39,388 Topics
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![]() | Hi everyone! :) I'm just starting out with php and mysql, and encountered the following problem: I have installed: Apache 2.2.8-1 PHP 5.2.5-7 MySQL 5.0.51-3 on an Arch-Linux system. Apache and PHP are working: I tested that. I can log in to mysql from the commandline; I made a small … ![]() |
HI CAN ANYONE SEE Y THIS IS ECHOING OUT TWICE THE AMOUNTS OF EACH FIELD IN MY DATABASE??? [CODE=PHP]<?php $count = 0; $data = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM profile WHERE ID = '1' "; $result = MYSQL_QUERY($query); $line = mysql_fetch_array($result); foreach ($line as $col_value) { $data[$count] = $col_value; … | |
Hello i want 2add the name of the person who logged in at the top of the page, but the name comes from a SQL database called details, but the username and password is kept in another table called member they both are linked by id, this code below luks … | |
Can we call a php function on html buttons onClick event? if yes, how? i really had a hard time solving this.here is my code: [code=php]<?php function store_func($param){ //some code here } ?> ... <?php ... echo '<td> <input name="edit" type="submit" id="edit" value="EDIT" onClick="store_func($param);"/></td></tr>'; ... ?> [/code] it doesnt execute … | |
Hi all. I have setup phpbb3 successfully in the past with MYSQL. Fast and easy. But my friend has a server that only supports MSSQL. The phpbb3 setup programs states only that "MSSQL Server 2000+ via ODBC is available." I have been spoiled using all the tolls Godaddy has to … | |
As you know mysql is not compiled into php as of version 4, so you have to do some configuration for your php script to properly communicate with mysql server. I’m new to php/mysql development environment; at first everything was frustrating and you don’t get the help you require promptly. … | |
Hi I am trying to display appointments in a database and would like to display all appointments for a week. The time of the day appears on the left and vertical columns with the names of appointments on the right. The code below only generates a single column of names. … | |
can someone tell me whats wrong with my code? [CODE]$file= "/file.txt"; $search ='/$_GET[word]/i'; echo $search; if (preg_match($search, $file)) { echo "A match was found."; }[/CODE] | |
Hello, I have been trying to develope an online registration system but i can get the right syntax to use in the developement here are the specifications We have the following types of visits • Admission • Control/Entry/ Visit2/ visit3(routine1)/ visit4(routine2)/ annual • Acute(unscheduled visit) On register response page, we … | |
I'm trying to update a mySQL database from the info contained in an html form with checkboxes using PHP. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: Stock number: 555 is available in red, white, blue, and green. My form will have a text box for the stock number … | |
I installed Osc store. I was having problem with Register_globle.which was not solved.I find the [URL="http://www.magic-seo-url.com/oscommerce/tips/running-oscommerce-with-register-globals-off.html"]link[/URL] i use this i successfully install store.But still unable to login to admin panel. On [URL="http://cravingcatering.com/store/index.php"]index page[/URL] still have this error.I appied different permissions 444, 644,755 but unable to remove the Message [CODE]Warning: I … | |
I like to read about hashing passwords and have read articles about how md5 and sha-1 could be deciphered albiet it would take 25 million dollar computer and time but still if you could take a password and split it into two pieces and md5 hashed the two pieces add … | |
Hi, I have some checkboxes in an html form. This form uses php to email me the users response. So in my html I set the checkboxes up in an array like this: [CODE] <label><input type="checkbox" name="weekday[]" value="Monday">M</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="weekday[]" value="Tuesday">Tu</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="weekday[]" value="Wednesday">W</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="weekday[]" value="Thursday">Th</label> … | |
hi, once again i need your help, i am designing an online transaction system using dreamweaver 8, php 4 and mysql. i have already created database with mysql, and i want to connect that database with php. so am designing a dynamic wesite in which a customer visiting the site … | |
Hello everyone, I really really need some help with this as Ive been trying to sort since December and cannot seem to get past it. I only know very basic PHP and still currently learning. Basically I have a website with multiple pages and a membership system which has a … | |
Hello ive got this code of the net just wanted some1 2check it 2make sure, also ive got these two peices of code the ones ive highlighted them in red, but dnt understand wa it means by saying put this code in first line of web page any ideas, ive … | |
Hello everyone, How easy would it be and where would I start to create a system that members of my virtual pet community could check a box when they register (and update on their profile page) to accept or decline being added to an email list, then for a script … | |
hello im doing a driving instructor website for my project, and a driving instructor enters his or her times of booking and the search below gets the results and displays them, but i want the user to be able 2select upto 2results and once they have selected them they click … | |
I am trying to install script. But getting error.Error is below and can be seen [here](http://www.cravingcatering.com/osc/install/) FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it! If put the php.in with below text.But its not working. register_globals = On I added .htaccess file with below code. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} … | |
help me please.. my code for vote can't work to counting when the user send their vote... please look at the attachment.. run poll.php at localhost, and the results will display at results.php. but it fail to increase one vote that just add before. hope you all can help me … | |
Hello, Can someone please help with some of my issues on tha rating script. Here is the sample of the url: [url]http://paperstreetmedia.com/rating-script/[/url] Here is how it is setup, the boxes are rollovers of images. Then I set the css on it to show numbers from 1-10 on each box. Now … | |
hello i need help on my website, i need a function so that when someone enters their date of birth it displays there age in another textbox, but if the person is under 16 a message box shud appear saying u are not over age, message box shud have a … | |
This code works but i want to add all the total costs up at the bottom of the search output, the[B] // Loop through data and display[/B] is outputs displayed from MySQL, from this code all i get is the total price for each booking but i want to add … | |
Hello, I am having difficulties with this, I have been working weeks on getting a site finished and I'm down to the last couple of pages and this has become irritating. If you could help I would be very thankful. Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource … | |
hi all my login is working,but when my url of the third page is typed it is displaying .i want to autheticate using session but it is not working z-login(1st page) [CODE] <form name="form1" method="get" action="z_login1.php"> User Name<input type="text" name="myusername" style="width: 10em;"> Password</strong></td><td><input type="password" name="mypassword" style="width:10em;"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login"> … | |
halo, i am the newbie here. I got sumting to ask regarding the approvement and deletion for my database. I'd created a database, and the database contain data that need approval and delete from the admistrator. I use looping to retrieve all the data. PHP code as shown below: [code] … | |
hi im new to this thread, i wish to learn using PHP but i dont know where to start at can u guys tell me a step by step on how to use php? thx in advance | |
Hi I am getting a blank web page when I try to access the web page on the browser. I ma new to the PHP environment and I have been trying to debug but fruitless.. I know it is some html tag ot some minor problem in the cde. It … | |
Notice: Undefined variable: home_query in index.php on line 18 Notice: Use of undefined constant U - assumed 'U' in inc/functions.php on line 168 I have installed a script that pulls info from api's and was able to eliminate the errors by chmod the cache folder to 777. I don't think … | |
Hi I am having problems how to proceed in editing appointment info. In this example I have a meeting (code 201) on Monday (day code 550) from 09:00:00 to 12:00:00. This is stored in the data table as: start_time end_time start_date end_date week_day type_code 09:00:00 12:00:00 2008-01-01 2008-01-01 550 201 … |
The End.