39,388 Topics
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Hi, I have a single page website. It contains only a form to signup.. and I want to make it secure. I have self signed certificate to test. My admin has setup a self signed certificate. But I don't know how to access it. I want to impliment it in … | |
Hi! I am a newbie, and recently I have installed php, apache, and mysql on my computer. However, after type some codes the browers left ÈpartÈ of the php code on the brower. It almost seem like the browser doesnèt recognize the code or something. below is what my browser … | |
Hi all, I want to use preg_grep for an assosiative array. Can someone guide me how is it possible? | |
Hi.. anybody help plz.. diff ..between mozilla & IE. here some pages r differ(alignment) from mozilla to IE.. plz solve this problem..how can i rectify.. Thanks in Advance.. | |
how to adding code into a search engine does not serve the Arabic language | |
i hv problem installing apache + php + mysQL .. it seems that i fail to load PHP module in the httpd.conf anyone can help me ? i am very pleased .. thank you | |
HI All, I've been trying to make a membership management type script. This script would have a database with the members contact info and which office they hold, if any. The problem I am having is I would like the script to show the president's and vice president's Contact info … ![]() | |
I've been able to put together a basic search form that allows users to search my database by entering their last name. My question is how do I offer them an option, using a radio button, to allow them to search by, for example, a city or state or age, … | |
Can anyone tell me how to write a PHP script to update this shell command? /usr/local/psa/bin/domain.sh -u domain.com -passwd password I am trying to update FTP passwords using a PHP script, in place of logging into Plesk everyday to change an FTP password. I have a web based tool that … | |
Hi guys I'm working on my site, and I want to include this page [url]http://www.q8ieng.com/renders/index.php[/url] the code inside (renders/index.php) is [CODE]<?php if(@ini_set ( 'zlib.output_compression', 'On' )) @ini_set ( 'zlib.output_compression_level', 9 ); else @ob_start ( 'ob_gzhandler' ); require 'gallery.php'; ?> [/CODE] to my page this one [url]http://www.q8ieng.com/renders.php[/url] I used to include … | |
Hello guys i have a little proplem with configuring a zend controller and use it i search over the internet to know how to change my php include path to have the controller library , search to know how to redirect all request to the index page to make the … | |
i can't figure out how to delete my records in php. my page displays all the records from the database, and i want to place a checkbox beside each record and the function delete. please help me. code is php code [code language="english"] <?php //Connect to MySQL Server mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, … ![]() | |
hi everyone i am new in php and i want to serch the specific words on text file using pregmach . i have try the patterns of the pregmatch() but it seems like i dont doit right. can someone look into my code and help me out with this problem. … | |
How can i make a chat server with all the facility using php?:( | |
[code]if($region==region){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM places"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo "zone: ".$row['zone']."; }[/code] | |
this page opens in a pop up where it fetches an image from the Database ...everything works perfect except for passing the id part.. i'm tired of trying and i kept 5 days googling but could not solve it !! any help would be appreciated .. here's the line that … | |
hi all; [QUOTE]I apreciate all the replies i had been read, but seems i got problem in sending an email, well this is my problem. I could not display the proper format after i send the email. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Im looking into this kind of format after i send the email. … ![]() | |
Hello, I have a virtual pet website that has a soup kitchen which should only open at certain times during the day! However, I want to be able to add more timings to the kitchen opening hours but for some reason the script doesnt execute the IF statement and therefore … | |
Hi, I was wondering if someone could look over my coding? x3 I'm really, really new to PHP (just learning, in fact) and a friend gave me this sample code, but it doesn't seem to work... could someone please help? Thank you so much. <3 Here is the full code: … | |
Hi, Code below sends values to the test1.php with button. Is there any way to use <a> link to do same thing? Thanks [code] <form method="post" name="form"> <input type="text" name="name" /> <input type="submit" name="submit1" value="submit1" onclick="javascript: form.action='test1.php';" /> </form> [/code] ![]() | |
Hi, I am trying to create a script which checks the "users_theme" table and finds all the user_id's which exist in this table and not the "users" table. Once I have those id's, I want to run a foreach loop to delete all rows with that user id from the … ![]() | |
Hi All, I am new to PHP, i have installed WAMP but have no idea how to work on it. Can someone please guide me or provide some link how should i start? Thanks in advance | |
Hi all, I want to use advanced search with dropdown box which has all the products on my site written with php, but i want to give the user the facility to choose the product by alphabetical order, choose letter A give him all produts starts with "A" and so … | |
I have this script working and now i just need the alert to pop up when the field is in PHP. But when i put it in echo"" the onBlur event wont work. [CODE] function validate() { var valStreet = new RegExp("[pP]{1}[.]*[oO]{1}[.]*[ ]*[bB]{1}[oO]{1}[xX]{1}"); //Anything with "PO BOX" alerted if (form.Street.value.match(valStreet) … ![]() | |
hi all; I create a php classes to insert my data into database, but it doest work, please help me with this. here is my whole code. [CODE]<?php require_once('connect.php'); class email { var $mail_id; // hotel id in emailRecord Auto_increment. var $name; // hotel name in emailRecord. var $email; // … | |
Hi there. I need assistance with, I guess, a PHP date function. There is a way I can figure this, but its really not reliable and I guess it won't even work. So all you guru's, here is what I need to achieve; I am just writing a simple reservation … ![]() | |
I'm new to php and I'm having some trouble with a code error. Can anyone help? I get this error: "Error in my_thread_global_end(): 1 threads didn't exit PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in exception.php on line 130" This is the code: [CODE] echo "<html> … | |
Dear Viewers, I need your suggestion in choosing my job profile further. Currently i work as web designer with 2+ years of experience. I am in the process of learning xhtml, css and keen to explore the technical part of designing. I feel i could learn php also, as i … | |
I have a method that requires two variables to pass through it but for some reason the second one doesn't. I've tried tons of stuff but nothing seems to work. [code=php] function get_area_number($area, $company='daniweb'){ echo '>> '.$company; } [/code] Thats the method, nothing is displayed for the [i]$company echo[/i] unless … ![]() | |
Please help me fix this error - THANKS!!!! Website: [url]www.trumpcardmarketing.com[/url] PHP Form Mail Error is as followed: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '@' in /home/content/r/m/c/rmcrorie/html/trump/PHPformmailer.php on line 21 PHP line in question is as followed: @mail($pfw_email_to, $pfw_subject ,$pfw_message ,$pfw_header ) ; PHP Code is as followed: [code]<?php // Receiving variables … |
The End.