39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for HB25

Hi I am using the code below to validate user when they login to my website, the first part check if user have typed their username and the second part search the table to check user exist. These two parts work fine but the last part the while condition don’t …

Member Avatar for HB25
Member Avatar for Codethat

Hi, I want to use a php form textfield to change a value in my databas. Statement i want to send the databas: UPDATE people SET name='VALUE FROM TEXTFILED' WHERE id=1 How do i integrate this statement into a php form textfield?

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for claritydigital

Hi, Im needing alil help with this, googled everywhere, but to no avail. I need to search several(the amount could be endless) words in a string, and replace each word with a link using the searched-for value as the text, and id in the link. To achieve this, I am …

Member Avatar for claritydigital
Member Avatar for tedobg

Hi guys.Im not exactly sure where I have to put this.But this place looked best as its a php forum and my problem is with phpBB.Again I don't really know If I'm posting this in the right place so correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway my trouble is creating a …

Member Avatar for tedobg
Member Avatar for theimben

Ive got an RSS parser using the DOM. Its got a loop to display each item. I want to have a hidden field on each item then post this to another page. Im having trouble counting each item in the loop. Help please :) This is what ive got: [code=php]<?php …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ochien

Can any body know how to make secure download, thats only member that can download file, so they have me authenticate first. thanks.

Member Avatar for amanuensis
Member Avatar for dani190

Hello guys, quick question for ya... Here is the code i am looking at [CODE]<?php $conn=mysql_connect("internal-db.s*****.gridserver.com","db*****","*******") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db*****_gradsurvey") or die(mysql_error()); function generatePassword ($length = 5) { // start with a blank password $password = ""; // define possible characters $possible = "0123456789"; // set up a counter $i = …

Member Avatar for dani190
Member Avatar for venkitce

Hi all, Is there any packages in php for subversion? I have been googling for 1 week. Only source I got was in php.net. But I don't know how to install it ,as there was no proper installation guide. Is there any other way to implement versioning using php?

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for jumbla

I am trying to set up an RSS feed for users that they can customise themselves. At the minute, you can customise the feed by appending parameters to a URL eg [url]http://example.com/feed?cat=-3&cat=-4&cat=-5[/url] would exclude categories 3, 4, and 5 (cat is the hardcoded constant name). Is there a way to …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I had a database and a column called "details" in it. I need to select data from that column and show only limited characters of it. For eg: Original : The quick lazy fox jumps over a lazy dog. Display : The quick lazy ... How can I do …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for kazitula

hi when I logged in, the details (user ID & last loggin in time) should show in each pages... can anyone please help me how can I do this? I have got login page with user name and password. when I logged in, it shows the details in the in …

Member Avatar for kazitula
Member Avatar for jackakos

Has any one ideas about developing PHP pages that includes Microsoft's Silver Light? More specifically, generating pages like the graphics on the micirosft home page.

Member Avatar for jackakos
Member Avatar for michaelG13

Hello, Im new to that kind of code so forgive me. I have 3 diferent tables players: id_player name_player players_details: id_player position age players_eval: id_player value wage You can see that the ‘id_player’ is in all tables. Now, what i want to do is export on csv and if the …

Member Avatar for mattaseymour
Member Avatar for Joanneb24

I am really hoping someone that is a lot smarter than me can help me  I have been given the impossible task of updating our current website. 6 years ago or so I went to uni and touched on PHP etc so far I have managed to revamp the …

Member Avatar for Joanneb24
Member Avatar for rejoicegants

I am facing problem with running perl script inside php file. Please find my simple perl and php program below. I have installed both php and perl successfully in my windows machine. test1.pl print "Hello from perl! " test.php <?php print "Hello from PHP! "; passthru(“perl test1.pl”); ?> The passthru …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Roybut

Hi, I'm not very good at PHP so sorry if this is stupid but I have a database with a table called item. I want to retrieve certain items based on specific criteria so I have written this function: [CODE]function get_item ($item_no, $supp_id, $cat) { global $connection; if ($item_no && …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for neki

I am creating a simple reservation calendar and have a mysql table 'reservation' with `date_from and date_to` fields. So, according to those dates I am taking red picture for booked, white for the first and last day and blue for not booked. And that is working well. The problem is …

Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi The following code is for an advice panel. It should give out a list of members names with a hyperlink to there user_id. Its not complicated. However i seem to be getting this, instead of the actuall data in the table. [B]Advice for Array(name)[/B] This is the code: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for EdTheUniqueGeek

This is a rather noobie question. I've used Textmate in OS 10 and Notepad++ in Windows. What I am looking for in an editor is a hybrid of both. I am looking for an editor that has HTML templates, like Textmate, but also an FTP client integrated, like Notepad++, rolled …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for chinmayu

Hi All, I dont ve any clue on how to perform th efeat which i am going to describe below ..... i ve a contact form with an image verification before submitting the data to db ... its working fine .... the problem is when the user makes a mistake …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

I wrote a script where users in my web can create albums and upload some photos in their album. I need someone to explain to me what i should do to enable members after they open a certain album,and see photos which are four in a row. And then if …

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for claritydigital

Hi all, Im learning PHP & SQL very quickly, but still have issues with counting this, and incrementing that.... so if someone could help, you'd be(proverbially) teaching a man(woman in my case..lol) to fish.... Im constructing a form which in part, allows user to input instructions. I would like the …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for LeBurt

Hi all, I'm using exec() to launch external commands from a web application under OS X Leopard. To put my problem in context, when I launch this: exec ("export", $output); I get this: export OLDPWD export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" export PWD="/Library/WebServer/Documents" export SHLVL="1" My problem is with PATH, I need to include …

Member Avatar for magicgunnar
Member Avatar for Designer_101

Hi I seem to be getting this error on the reply section of my forum. I've never had this problem before and have tried google but found nothing. So, now i turn to daniweb, surly someone must be able to help me here. [B]This is the error:[/B] [CODE]Warning: Wrong parameter …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I have some product details on a page which are produced dynamically from a database. When the user makes a selection, they choose the number of items they want to purchase from a list box. Each item has a very limited stock - sometimes only 1 or 2. A form …

Member Avatar for HelenLF
Member Avatar for ripper1510

I have a problem with a weird character appearing in my text it is "Â". What is it? Its is just before "Â<<" on my pagination script. There is nothing wrong with the actual writing it just appears on the script after it has run.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for rmlopes

Hello I have a web application developed with php, using the Zend Framework. This application has a page that launches an external, C++, application. I was trying to do this using proc_open to start the job in background mode, save the handler to keep track of the process that will …

Member Avatar for rohnni

<?php session_start(); $ss = $_SESSION['event']; if ($ss != "eventcal") { $type = $_POST['type']; if($type=="auth") { include "checkauth.php"; }else{ include "authlogin.php"; $block = true; } }else { $block = false; } ?> Notice: Undefined index: event in E:\domains\h\highweb.co.uk\user\htdocs\geeta\assignments\php\HEC_1_2\HEC\authheader.php on line 3 Notice: Undefined index: type in E:\domains\h\highweb.co.uk\user\htdocs\geeta\assignments\php\HEC_1_2\HEC\authheader.php on line 6 Notice: …

Member Avatar for rohnni
Member Avatar for Rooking

I am an experienced python programmer, however I was aske to make an audit program in php or html. I have no clue what is going on here.. I need help. I created this outline for a program. The program is going to have checkboxes. Depending on what checkboxes are …

Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.