39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for dmorison

Hi Guys, I'm having a problem with the below code. It's probably a simple mistake as I'm relatively new to PHP, and even newer to socket programming. The background is that I'm developing a socket server for a multiplayer game. Here is the relevant code: [CODE]class PlayerList { var $plist …

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Member Avatar for Craig2231

Hi everyone, Im making a game that requires a login. Ive got stuck on a problem; When a user tries to log in, it wont accept it, its in the database, the script checks the database, but it still says no Here is my login check: [code=php]<? session_start(); header("Cache-control: private"); …

Member Avatar for Craig2231
Member Avatar for shasha821110

Hi, all. when i run my code, i always got the xpath Invalid expression warning. So here is my question: Assume i have the xml file [code=php] <root> <items> <item id="1"> <name> item1 </name> </item> <item id="2"> <name> item2 </name> </item> </items> </root> [/code] And here is my php code …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rohnni

hi i design a php event calendar but it showing some error, anyone check it plz.. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in W:\www\Calendar-php\admin\calAdd.php on line 149 [code=php]<html> <head> <title>Calendar: Add</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1;URL=../calendar.php"> <LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" name="style" href="../calendar.css"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <?php //returns highest key in the database …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for coyo80

Hello all, i am receiving this message only when i am loged in as a user, when i view the page as a visitor there is no error. this is the code in the file, if someone know what the problem coul be please tell me. thanx [code=php]<?php include("admin/config.php"); $ipgf=99; …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ckurtz

i was trying to configure about how to work with <select> tag, when i was stuck with this problem: when i choose the <select> tag with PHP, i just want that that value of the <option> tag on the <select> tag will be the value selected after i submit the …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi ... i need to inserting around 20 values...which method is best in ajax post or get..i dont know abt ajax..plz send me ajax registration or small form (which having inserting records into db) ...i can learn by using this.... Thank u..

Member Avatar for fskreuz
Member Avatar for aamresh1

We have integrated Paypal with our application and everything is working perfectly. But after the transaction is completed and successful we need that it should redirect to our application again. But its not happening. We have turned on the auto return option in the paypal too but its still not …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for andrewsCWD

Hello, I'm just trying to gauge how often this is used in real world development, it would seem that most would use databases for storing information instead of putting them in text files right? I'm in my first PHP MySql college course. Last week we just finished a chapter on …

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Member Avatar for xodus1

Hi Guys, I'm new to PHP and need help with passing variables from my form to multiple pages. I have global registers turned to off. I am able to retrieve my form inputs on the second page.. however unable to retrieve the same on the other pages after. for example …

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Member Avatar for nmakkena

Hi everybody, I am trying to install php,apache,mysql through xampp-win32 installer. But i am getting an error that "apache installation failed. port 80 and 443 already in use". I am using windows xp os. How to resolve this problem pls help me

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for janicefernandes

we are a small website company. I make the user interface of the website while my colleague develops the admin side in asp or php. The admin pages alow our client to change the text and images on certain pages like products, gallery etc. i want to study code examples …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for OmniX

Is it possible to retrieve the number that the error line of code is on? Closest I have come to is mysql_error() but that does not tell me the correct number the line of code is on just like line 1 and it isnt? Line of Code: In your text …

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for quill2

I keep getting the following error: [b]Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource[/b] on line 17. I'm trying to figure out if there's some problem with my SQL query statement, or what. When I try to print $result, nothing is displayed. I've included my code below. …

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for starsinthesky

i dont know if this is the right forum where i can post this question that i have. im making an organizer and i want to make a pop-up window that would remind the user of an upcoming event he has 10/5 days from that time he opens the organizer. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for prawin@123

Hai can any tel me , How i can get username from database where i logged in using userid . here is the code below. [code=php]if(isset($_SESSION['u_name'])){ include 'dbcon.php'; $qry = "SELECT * FROM tbl_user where user_id='".$_SESSION['u_name']."'"; $result = mysql_query($qry,$con); if($result) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($result); } while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ' Welcome ' .$row['user_name']; …

Member Avatar for ahmksssv
Member Avatar for dmkp

Hi, wasn't sure where to put this. However since I used PHP in my download script, felt it was appropriate to ask here. Anyway my problem is pretty easy to describe, any downloaded zips off my website are corrupted (however are fine before being uploaded). Is there a way to …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for valsaraj

What is the best method to share session across multiple domains on same machime. ie, domain name different like abc.com, xyz.com but single application.

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for valsaraj

Which is the best method to get response from a web service URL? for example, we can use cURL, file_get_contents, file, .. to get response. Can anybody help me to find a best one?

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hello everyone, I have changed hosting my website. But at the time of connectivity to database , i have changed mysql_connect( ) parameters. still i am facing some problem in opening website. what can be problem . please suggest me. thanks, gagan

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for Andrieux

I have three tables: posts, topics, and forums. Each row in post table has a topic id and a author name. Each row in topics has an id that corresponds with the topic_id in posts, and then it has an id for the forum that it (the topic, containing the …

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Member Avatar for onaclov2000

I have a home server with DynDNS setup, when I go to my dyndns page it loads my webpage specified, what I'd like to do is click a button on my webpage and the [B]server[/B] runs a specified program possibly with parameters i.e. someprog.exe, I don't want the Local computer …

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Member Avatar for swearword

Hello everyone, I am not sure what I am wanting to do is possible, but thought I would ask here to find out. I want to use a PHP redirect script to load balance my website as it is starting to get hammered so I want to redirect say 1 …

Member Avatar for justinmichaels
Member Avatar for kevin wood

i am trying to write a script that will send out an email to all the email addresses stored in a mysql db when the site has been updated. the code i have so far is as follows [CODE]$sql= "INSERT INTO $table (date, title, article) VALUES ('$a', '$b', '$c')"; if …

Member Avatar for kevin wood
Member Avatar for OmniX

Before you use input, it is a good idea to validate it for mailicous content before use. So you would make a function validation, which would then contain what validations checks? - mysql_real_escape_string - addslashes / stripslashes - get_magic_quotes_gpc - html_entities - etc Anything else you think I should or …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for chris055

I am a total newb First I have this code: [code=php]$post_renew = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['renew'])); if ($post_renew && $_POST['ad']) { $renew_days = ($admin_renew_days*86400); $expiry = time()+$renew_days; $expiry_dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expiry); if ($admin_renew_cre_dt == 1) { $create_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $update_create_dt = ", createdon = '$create_date'"; } $adlist = implode(" OR …

Member Avatar for phobia1
Member Avatar for gagan22

Hi everyone, I am facing one problem. In one php page which is showing a table or record of an employee and i want to show that table in excel sheet with using download button which table is coming in php file. So how i can do this using php …

Member Avatar for gagan22
Member Avatar for OmniX

[url]http://au2.php.net/function.mysql-query[/url] [code] mysql_query($query, $link_identifier); [/code] Which commands require $link_identifier, thought there be a list on google but to no avia. :( Thanks, Regards X PS: There not required but its good practice you use the connection string after the query string.

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for ned69

Hi there, I am trying to scrap content off a site. I have a couple of working functions, one that scraps the full content which consists mainly of a bulleted list: # Business Day: Candidates Who Carry a Lot of Clout # Business Day: Minister Warns Land Reform Beneficiaries # …


The End.