39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for god_1896

hi all; i have found a code that would generate a time and date, this works fine, my main goal is i want to change the date and time format. here is the code that i found, [CODE]mysql_query("INSERT INTO mailrecord set date=CURDATE(), time=CURTIME()");[/CODE] this format will output [CODE]CURTIME() : 14:13:32 …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for webkrios

Hi, I have created a form and have successfully sent it to my email address. However, not all of the "message" comes through in the email. The only part of the message that comes through is the "contact" part. Can you please help?? I thank you very much in advance! …

Member Avatar for god_1896

hi all; i have a code that would send in two person, after submmited the form, only one person recieve the email here is my code; [code=php] <?php $name = $_POST['name']; $sender = $_POST['e-mail']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $email = $_POST['email']; $sendTo = $email; $return_to …

Member Avatar for saikishore
Member Avatar for heni_pro

i'm doing php project on e-voting and i've a data goes from voters in the databse can u help me to give me the php code that counts the votes in voting seesion and display the result..plzzzzz

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for theimben

is there a way for me to echo the whole database so it will display all the information held within the database?

Member Avatar for Demiloy
Member Avatar for samlabs821

Hello progers There is a big question in my mind I know that now PHP is popular but JSP is also known . . . so can you answer which language will be popular in future

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for banrock
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I am trying to make the code below work so that when a member visits his/her own profile they can see the $bank_balance along with all the other details. However, when the member goes and visits someone elses profile I dont want them to be able to see the …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to send authenticated mail in php. i know smtp and phpmail classes. Is there anyone to help me? I have followed scripts on net but, i couldn't send an email. Anyone with working solution? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I can't send authenticated email from phpmailer. Code and error are shown below. If SMTPAuth is false then mail goes only to my mail. Everyting under C:\wamp\www\phpMailer. I didn't do any changes in "class.phpmailer.php" file. Thanks Error: "Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host." Code: [code] …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Rakesh Nagekar

hello friends, Good Morning , i require code for saving path of file in database can any one provide me. Thank u Rakesh Nagekar

Member Avatar for Demiloy
Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I'm fairly new to PHP, so let me explain what I'm trying to do. I'm using a CSV file as my data source, which isn't a problem, I can read/write fine. I'm using this code to create a table from the CSV file: [code] …

Member Avatar for mindfrost82
Member Avatar for AliHurworth

Hi all, Where am I going wrong here? I'm getting a syntax error... [QUOTE]Database ERROR1: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1[/QUOTE] [code=php] <?php require_once('Connections/connect.php'); # this is …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for skinbug

Hi, I've looked at various tutorials/forums at this but I still can't get my head around it... The senario is a html form processed by php, where the user has the option to check some boxes. Once the user has submitted the form, the admin wants to be able to …

Member Avatar for skinbug
Member Avatar for rezvi

hello everyone, I am having a problem with populating second a drop down list depending on selected value of first drop down list. I have been searching the net for the last couple of days i found php with mysql and but couldn't find anything for oracle + php. in …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for skinbug

Hi all, when inserting values stored in an array to MySQL database, where do the values go? I have a form with 5 checkboxes that may or may not be checked, their names all being an array. Question: how do I write the sql file? assuming the names are nature[] …

Member Avatar for praveen_dusari
Member Avatar for Q8iEnG

Hi all my friends :) I hope you're all doing great :) I need a small help from you, and I hope you'll not let me down *shy* I have a script that it shows all images in the directory of my site under the folder (Albums) for (.jpg) only! …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me as I am trying to add all the rows of a particular field in a MySQL table using PHP. I have a table named members2 which has a field named points! What I want to be able to do is display …

Member Avatar for justted
Member Avatar for AliHurworth

Hi all, I'm struggling to write an SQL query. I'd like to search a database for either a person or an organisation. I have an HTML form on a homepage, and this returns two values: [LIST] [*]a search term [*]a search type, either 'person' or 'organisation' [/LIST] code: [code=php] <form …

Member Avatar for AliHurworth
Member Avatar for andrew13d

hello people. I am extremely new to web design, I have read html quite alot I need yo help however to design a database for an inventory that is accessible over the internet. Can I use MS Excel or Access for the inventory database? Which scripting language of php and …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi, i written a code for sending html maIL.MAIL FUNCTION IS WORKING BUT THE MAIL I AM GETTING I HAVE DISPLAYED BELOW.please do tell me how to send html mail [ICODE] $headers = "From: [email]cggroup@car.com[/email]"; $toa = "lydia@gmail.com"; $subject1 = "An Agreement has been signed for your Job Order"; $body2="<html><head></head><body>"; …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I need to send email with authentication. I have downloaded class.smtp.php and class.phpmailer.php files. I have tried to send an email but, i thing i miss something. Therefore, i cant send it. Can anyone help me to do this? Thanks guys 1-What settings do i need to do in …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for goodwin69

ok well here is the deal , currently started a webhosting company , been going 3 months now , as i have only been selling from msn and irc , im looking to expand , so what i am in need of is a fully working php site with site …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for god_1896

hi all; I have code that proform the dropdown list of the country. then after submmitted, it show the ouput, but the country i select from my drop down list, did not display. here is my whole code of drop down list. [CODE]<?php echo '<input name="country" type="hidden" id="country" size="30" maxlength="75">'; …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for blood08

I am trying to make my script install a config file with the right settings so the it can be used by anyone. Here is the file that will create the config file: [CODE=language] <?php $dbhost = $_POST["dbhost"]; $dbuser = $_POST["dbuser"]; $dbpass = $_POST["dbpass"]; $dbname = $_POST["dbname"]; $location = $_POST["location"]; …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for davewylie

Hi, I have a routine which reads a file using type='file'. I would like to be able to update the file and save it in the same location it came from, which would be in the C:\ directory. However, I cannot see how to get hold of the path associated …

Member Avatar for davewylie
Member Avatar for ishlux

Hi all, this is for trash, i am facing some problem, here if the user deletes inbox items or sent items it should come and sit in trash. here i am able select the flag='1' i mean deleted items but i want display them. which ever is deleted either from …

Member Avatar for theimben

I have the code below but how do I submit the form to a table? [CODE=php]<?php ////////////////////////////////////////// //// MySQL Database Connection /////////// ////////////////////////////////////////// $host = "localhost"; $user = "theflick_divx"; $db_name= "theflick_divx"; $pass= "password"; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); //DivX Table echo "<form id=\"divx\" name=\"divxsubmit\" …

Member Avatar for theimben
Member Avatar for nate660

[code=php]<?php //URL to file. $data1 = ''; $data2 = file($data1); foreach($data2 as $key => $value) { $data2[$key] = substr($data2[$key],stripos($data2[$key],"=")+1); $data2[$key] = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),"",$data2[$key]); } //Your base image. $gd = imagecreatefromjpeg("online.jpg"); //some colors.. $white = imagecolorallocate($gd, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($gd, 1, 1, 1); $green = imagecolorallocate($gd, 0, 0, 255); $red …

Member Avatar for nil_gh_80
Member Avatar for sarithak

hi frnds.. i need to code for creating navigation(for rootmap).. it includes direction(x,y)..after zoomin,zoomout map..,location image... plz send me aeap..its urgent...else give me any idea ,,how to create.. Thanks in advance..


The End.