39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for arvindikchari

I am using cubecart as the shopping cart for my website, I want to change the Order confirmation message from "Thank you, your order was successful and payment has been made! Your goods will be dispached as soon as possible. Please visit again soon." to the following message: [code] Thank …

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Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i write a code for uploading images and re-size it in my site. I need to do a watermark in uploaded images. Please help me.. The code is as follows : [ICODE]$finalfilename="share/".$final_file; $src = $po($finalfilename); list($width,$height)=getimagesize($finalfilename); $newwidth=300; $newheight=200; $tmp=imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight); imagecopyresampled($tmp,$src,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height); $filename = "share/".$final_file; imagejpeg($tmp,$filename,100); imagedestroy($src); imagedestroy($tmp);[/ICODE] Please help me …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for murray_ramadhan

hey there this problem stuck me out how to display url like this [CODE]http://www19.domain.com/548ecedd7f87970e986dc19077ef2edd.rar[/CODE] [CODE]preg_match_all('#^(?:http://)www[0-99]([^/]+)#i',$url,$parts); foreach ($parts[1] as $test) { echo 'hehehe '. $test; }[/CODE] and the result is: [CODE] hehehe 9.domain.com[/CODE] it just stuck me out i'm already search the answer at least 5 hours :( i do not …

Member Avatar for murray_ramadhan
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

have a script which i found online,through google for uploading and resizing photos when they are uploaded. It works well,the only problem is that there are some images when i upload them they are not detected as a file,but others are uploaded well. for example image of this properties is …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for ryan311

im using dreamweaver everytime i preview my templates the image did not load in browser? please help. .

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for BORAX

well first all, thanks for all help i have recive here before, just to make things cleare just cuse i olmoust got someone in trouble on other forum, this is not to make something ilegal or to cuse any spam. is for a privete forum and support i have!! this …

Member Avatar for BORAX
Member Avatar for kevin wood

this code was working fine until i changed the way the site loads the content (it now loads the content into a div tag) and since then it will not populate the menu. the page can be viewed at [URL="http://acmeart.co.uk/pip_new"]this site[/URL] you will need to go to the sub links …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for chichi

hello All please help i have a website i got from Geodesic. but wen i try to log on to the backend /admin i get this error: The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. please help anyone.

Member Avatar for AnDurugkar
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i have these two pages of information which are stored on a php page which then feeds the main div tag on the index page. the problem i have here is that a scrollbar shows up on the first page but not the second. so to see the rest of …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for srilakshmitr7

In php if we provide a particulr date how to display the name of the day i.e; whether that day lies on sunday or monday... Can you please give me idea.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for queenc

hi i have a date in which i want to add the the days .and find the date.

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Member Avatar for vssp

hai friends How to paly song when page laod using php code? I my php application when i load the home page automatically pale song Its possible !! ??Please give me any idea Thanks vssp

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Member Avatar for shasha821110

Hello, all I want to implement the required portfolio function and print out the customers related symbol name, symbol buyin price ,symbol quantity, symbol last trade price, the changes etc But i found some issues with it. Here is my code: [code=php] //fetch the element from mysql while ($row = …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for queenc

[CODE] $expiredate='2009/03/31'; $cdate='2009/03/03'; $dateDiff = $expiredate - $cdate; $fullDays = floor($dateDiff/(60*60*24)); [/CODE] the above method i am using to find the difference between two date.but it is not working.can any one tell me how to find the difference using php.

Member Avatar for queenc
Member Avatar for jessicama

This is urgent. I have a complied php file, the file appears to have been run through an intentional obfuscation process with something called ionCube. I need someone to de compile this file to source file ASAP. Please contact me at <SNIPPED> so I can send this file to him

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for agent007

Hi all On my test Apache (2.2.11) & PHP (5.2.8) server, as most will be no doubt aware, placing custom php.ini files in individual document root directories override the directives in the master php.ini file which is in "/etc/httpd". Whilst this can be a useful feature, there are certain directives …

Member Avatar for Mtowns Finest

So here is my problem. I have developed guestbook's and comment systems before, however they were simply used on one page and used the auto increment feature to seperate enteries. Each entry was stored on a seperate row in my database and they were organized by an array when called. …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for veledrom

I think, we would need cURL only for cross domain applications. I mean if I use pages stored under same domain then I should simply use POST rather than cURL. Is this right? Also, For example: how do i check if username=1 and password=2 in check.php page and return TRUE …

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Member Avatar for neverneverland

I have a query that was working fine, but I recently switched hosts. I couldn't tell you what version of MySQL was on the old host, but I am now on version 5.0.67. The query asks for multiple fields using AND and LIKE. My error message is telling me there …

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Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, I'm pretty new to PHP and MySQL. I was wondering what the most efficient way to access a large database would be. All the tutorials I've seen show something along the lines of: [icode]$database = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");[/icode] But it seems to me that if 'table' was a …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for theighost

Hello, I have a bit of a problem, I am think its not the script that has the problem, but wanted to be sure before contacting the server masters. In my website, I can make cookies, and sessions, I can echo them successfully. But when I logout, it doesn't work, …

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Member Avatar for shasha821110

Hi, all I have one assignment about implement the stock website. i stuck in some problem which i can't solve. i want to implement one function which all the $row related to the $result in sql and for each row initialize the class once. i found if i gave the …

Member Avatar for shasha821110
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi on my index.php page i'm calling several php functions with html embedded in the php so that the interface changes with different function calls. my problem is in one function, i'm using a button to whose onclick calls php function in another page to store field values in my …

Member Avatar for marney25

I just created a mysql with php scripts to manage it. I had quite a time finding security for the output. Finally got htmlprotector to do it for not only php script but the php generated output with the output data from mysql database. I got the php script from …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi I have a tiny problem, the emails outgoing from my website are all going to hotmail and are for some reason un-openable. You have to click the 'This message has been blocked for your safety. Open message' in the red box at the top of the message. I have …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for sashkat

Hi, I need help with writing a piece of code that counts all the folders in a specific directory and prints the number, then counts image files in the same directory but located in all the fullsize sub folder of each gallery. Example: -images -galleries -gallery1 - fullsize -thumbs -gallery2 …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for jayb

hello everyone ... I am working on a CMS in PHP, using Apache server .. in my site we have a download and upload file module .. where user can download necessary files and also can upload . but I want use an another server for this .... such that …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi i had a big database and need to delete and add to it daily. About 500 rows are there in that table. I add add a check box in every row ( in the output page ) .. Something like this [ICODE]<table> <?php $select=select * from table ; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($select)){; …

Member Avatar for hemasow
Member Avatar for hemasow

hi we have one problem while using drop down list in PHP. We have a drop down list, after the selection of the items in that drop down list we want another drop down list to be displayed based on the selection of the first drop down list, we r …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for BASSUHG

Hi every one I have created a table which contains fname, lname, age. And inserted the values. Now I want to retrieve the data using php and display in browser. I am using oracle10g and php. Please any one help me. Thank you in advance


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