39,388 Topics
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Which is the best method to get response from a web service URL? for example, we can use cURL, file_get_contents, file, .. to get response. Can anybody help me to find a best one? | |
Hello everyone, I have changed hosting my website. But at the time of connectivity to database , i have changed mysql_connect( ) parameters. still i am facing some problem in opening website. what can be problem . please suggest me. thanks, gagan | |
I have three tables: posts, topics, and forums. Each row in post table has a topic id and a author name. Each row in topics has an id that corresponds with the topic_id in posts, and then it has an id for the forum that it (the topic, containing the … | |
![]() | I have a home server with DynDNS setup, when I go to my dyndns page it loads my webpage specified, what I'd like to do is click a button on my webpage and the [B]server[/B] runs a specified program possibly with parameters i.e. someprog.exe, I don't want the Local computer … ![]() |
Hello everyone, I am not sure what I am wanting to do is possible, but thought I would ask here to find out. I want to use a PHP redirect script to load balance my website as it is starting to get hammered so I want to redirect say 1 … | |
i am trying to write a script that will send out an email to all the email addresses stored in a mysql db when the site has been updated. the code i have so far is as follows [CODE]$sql= "INSERT INTO $table (date, title, article) VALUES ('$a', '$b', '$c')"; if … | |
Before you use input, it is a good idea to validate it for mailicous content before use. So you would make a function validation, which would then contain what validations checks? - mysql_real_escape_string - addslashes / stripslashes - get_magic_quotes_gpc - html_entities - etc Anything else you think I should or … | |
![]() | I am a total newb First I have this code: [code=php]$post_renew = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['renew'])); if ($post_renew && $_POST['ad']) { $renew_days = ($admin_renew_days*86400); $expiry = time()+$renew_days; $expiry_dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expiry); if ($admin_renew_cre_dt == 1) { $create_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $update_create_dt = ", createdon = '$create_date'"; } $adlist = implode(" OR … |
Hi everyone, I am facing one problem. In one php page which is showing a table or record of an employee and i want to show that table in excel sheet with using download button which table is coming in php file. So how i can do this using php … | |
[url]http://au2.php.net/function.mysql-query[/url] [code] mysql_query($query, $link_identifier); [/code] Which commands require $link_identifier, thought there be a list on google but to no avia. :( Thanks, Regards X PS: There not required but its good practice you use the connection string after the query string. | |
Hi there, I am trying to scrap content off a site. I have a couple of working functions, one that scraps the full content which consists mainly of a bulleted list: # Business Day: Candidates Who Carry a Lot of Clout # Business Day: Minister Warns Land Reform Beneficiaries # … | |
Yes everyone will point to using ahref<a href="index.php?variable=1>. But im just wondering if I can do the same thing using headers header("Location: index.php?variable=1"). Note: Yes I can also use sessions but wish to user headers. Thanks, Regards X | |
I have a user model and friendship model. Now I want make that when one user have accepted a new friend, the others friends of this user could see this last activity of her friend. How is the best form to do it? Thanks. | |
url variable name itself has space in it... how can I retrieve it in php?? Hi, I got this problem, where I need to capture get url variable pairs, but these are coming from an automatically created javascript and has this format: page?custom zip=33021&custom city=boston... and so on... If you … | |
I have 2 websites: website A which is blank and is categorized; website B which doesn't have categories but has information; I want php to go to website B, get all the new information that has been added since last visit, and then update websites A database; now i know … | |
Hi frnds... I need to integrate php variable with vedio scripting file..... i fetch my vedio file path from database...here i need to replace the file=[B]videos/movieimgae.swf[/B] ....with $vedio.. [CODE] <?php $vedio="vedios/aaa.php"; ?> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var s1 = new SWFObject('player.swf','player','400','300','9'); s1.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); s1.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); s1.addParam('flashvars','file=[B]videos/movieimgae.swf[/B]'); s1.write('preview'); </SCRIPT>[/CODE] | |
There are a few: - I am trying to use it in a function within a function, which then I call the second function (mysql > function > function) ? - Using within while loops (while ( VAR mysql_fetch_aray (query)) ? So any ideas? THanks, Regards X | |
Hi, Data is stored like this in Varchar(2500) (with paragraphs): [code] Looking for NET developer, programmer. Required skills: VB.NET NET MsSQL XHTML If you are interested, please call "000" number's test. Thanks [/code] When i echo it, it is displayed like this: [code] Looking for NET developer, programmer. Required skills: … | |
This is something I have avoided for the longest time......and now I need a bit of help ??? What I am trying to do is simply build a recursive array based on parent->child, the recursion comes when their is the possibility to add any number of sub-children to sub-children so … | |
i have this line of code which i cannot see a problem with but i keep getting an error. [CODE]$sql= "INSERT INTO emails (Firstname, Lastname, email, table) VALUES ('$a', '$b', '$c', '$table')";[/CODE] the error i keep getting is [CODE]Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'table) VALUES … | |
I know this might sound silly....please forgive on this one I am not a programmer, but simply a graphic designer, but our programmer left us,and since that, my boss (which also my father) askin me to help about this matter. This company is still looking for the replacement, but we … | |
I have written an application to do the following [list] [*]upload a txt file to the server [*]move it from the temporary directory to a more permanent one [*]parse the test file line by line and do some processes [*]create and write the result to a new text file [/list] … | |
I am calling some data from iframe. [code=php]<iframe id="pframe" width="'.$game['iframewidth'].'" height="'.($game['iframeheight'] + 20).'" src="'.$path.'" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" align="middle"></iframe>';[/code] i want to call my css for this frame ? How to call css for iframe?? | |
Hello Guys Iam running a exe file in my pc to connect to my server,And i have wamp installed in my pc...i want my team members to remotely close and start the exe application while iam out :D i would like if someone helps me....i just need stop,restart,start buttons functions … | |
Hi there! I'm having a very odd problem with mysql_fetch_array my code looks like this: [code] function getMachines($domain){ if (! is_resource ( $this->connection )) { return false; } else { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) { $domain = stripslashes ( $domain ); } $query = sprintf ( "select machines from `domains`.`%s`", $this->escape … | |
Despite the fact that my script runs perfectly well on the server, it fails to submit form data into mysql database. Kindly look into this for me. see code below: [code=php]<?php> $dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost","user_name","password"); if (!$dbcnx){ exit('<p>Unable to connect to the database</p>'); } If (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $SchoolName = $_POST['SchoolName']; $SchoolEmail … | |
Hi, I use PHP Swift mailer to send around 2000 emails in one go. I just wonder if there is a chance to find out: Who have received? Who have not received? Any idea? Thanks | |
Here's the dilema.... I have a site, and I want users to be able to submit some information to a database... so for example Title: ____ Description: ____ PHP Image Upload: Ajax? [Submit Button] I don't want to use sessions, or anything of that matter if at all possible, because … | |
Hi, I use login screen in my php page withoutp HTTPS. HTTP only. I use SHA1 for password encription. What do you suggest me to do for best security practise when i check username and password from database for login process? Thanks | |
Hi, Using dreamweaver / webassist extension / Apache 2.0.59, MySQL 5.0.41, PHP 5.2.6 on a mac: After selecting my criteria on my search page I go to a result page where I display several information from my database. I have 10 results per page and each result has field displaying … |
The End.