39,388 Topics
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Hello Everyone! I am having the most difficult time figuring out a nested loop i would like to perform. The Senario: I have a simple flash image gallery that accepts an XML scheme: The page: [url]http://www.jbobfunky.com/multipage_site/gallery.php[/url] An example of the XML scheme i am trying to render out with PHP … | |
Hi this is nathen can you please some one help me the following is my form what i want is when ever i fill an empty value that is nothis in my text box and when click on shareacoupon button i need a message that empty values are not allowed … | |
Hello all i have (after much googleing) written a php script which when activated appends to a main text file with the text seen below in this exact format type= name=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # type= name=(USER INPUT HERE) # type= name=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # what i need is a simple webform with one input … | |
im trying to display the results of a search when users use the drop down menus. ive been at this for 2 wks and cannot get it to work at all. please help :( [ICODE] <?php $programme = $progyear = $subjectname = $examyear = null; //declare vars $conn= mysql_connect("localhost", "root", … | |
Hi all, I have MP3 player from [url]http://www.premiumbeat.com/flash_resources/free_flash_music_player/multiple_tracks_mp3_player_menu.php[/url] and I want to put it in my page. I want it to appear in every page. I'm pretty new to many PHP stuffs and with PHP page I judt do simple include statement. How do I do that? Here is their … | |
![]() | hey everyone, i've been using a wordpress blog for a while now, and i recently decided i'm tired of the hassle of having to manage all the plugins, spam comments and updates. i don't know a lot about php either, however i am a web designer by hobby: so i … |
I have a form that I am trying to post to a table, everything works fine except for the one multiple select option I have. When it posts to the table, only the last selected option shows. How do I get it to either a. post to separate fields in … | |
Good morning, all! As the title suggests, I am having a syntax error. I'm using Notepad++, and I don't seem to be missing any curly braces. Is there somthing else I'm missing? Thank you [code] <?php session_start(); include('header.php'); if((isset($_GET['movie_users_id'])) && (is_numeric($_GET['movie_users_id']))) { $movie_users_id = $_GET['movie_users_id']; } elseif ((isset($_POST['movie_users_id'])) && (is_numeric($_POST['movie_users_id']))){ … | |
Hi All I am a bit of a begginer in PHP. How do I store multiple vales in a cookie? I am going along the lines of: [code=php]$data = array('apple'=>'green', 'orange'=>'orange', 'banana'=>'yellow');[/code] then something like (not sure about the sytax here):: [code=php]$var=implode($data); setcookie('data', $var, time() +3600);[/code] Basically how do I … | |
Hello, While putting together a sticky form I got this error: Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\base_ball\insert_player.php on line 175 The problem is that this line of code does not exist. The script ends at line 174. Here are the bits of code I have altered: [CODE] <?php if (isset($_POST['Insert'])){ … | |
Hi I have some code where the user inputs some stuff and then i would like it to get added to a database. The problem is dont know how to make it so that it only adds to the database when the user has submited it? Any ideas ? | |
Hi all, ok this is quite general in a sense but there's no other approperiate forum to put this so here goes: When thinking how the langauges resolve IP when given a hostname, am I right to say that client-side languages like javascript uses the local computer's host file and … | |
I developed a forum in php that works only in English but I wanted to make it work in another language as per the user request can anyone please tell me how. thanx in advance | |
hi all, i want a different views to display my products for users like in this site [URL="http://www.naaptol.com/buy-online/WO-shopping-best-deals-W6O/cameras/digital_cameras.html"]http://www.naaptol.com[/URL] in this site user can see different views like grid view,consise view and list view and also the page displays very quickely in this site,how can i acheive this if i use … | |
Hi I'm doing a project for express and star delivery. I have a varchar field for a week in my database The name is of the field is [B]28-03-09[/B] It then lists how much each customer owes ID ---- Address ----- 28-03-09 ------ will 1 29 Broomy 1.20 1.2 I … | |
hi all ..i'm working on php application .......and i need to insert data into a filed in my table but in a certain condition ......exp:(insert into users (posts) values(...) where ...) i can't do this .....what should i do ? please help and thnx in advance | |
Hi all, i have this bbcode for a [URL] which is not working. Please let me know whats wrong with it. [code] // Perform URL Search $post = preg_replace("/\[url\]([$URLSearchString]*)\[\/url\]/", '<a href="javascript:go('$1','new')">$1</a>', $post); $post = preg_replace("(\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.+?)\[/url\])", '<a href="javascript:go('$1','new')">$2</a>', $post); [/code] Thank you. | |
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Hello, I do not know if I fully comprehend the use of post. My understanding was that because $_POST was a superglobal, the values set applied to all pages after having been set. Here is the problem I am facing. 1) User enters an id number into field to delete … | |
Hi , i am developing the bidding site in which customers and vendors belongs to different timezones,customer can place an order provided the order should be placed on or before 3pm GMT time at a spcified day like today, tommorow,.........After 3pm of lasting day,customer should not be able to place … | |
I have been trying to format a date that I receive from a value in a mysql database. The format in mysql is as follows. 1986-08-02 I want to convert that to Aug. 2, 1986 I tried the date function in php and it was not working for me. Anyone, … | |
Hi there, i have a quick question. What is a good software that we can use to build php pages??? I heard that netbeans is a good one!! i never used php before, and would like to have my own website using php. It's not a complex website, it's fairly … | |
Hi to all, I integrated the supercali calendar to my office intranet application using a iframe. I also changed the meta attributes and made sure it is not cached. Still my boss does not find the events or calendar items, instead gets a blank calendar. I tried even the frame … | |
I wrote this php birthday script to send emails to people whos birthday is today. I know there is a more efficient way to do this, but because i did not use the standard unix timestamp in my mysql database. I had to do it this way which was a … | |
Hey everyone, first post, but I've browsed here enough to know I'm in the right place (of course, if its in the correct FORUM is another story) Ok, first, the breakdown.. I have a PHPmotion script running as a BACKEND. My users will ony see the videos via a "popup" … | |
Hi there i'm trying to display an image on a webpage. The image's URL is stored in a mysql database. i just want to output the image to the display via PHP. Any ideas? Thanks | |
[CODE]<div style="float: left; font-variant: small-caps;">movie link ([COLOR="Red"]zshare[/COLOR]) :</div><div style="float: left; margin-left: 10px;">Link <a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 221); text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank" href="[COLOR="Red"]http://www.zshare.net/video/58502819262e0ecc/[/COLOR]">[COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]</a> </div><div style="float: right;"><a href="javascript:DeadLink('http://www.movies-on-demand.tv/report.php?id=2845')"><img title="Report Dead Link" src="http://img.movies-on-demand.tv/templates/mod/images/broken.gif"></a></div></div><div style="margin-top: 2px; width: 550px; height: 20px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 13px;"><div style="float: left; font-variant: small-caps;">movie link ([COLOR="Red"]zshare[/COLOR]) :</div><div style="float: … | |
I'm trying to create a form that updates a MySQL record when the user clicks a LINK, not a button. I don't want to open another page for this. There really isn't a need for me to post my code right now, as I'm trying to figure out how to … | |
The dll is in the directory specified in the apache2.2 configuration file. Yet restarting the apache server generates this error message: "httpd.exe : syntax error on line 128 of C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2…/conf/httpd.conf : Cannot load c:/php5/php5apache2.dll into server. The specified module cannot be found." Any thoughts on why it … | |
I basically need an ajax function which helps me by fetching a next record in the form which pops up dynamically on every edit click.. plz plz do help out guyss... Thanks and Regards, Hemlii... |
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