks

Member Avatar for rm_daniweb
Member Avatar for f0rb35

Hi. I'm a newbie to PHP. I am looking for a PHP login script which uses MSSQL. I've come across a ton of tuts and guides for MySQL, but unfortunately, I do not have an option. [B]I have to use MSSQL.[/B] All the login script has to do is allow …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for silh

Hi guys, I just reviewed the design of a project I am working on at the moment and a software design related question raised... If I can save data from a form to a database through data access classes or whatevar, and I can display data from the database, WHY …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for nathenastle

Can any one explain about how to find the date of next fefteen days based on present date,what problem is in my database i have deal_expire_date,based on that i used to display the deatils which the deal_expire_date is near to coming 15 days means deal_expire_date <=15... can some one help …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for totalnoob

Hello everyone! I have a table with titles that have a link to delete the record. Clicking on the link, redirects the user from (members.php) to a page (delete.php )where it says that the title is deleted and the user can click another link to return to the table. The …

Member Avatar for totalnoob
Member Avatar for queenc

hi, i want to validate checkboxes where each checkbox has a different name 1.atleast one checkbox should be select. 2.not more than 4 checkboxes should be selected. can any one tell me how to validate this.

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for cjwenigma

Hello, I'm working on a website and needed some help with my php. My website basically allows a user to register for an account then add a college course to their page through scheduler.php I have three sql scripts: accountInformation, course, and account_courses. I need account_courses to hold the two …

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The End.