39,387 Topics

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Member Avatar for yasmena

i need to know how to get the selected value from a drop down box in php for example : while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo"<option value='category'>".$row["cat_name"]."</option>"; } i want in another page to get the selected value and perform some operation on it

Member Avatar for ramseswar
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, i use php mailler to send email but i don't know how to add <br> or <p> breaks into message that comes from other page with $_POST. I need it because message appears in email as an one long line. [code] $mail->Body = $_POST['message']; //Not fine $mail->Body = "Hi,<br>How …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for l00pylou

Hello all - I have created an online form that sends results via email on submit, however, I have 4 checkboxes and their values are coming through as NO no matter what is entered this is the PHP code if ($box1 == "on"){ $box1= "Yes"; }else{ $box1 = "No"; } …

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Member Avatar for enim213

can anyone give me a hand.. any idea how to do the following requirements.. i can't start please help.. i have two tables to compare.. it has so called rates.. its buying rate and selling rate(diff table), before i update new buyingrate.. it has to check selling rate (must be …

Member Avatar for enim213
Member Avatar for Michaelmyers

Hi, I am kinda new at PHP, but I have had nearly 1 year of learning. I'm making a Mmorpg text based game, I.E. bloody nation,lost power, I have made the home.PHP(login),login.PHP(Database script),register.PHP,Reg.PHP(Database script),Terms.PHP,Welcome.PHP,Member.PHP and loads more. I am now starting the stats database for the user e.g. Strength,Charm,intelligent and …

Member Avatar for fdh2000
Member Avatar for nagas

hello please send code for autoreply of email in contact form my contact form is : <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Welcome </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <SCRIPT>//global variable for error flag var errfound = false; //function to validate by length function …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for derekcpt

Guess this is javascript. Similar as in excel, (I have seen this before), lets say I have 3 fields in a form. Now when entering a numeric value in field 1, and lets say field 2 has the value of 5, then the value of field 1 times field 2 …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for midget

I've been trying to figure this out for months so if someone could tell me how stupid I am that would be great... The first php.ini file works for sharing sessions from domain to subdomain no prob... with the simple inclusion of session.cookie_domain = "mydomain.com" I've tried them both with …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for derekcpt

WHO CAN CRACK THIS ONE FOR ME. I have never figured out how to do this. About 2 or 3 years ago, I tried varios methonds which I found on the net. When adding data to a mysql database, I'l like the text to be the way, including the line …

Member Avatar for antwan1986
Member Avatar for justinmyoung

I've tried to post on a few other forums for information on how to write a very simple search script that will allow multiple search options to search a mysql database. I have a script written that searches by a users last name, but I want to also offer the …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi. Thanks for looking. I am setting up a dedicated server for the first time to host a site and I have the FTP accounts set up, the PHP and MySQL packages installed. MySQL administrator GUI tool installed but I cannot get phpMyAdmin to work. I have unzipped it and …

Member Avatar for rickya100
Member Avatar for TechExpressInc

I have a PHP page and I want to indent text is there a way?? I have put the spacer.gif for somelines. But if I put the spacer.gif where I ask for input it comes up miss-algin? <tr><td><p>Tribute Information</p></td></tr> <tr><td><img src=Images/spacer.gif width=35>To someone special:</td></tr> <tr><td valign=middle><p>Name: </p></td><td colspan=5 valign=middle height=30><p><input …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for god_1896

hi all; i was creating a function to tell the php to set into Utf-8, but i got a problem wiht it. Im looking for a good resource of code that tell the php to set only a Utf-8, here is sample code. if (!mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8")) die("Cannot set encoding to UTF-8 …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for blood08

How would you make PHP search a website for a certain word and then return a true or false? Is there a function built into php already?

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for god_1896

[QUOTE]hi all; suposed to be this question has been solve, perhaps sory if i need to ask again. I found a code of send and email using with php classes; but there is something wrong with it. here is the whole code. [/QUOTE] [ICODE]class request { var $email; var $senderName; …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for snetts

I have a three part date ie the day, month, year and I want to place all this information into a column in my db table. This information is provided by the users as a POST. The problem is I don't know how to get the data from the three …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, index.php = [CODE]<?php include('1.php'); ?>[/CODE] when a search engine finds and indexes this page, will it read nothing or will it read the contents of 1.php too? Im guessing because its a server-side script the document will be merged and then sent to the search engine so it …

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for Shreyasi

Hi Geniuses, I need u r help again... I want to creat a confermation alert. this is my .js code function show_confirm(){ var c=confirm("Are you sure to do this"); } and this is my html code <input name="confirm" type="button" id="confirm" value="Show" tabindex="1" onclick="javascript:show_confirm()"/> Now my question is how I change …

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Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I have designed a website that has some things for only registered users. I have javascript to hide these object if the user is not logged in using <body onload="a();">. But the problem is that when the page loads these items show up for a while and then hide …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for rezvi

Hi all, i m having a problem with inserting data in oracle db. When i use form action =(call self page) then data is inserting properly.But problem with when using form action=(Another_page).data is not insering into database.For ur kind infromation i m using oracle db and php for my application. …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for knarffrank
Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Shariqhere

Hey guys! Just wanna ask you a simple question. How do I use the value of variable #2? Let me explain. The company I use gives me 2 variable values that i can capture. SEARCHTEXT and PARTNERID So this is the link I use: [url]http://doubleyourctr.com/offer1.php?searchvalue=SEARCHTEXT?partnervalue=PARTNERID[/url] And this is the code …

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Member Avatar for atplerry

Hello ! I am a student of a university i and we are group into different categories in executing a project. The Template of the project was design by our lecturer and they want us to read , interprete and edit a website written in php and was givien to …

Member Avatar for newbiecoderguy
Member Avatar for servis

All Dears, I want to create images horizontal thumbnails view in 3 columns rather than vertical list view in 1 column. I have created vertical list view in 1 column, but now i am not understanding how to create thumbnails view in 3 columns php script. Please help in this …

Member Avatar for synking
Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson

Hi, guys. I've got a simple registration form that is submitting new user's contact information into a MySQL database. However, now when the form is submitted, I need the data to be sent in an email to the site's admin. Anybody know a good resource for this? Thanks! Tom Tolleson

Member Avatar for Tom Tolleson
Member Avatar for cosby

hi everyone can anyone help me with the php pattern that search the following string and get relevent pattern. "2004_8.rtf" (November) S v Mimi(000/00) [2004] NAME 8; "2005_9.rtf" (November) S v Mimi(000/01) [2005] NAME 9; i want the regular expression patterns that match this : [2005] NAME 9 ; or …

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Member Avatar for zappan
Member Avatar for skinbug

Hi, I have a series of checkboxes that may or may not be checked. This means that when none of them are checked, the implode function has nothing to implode so returns an error...I think that's why I get the error. The form is processed and I was wandering if …

Member Avatar for skinbug
Member Avatar for jynx_o7

I'm going to build a tutorial website.. this is the link that im going to build on my website.. HOME Can you please give me an idea of what will i write on my home page?.. SERVICES TUTORIAL CONTACT any suggestion on the said link?.. Thanks!

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Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hi, I have a single page website. It contains only a form to signup.. and I want to make it secure. I have self signed certificate to test. My admin has setup a self signed certificate. But I don't know how to access it. I want to impliment it in …

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The End.